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<br />~E3RTGAC,E <br />9AQRI'GAGE foniv tin:.-- L - -.- -. 23~;7T3 <br />xiv~rAC~.i~~•kar~ffs~~gs~xrs:TStax grace. G. ~ii~eeler and Sheila- M. ~heeTer, each ~n <br />his and her own right and as spouse of each other, <br />__ Sixty Thousand and NOLlO4---------- ~6rtgagn`'wh`xh`r°n`°rx[rme;inc~ti~deisci°"_°FtBe~[nnr <br />--°-----------------°------°_------°°-- c~f~u.aas <br />ttztved to raid mortgagor by The pqui±ab~ Bui#rkssg and Lunn Asao.^iaiinn of Grand Iatand, Prkebraska., Mtartgagee, ttptsn' ~~ - - ' mares oPsta~ of <br />said ASSOCiATtON, Ceriifuate 4dv. L 23 , 713 , do herby gent, convey and vwdg~ veto tiw ~ [ATTplg the Evitwaring <br />dexsa~d real estate, sxuated in ttal: County. NehmsY.a: - <br />LOT EIGHT (8}, BLOCK T410 (2}, IN REPLAT OF RIVERSIDE. <br />ACRES, AN ADOITI(Ad TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL- <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. " <br />ts~gtther with aU the tene;rrents, hrnditameats artd appurtcnanxs theretmtu belonging, inctutting aruched ttuor wverings, aQ window ureetta, <br />wivduw shades, btirds, :farm windows, avmtcgs, heating, err ccnditiuning, seat ptnrsrbing and water dyuipmrnt and accesrvries thereto, puvq~, stnvea, <br />refrigerators, seal other fixtures *_nd rquiptnent trrw sir lucre#'Crr atta:a4ed [v or used sit arrtnacttrsn with :aid rent asrate_ <br />And wtreceas fM^, said rrmrtgagnr has agreed and dues hereby agree chat thr• mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asseastnen[a levied nr <br />asstsaed upur. said pros:rises and uptut thu morrgage and the Inmd v:cy~red Usernhyy before the. ume sttafi become delinqurn[: to ftun#sh approved <br />insuraa~ upon tht h[ri,d;ngt cn saxk prrmisex srtuated in the sum of S UO, QQO. U~ payahte to said ASSnC3ATtC5N and tv deliver to said <br />AS50CIATtfHV the pvlicits fns said iasuranca: and rx,r to a>mmrt sir permit any waste nn sir shunt said premises: <br />:n of defaukt y. '.~ pe;fcrr; of env =,f t3-~ tarts sad cundir_,un~ ai tree: uxrrtgagc sir the lx nd sewrud herby, tht ttsnrtgagee shalll, <br />sin drutartd. ta: rntttkd lu ittsr~daxe pus,e5tia)n e,} tht nts,rtgaard Qrer~tt~•s at~>t !h•• «~rtg~r !„-may aa,;nns, ~~t-airzrs a[nk scr~ ut~; to the <br />ri°.urtre aft tree ants, rtvtnuts and tnca>rrtt to hr derived frvns she rtwzrtgtstrd aretnixs during strekt [one as the mortgage indebted[tas :!talk rersraiet <br />unp<dd; and tfre rr3urtgager wit base the pvwa tv a•,gr.;ini am :~cnt or agcet5 may deRre fnr ttte pur;Yrz sit repavirq; „aut pretv~rs sad txniittg <br />the aaxne and cukkcting tFte ants<ttvrnuas and uruurse, and ii nny pay out Ott snx? uu~vnx eel cxtzrrses of rrpaartn- said pmrnCsa an9 ; <br />~~ ,and xpen;zs ineurrrxt to ~entzn~ a-~2 eu~g•~, t~ ~ .e a.d - auk~t:t-erg •rre`w! ,htrtfnrm; the fra#aucc rcma:ning, d arty, tv Ise <br />a; i ~,k •ar [ to 1 a z~` r:~;:[~ ,..c..:c =..; .t; ,._>< ;g,a. ., zr~ .-:rc ~„°^~ maY ce axer:ssrtd at aaY ttaw durute t,tr rs~tearr nF s _t, <br />LR.~-. ...~ ..~. ... T ~ittrn wiY _a #ifc ~axxti. <br />t'tkCY• t>iiYCRL2 elu. ['...,3.a....a _ <br />men{~ -, - ~ r <br />key 7.'ay inont [ . sr d Asti rt`k l~ tt F+ t Et P.. is d t t6 'i rrtd ~r + ht ebv , s r r d u -at 1 xard t rz t tw .see <br />t~ Tom'-ntt2cri any ,.i _e~+a airu iarv Txn{~, i......~,rS :ire 4a lul4 psi t p'_ Y' die S~t~ af.~a`_^.~ .t_ TvtCd a~..,ri.t d'~ pi.,ntises anu .,r.. atria ,~{' cretga~e <br />acrd lhr Hvnd seaurrd thereby, 6r fore dchn<;urrtcy: fur tnskt apprvrcd rrauxancr upon the hu:kduigs thtstvit sit t}tc sum ul fi 6O, OOD • OD payahte <br />to sank ASS(k;lATk{SN, repay to sand ASSi)t:l A"r1tiN upon demm~d ail nnrrwy 6Y .r kzrui fin .uch taxes, assrsatnents and utxUra[~ ~e with mtarrst at <br />the ttldxitnunl kgat rate tfce--resin from date of pagrtarYn akl u7 a~ktrch Siuay_tagur hare6v agrees Uz pay;~rmii rxr waste sin vazd prrmisx~; keep and azrnpty <br />with aft the agrcevtcros and c,nedrtxsns tzt ~~ HunB for $ 6~,QaQ=~O i~$a day ~veu hr- tt:e wed Ykvrtyagur to snd ASS(R:fATlCtN, and uamply <br />wtth all the requuernrris of the Cvnstuutiun stale CSy-Laws at seed ASSCR'I,~111)N; then !hex presents .€},,~, t~ccserw nerlk acrd svyd, uihtrwrs*a they <br />shall mrna'tr+ m full force and ntap W: Furccluscd at the oprturr of the surd ASSt]CIAI70N skier tiri#u[a fur theca nurruhs to make any of sand <br />payrnenta or be 41u w rrunuha sit arrears w making sau nurn#hty payments, sir to lei p and uatapty wztkr flex a>orettrxnts :aril cued#tr~ny of rant !fond: <br />sail hinrtgagn agaees to Etavr s racervrt appumtrd fvnbwrth ;n such forcchrsute urur;ecdznes. <br />tC three a any chaagte its uwrerrshtp of the rra# estate rtr*rtgagGd lsrrriq by stilt sir uU~rw[st, then the enher eenrxtnmtg indebtedness hecehy <br />sertu'td shall, al the i,ptinn of "ft,a }'sjuitahR HuiMirzg and Luan Aswciatzun of t:rartd Island, Nebraska, btv,unw imnxadiataty due and ImYabk without <br />ftuthrr ttutsw:c, acrd flex a....,z:st rar[saairog dace °n:ka .~,si bested, anrf any uikrtr &,nd fu[ any aciriitivttaf advarrcros ensile therawider, shall, fivm flew <br />date of axrrciae at raid uptigrt, kwa[ inters[ at the maxurrmtt kgat rata, and Qtls rnustgagr ^wy rhea u`-c fvreckusrd ro satisfy Ute attzumtt due sin said <br />br'uut, sad aq' uttser band Cot sddr[kuud adranzas, tt'~ggether wttkt ark soots paid by satd l'iw k:quttabie buikdmg and Lunn Asarzciatazn ul' i;rartd ksland, <br />Nebraska fur insatartee. tat4s_ and w~xsussuts~ atsf abtarxetrrrg extenstuu ckaargea, wii5 nit~~t L~re,tin, teem tiate :rt {tayntrtat s. Ute rnasrnrrn <br />legal rak`. <br />Aa lrtuvided in the Clvtut secturd hereby, w6i'x tears rstust~te ttntarns m efieit Usa rnurtgattcn rrmy htrtattet advance addrtzonai suuw to Ufa <br />mvkrrs td said 13und, ttwlr assigns nr succasx is in utteetst, whrch xutn:, shat br wtthtn the security nt this rtxutgagc Uia sanw as the Funds origirtalfy <br />a+t~.utsu3 itwrehyj thi` total atrwwtt td prhrrkpal debt ncu to exr•sed ae any trt% the u[iyru! amount ui" ttna muts;5age. <br />-:,-;~ =' ~`:.'"°~,°,` - u;x-ails -z- _ . vv <br />~'_ <br />~ ~'~y .~1 ~.______..._--_.. <br />$'l~A7'EC,kftNk$$_~4t~A,~ ss. t}nthis 7th .~ i ~Ufke <br />t;iy€kN'F'r 6i' txALL ~ Y " J.- ~~ , .~i:rra rtre, <br />gruCe G, Wheeler and Shei ~a ~. Wheeler, Utc undervguvyk, ;! Notasi Yut>krc m and tar v!d ~uwtty, kKtwttaity ume <br />C:aCI'k in his and her Cl,.ri, ht and d5 Spouse of each Ottler, wh.r are tnrra•sfakly known zu <br />~ ._ ,'~<. <br />m¢ tt, htz akxz id;n$te-ai ts`.~;"~ w, ..~ _ ~ <br />~ _ "t=tkC}. ~~p 5 af'£ a;Ettatd ir.. the elan matrn,resri ax mr.•agag~ur $ grad t~1t3y severally <br />iLkRrsrr6L'ti~Y! fikkC sx~.t is,n„m-r;tR t,< 3[p. ~~-prQ;4~'z vrsiurta7r at=E at>rt der.! <br />Fi31'x ~;h f 4rt '}'n.'s'imaf,?:-,a=sk. f <br />C3vi~r,. .fir t°_~' _ ~ ~F ;' / c <br />t0'ra eta er '~. -. r- , e.- - ~ •:tVUtnry ('ublk.',. <br />