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MOR'PGAGE - _. <br />MORTGAGfifAATI-ND. L <br />tQiOWALLMENl3YTF7FSEl?R(:SE.N'IS:7'hat Carolina. A. Hanfelt, an unmarried woman- - - -._. - <br />Mot(p)9ar, whether rrae su i;mm, is coo~iltradr3a ~ tl~ z~m of <br />Ten Thousand Dollars and No/1D0--------------------------------------------------- ~1r.r~ <br />lmtsed to avd rmrtg3grr by The Equitable ihu7diag sod Loan Asaociat~ of Grand lalartd, Ncbrsalta, Mortgages.-upon t-D - mat stork of <br />ss~ ASSOCIATION, Ce:rifratt No. L , do hereby grant, convey and ttrortgasr. wain Hce said' ASSOC[A'PIOP thtfo6uadrg <br />described real estate, attuned ti Half County, !'teirraska: - -.., - <br />L07 TWENTY-SEVEN (27j, GF THE WEST SIDE OF THE. EAST <br />PC.^.TIDN OF KUESTER LAKE, R.F.D. #3, OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />NEBRASKA, AND BEING SITUATED ON A PART OF THE EAST <br />HALF (E~j SQUTHWEST QUARTER (SW$} OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP <br />ll NORTH, RANGE 9, WEST OF THE 6TH. P.M., IN HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA <br />togetMr with atl the tencmenis, irere+iitarrnnts and appurtcnamxs therrunta belonging, including attached tfarr rroverirtgs, all window screens, <br />window shades, Minds. smrm wioduws, awnix~, Mating, air cvrali[srning,ard pkwnbing and water equipment amt arcesrmria thereto, pumps,rtaves, <br />rc(rigeratrxs, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter a[tbY.kted ro nr rased >rt eoanectwn with said teak estate. <br />And wMreas the said mortgagor has agreed and dues Mmby agree that rite rxwrtgagar shat? and wild pay alt taxes and aaaesanenta ievv:d or <br />aasz;aed upon cast prertiises grid span thir, uwcteage an,4 the txmd sc vred ttxrebv txfnre the same shah txcorrte detinyt~nt; In (tirrrisir approved <br />innuance upon tM bailditrgs on said premises situa[asi is the sum of S ~ D,DDD, GG payable to said ASSOC'IAT'ION and to derive; to said <br />ASSIX'IATION the policies for said vtsuran x', and rx?t [a asmmit ox prnnit any waste an ur shout sun! pretnisex, <br />In case of default rn the perfnrmsrtcc of any of d:e teems and a?rtdittans of ih=s nvarisaae ::: rku band set-wed txrehY, the trmrtesgtx skuLi, <br />nn demae,d, ter. ctrtitled is imrtreiliatc prrgrsswn rrt the nmxtgaged premises and rMt nwngagur hereby assrgns, transfers acrd sets over to the <br />nwrtgag,=e all the rents, revenuss ynd martrtc ter ht :icrtved Ixcrom the nurriga~d prenuses dwinR su+:h tinx ss the nwrtgags mdebtzdaesa shall rexrtaut <br />unpaid; and rite ^tartgagce shall have tare prxwxr to sppmnt anY agent or agrntz ;t nrav deuce lur tM purpose of repatrittg sank premises and renting <br />iris. sarrre and rxti're - S mots. mventtts anu n~ontr., next it nav t,sv out uF scan - -u- aSt r•xm w tat rcpsiring prcmi~s artd ncss>~ry <br />c-?mmt~inr~s acrd aperr~, iw:t>_r_d w ,tutu+ a~ :-~~ a-~ tt ~::ec :rt„ gat ,_3ts: e?~4x s;z .:sa §..,r--..,x. m;,;ahi~rq{, if any. to ht <br />ap cad r and ti's disc::arse :.f sa,:; .ma.~tg:~; kxieht vrxt.:,s. tt~ r;glns .;f k,tc ,,,t:tE gzr ., -_ ,z extrt_eR„ a. soy riots: dnrn,x the tRiafcntA of caste <br />default, irrespectivr of any temporary waiver of the sane. <br />'{recce Frca~ec rts, irrwr~e, nr ttpe~n ti,c is nndaxtn, 37vgt rt' tine wid Finngsgur chair rrpaY ea.d faun un ur hatore the rnatwrty of w;d shares Uy <br />p~'-pr~nt, ~ na,n krq - ~ -` i. X. t.LTif- - ~~ t„~. ~ru spur-lei`i~, - uz e,rtns~' -. xrcrrr - .:ss[ an;F ;rrtncipak un said tcun. on ur btiixre <br />the 1'wentiedt JaY f t1r - ml t_vcty rwnth. until cud bsar; 's Fully iwtnl~ t+ev all tazex , nd sxsvrr t t vxTt against card pmmrags and en this kdurtgag~p <br />and the 8und secured thcrelry, krtiorc dclrnyuency, lurorsh approved msurwr::e opera tkte ksixddangs ikutevn m the sum of S t D,DOD, DD payable <br />to said ASSIX'IA'TI(FK; repay to roof ASS(X.'IAT10N upon tkrmpnd ail nxunY by n gaol fur +udt taxes, asscavttrnts aral insurance wdh uttatat at <br />ter maximmn legal rate thtmrrn from date ut iraynnnt all ai whrci; .M,ongagut hereby agrees to pay:pcnnn nn waste on said promises; keep and comply <br />wuh all the agreetrrenrs and nmditwns of the Eiond for 5 ~ D,DDO. DOthxx day Barer, hr ;tx said Mortgagor io card A5.5t.><IAI'SUN. and wmply <br />wtth alt the reyuircmrnts u(tM tuns;rtutron aztd Hv-t;aws ul sa,d ASSCX'!Al'Ii)N. then ;brat prasenis shat! heeunx null zutd vord, utMrwtsc thrv <br />shall rentxin in foil force and may be tuxectosed at tt;e opt nu; r.l rhr card AS5tX~t \ fkt3N at to failure cur three nwnths to make any nl said <br />paysr,tmks or Eae duce rtxxrths w wrcaxs xn nwkwg rani nwuthiy pay oceans, or to seep a;rri asmply vrath the agrexntcnts and umdetwns aF sarxl flood, <br />and A4a,tgagar agrees to have a rec~e;vet appuutted (arthwah ur such k"u:ed+ra:rre prrx;eedangs. <br />I( ltsctt is any elxaoge m owr~rship ok the real estate r;uirtgagtd ttercrn, by ale ux u[terwssc, then the enitrt rcmawueg rrtdebtcdneo hereby <br />s~:t:tt-d «h>•!l. at ih+• ~~pt~rs uF The Equatablc Bv~~.Rno noel ta>an ?t~~ra.-xatwr: sx.+ t i:,r~ lr!-~xi. "!^br~.b<a.<sux a;,r,~diatety dt~- a.-.d p:y:l;a wii;,aui <br />(wihet nutirx, and IM axrtnuut retruueutK Sue rusdar sa.ul lxrrad, nerd soy other bar,J for axry addttrrrnsl advarrtxs rxmde ihertumtcr, staatl, (rum the <br />date of extresa: of saW apex>n, heu interesi at errs. maxunum kp( rate, ~rml this rtxxtga~e nary teach lx &xrrhrsed to satisfy tM ntxlRtgt due nn sus! <br />brmd, and any akhcr brntd for additarnat advances, trrgethet wdh ail sunxs pau4 by cask 'fhc r-eturtahk Lxuddurg and Gx+t Aassriatian of Grxod Island. <br />Nebraska fix ittawanre, taxes and assessrtsents, and aMtnctmg exiensimr clsar~ca, wuh tnternt titereun, tram date uF (ayrnant at rhr uauttmwn <br />legal tact, <br />_ Aa pnrvided in the &->trd secured hereby, whtk this tnractltapc rtmaxnx m effect the nr.vigagec utay Etereatisx advaa~ addfkwnal wma to the <br />nukes of anal IIonC, then aaugns of sw;ceaanrs in tutrrest, whatlt suns stmli tx wnhm the securdy of this t[xarigagc etas sates ss the (ands nr~irtalky <br />aacnreaf ihttnby, lht Weal attxsnttt n! prss;ip~ ~bt hat to ext~td ai anY tivrx the urtgtnal araxrfolt of this nwrtgage'- <br />-`~l7aled ibra ~f?Ltl Say of urine :i it . i'r 5'i? <br />r >± .~ ,r <br />i y <br />ara Ana an a -. <br />fi° <br />r~TA1Z'. O(' NEllfiA*.r-14,A, r ~ LNt thin sb~h day nF .iliTte ! v E3C; . hekom rrk. <br />CC)ZSNIY Of' IiAt.l. )[ <br />ikrG wrdasigsrtd, a Notary Putrtic m and far spat C:mmty, parsonatiy emcee <br />Catalina A, Hanfelt, an urrmarriQd woman <br />- - "'~ 1 S trcrsmatly kmrwtr to <br />leis to }ta the kxkrrts;al per'srrn ~ AAn52 ~'. ' i 5'~~- + anixeJ to Flte at+uve msirununt as nrurtgagw and S Ml @ xyx <br />tt.kurrwit<idtd the said inarturnent t+5idrt5. - t~@r vti4tttiar"~k-act and deed. <br />~lT'NE'SS ray basil ant} Ngtxsia! `3t_ al fete rpste arlgresaul ~ i ~, <br />illy t;crmmtssst» e}9t:cs~ ~ ~ -~~ ~ ~ ~ .~ k ~ r,r <br />Notary F'uhlic <br />wtaaYr xt .. . <br />