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<br /> � • • �, �LOAN lVO. 1 5 0 9? 1�2 1 3
<br /> � 1.Payment of PNnctpal,lnt�si ind Lat�Char�p�. Borra+��er sl�all pay wtx..:due the principal of,arxi Inis,•est on.
<br /> � tha debt evfdenced by tF►e Note and late char�es due under the Note.
<br /> 2.Monthty PaymaMs o!TNxt�, Irtst�nnce,�nd Oth�r Charpas. Barrowcr shaU inGude!n each monthly
<br /> paymcnt,tp�eiher wAh the princ�and Interost us sot forth In tha Nate and any tato charpas,a sum tar(a)taxes and
<br /> specla!�ssossments lovlod or to levled Apainst the Proaerty, (b)le�sehdd payments or pround ronts on tha
<br /> Proporty,and(c)premlums for insur�nca roquked under Paraqrt�ph 4.In any yoar inwnkh t1►e Lo�xier rnust pay t� �
<br /> mortaaQo Insurance premium to the Secretary of Houslnp and Urban Developme�it("Secretary"),ar in any year In whichpf
<br /> sik.hprernium would hava been�equi�ed ifi lender stUl hNd the Security Instrument,each monthly payment shall also i
<br />~ incfu�e etther: p)a sum for ttx�annual mortgage tj�suran�a prpmlum to be paki by Lender ta the Secratary,ar(il)a
<br /> : manthiy charge instead of a morigage insu�ance premium if this Securiry instrume�t�s held by the Secretary,i�a ••�
<br /> � raisw�bie amount to be datermfned by the Sece�etary. Except for the moMt�y charpe by the Secretary.these iiems Q
<br /> a are callad'Escrow Items"ar�tha sums paid to Leruiar ara called'Escrow Funds.' �
<br />- Le+�der may,at any tfine,cdlect and hold amounts far Esc►ow Iterns fn an aggregats amount not to exceed the
<br />. � maximurn amouni that may be r,equlrfld for Borrowe�'s escrow account under the Real Estate Settlement P�ocedures �
<br /> , Act ot 1974,12 U.S.C.9 2601 et seq.and ImpFamenting regulatbns.24 CFR Part 350Q,as they may be amandeci frc�m
<br /> time to tirne('RESPA"),except that the cushlon ar resenre permitted by RESPA for una�ticipated disbursement�c�
<br /> � � disbursaments befare tha Borrower's paymenis are avaAable f�the account may not be based ai amounts dua f4r ths
<br /> , rtwrtga�e insurance premtum.
<br /> If the�mot!nts hAkl hy Lender for Escrow Items excc�d the amounts perrnitted t0 be held by RESPA,LenciF�r shall
<br /> � deat wlth the excess fwxls as requlred by RESPA. If the amounts of funds held b��l.ender at any time are nat suKlr:tQnt
<br /> : to�ay the Escraw Items when due,l.ender may notfiy the Borrower and require Barrov�rsr to make up the shorta�e or
<br /> : i danciency as pe�mitted by RESPA.
<br /> ' The Escrow Funds are pledged as aciditbnal security for all sums secured by this Security D�strument. li Borrewer
<br /> tenders to Lender the full payment of aA such sums,Borrower's account shall be credited w�ih th�I�ilance remafning
<br /> for all Instapment items(a),(b),and(c)and any mortgage insurance premium fnstaliment that Le+Ktc�r has nai becortte
<br /> obligated to pay to the Secretary,anc!l,ender shall promptiy refund any excess funds tQ Bar�ewEr hnmediata��+��c�l�pr to
<br /> a foreclosure sate of the Propee�r er its ac�uisition by LerKler,Borraver's account shal.�Le cr�::-L�„!r�iLk auay k,�at�.rrce
<br /> f@lil�iiliilg fOr aIl�nSta{IIY18r1tS f0�7�CdT15(3�, (bl•�d(c).
<br />; 3.A�71iCatimc4 Ct Paymet�FS. A:f payme'�.�.'er P�t�gra�hS 1�trtd 2 ShaU be 3Fp:��u l�+nic:r�fra'StxACS:
<br /> �FR T to L°�e r�a�tgage ins:.r��pre�?��z t�be paici[sy L�ar to y J:Se�E'.�y or W the�a�a,.��.y ch���r the
<br /> i ����etary insiead of the m�-�'�y mo�tgags insurance I��i�;rn:
<br />� SEGONp,to any taxes,s�al as�essmer►is,leasehc�ti paymen4s or gros:nd r�;�a�d fire,flood ar�d odr�,u ha�r�i
<br /> iru�rance premiums,as�equmed;
<br /> THIRD,to inieresi due under the No;e:
<br /> ,� FQ,�,to amortization�the p�inct�!of the N�te;
<br /> F1FTH,to lato charges due�nder the Note.
<br /> 4.Fire,Flood snd Other WaiaM Instumce. 8arrcwer shall Insure all Impro��csma�ts an the PropertJ,whethc3r
<br /> now In ex�stence or subsequunUy erected,agalnst sny h�z�rds,casuattles,and caritlnQencies,Includln�flt�e,far whl4h
<br /> Lender requ.:n:,Insurance.Thls 9nsurance ahall be rt�aintained in the amounts and forthe perioda that Lend�tr requlres.
<br /> ' Bcxrower shall also Insure all Imp�ovementa cn the Property,whether now In existe�ce or subsequenby erected,
<br /> � apalnst loss by 8oads to the extent tequlred by the Secretary.Al!InsuranCe sheU be cart'ied wlth compaMes epproved
<br />.r by Lender.The(�surance polcles and any renewals shall be ttieid by I.qnder and shall t�x�ude loss payatble dauses In
<br /> Eavor d,gnd fn e form acceptable to,Lende�.
<br /> t' In the 6n►ent d loss,Borrower sheill ylve Lender Immedlate notiCe by mtN. L6rxi6r may ct�Ike pro0f Ot losa ff not
<br /> � mede prompMy by Bartower.Esch Insu►ance compeny concemed la hereby authorized and dtrected ta rtxtko PaY�+�
<br /> _-- fcir iuich kft�dlractly to Lanrlx;t�uttawii ef tn Borr�xwn�arxi to�wniar i�k�tly A!I nr wny n�K nf tl�n Ina�rnrv�w rvw�.airtw
<br /> � may bo�pptlad by Lsr�dsr,at ks optlori,elihsr(a)to ths reduqlan o!tF=a Iridabtedrtie�w�de�tha Nate arxl ttils Se�tsr3ty
<br /> Instrument,flrst to any deilnqueM amouMS appUed In the onier In Para�raph 3,a�d then to prepayrne�t at Qrir�clpal,or
<br />:�� (b)to the restoratlon or ropatr of the damaged�xoperty.My appllcatbn of the proceeds to the princlpal shall not
<br /> extend or postpone the due date ot the mc�thly paymenis wh�h are referred to In Paragraph 2,nf change the amount
<br /> of such paymerus.Any excess tnsurance proceeds aver an amount roqulred to pay all oWstandinp ir�btednasa wxfar
<br /> the tvae and tnls secur�y�nstrume�,c sF�vl be pald to tt�a eMny�egal►y entitlea tnereto.
<br />'� In the eve�t of toredosure of thfs Secu�ity Instnunent or other trartsfer of tide to the Prope�tyl that extingulahes the
<br /> � Indebtedness,all Nyht,tiUe and iriterest of Barower In and to Insurance pd�les in force shall pass to the urcha,er.
<br />.� 5•�P��%Y�Preswvatbn,A�fatntsn�nce and Protsction of tf�PropMty:BomowK's Losn Ap�iqtfon;
<br /> ��� l.�atahotd�. BoROwer shall occupy. establlsh.and use the Property as Burrower's princlpal resfde�ce wfthln sixty�ys
<br /> after tha execution of this Security InstrumeM and shall continue to occ�y t6�e Property as Borrower's princlpal
<br />� '; res�deace tor at IeeGSt one year after the date of occupancy,untess the Secretary determines thls requlrement wAi cause
<br />° � u�alsJe hardship for Borrower,a�uniess extenuatinp ctrceimstar�ces exist whtch at�beyond Borrower's controJ.Borrower
<br /> sha8 notify Lenders of any e�err.;ating c(rcumsta�ces.Bcxrower shall not coROmit wraste or dastroy.damaQe or
<br /> >� ; substantially change the Prope�ty or aitow the Property to deteriorate. reasonabte v�c�and toar excepted.Ler►der may
<br /> � ; inspect the Propetty If the Property Is vacant w abandoned or the loan is tn detauPt. Lender may take reasor�aWe action
<br />: �: to protect and piese�ve such vacant or abandoned Property.Borrower shall also be in defautt ff Barrower,durinfl the
<br /> loan applicatlon process,gave materially false or inaccurate Informatlon or stateme�rts to Le�der(or taited to provide
<br />` �- Lender with any material t�ormatbn) in connecNon wtth the loan evide�ced by the I�iote.IndudlnQ,but not Umited to,
<br />. p, representatbns concemtng Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a princfpal residence.If thls Security InstrumeM Is
<br /> - on a leasehold.Borrawer sha11 comply with the provlslons of the lease. If Borrower acqutres fee t�le to the Prope+ty,the
<br />,` �,, leasehold and fee title shall not be merged udess Lender agrees to the merger In w�iUng.
<br /> 6.Char��s to Borrowar and Protaction ot L�ndw's Rbhts In the PropeRy. Borrower shall pay a11 govemmenia!
<br /> or munlcipal charges,flnes and Impositlons that are not Inctuded In Paragraph 2.Borrawe�shaU pay these obllgatlons
<br /> on ttme directiy to the entity whtch Is owed the payment.If faAurs to payv►outd adverseiy affect Lender's interest tn the
<br /> P�operty. upon Lender's request Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender recelpts evldencing these{xayments.
<br /> - It B�rower faAs to make these paymenis ar the paymen4s requlrAd by Paragraph 2, or fa�ls to perform any ather
<br />._°� covenar�is arx3 agreeme��zs corj�aineai in this SeCUriiy ins4rument,or there is a iegal proceeding that may sigmficaruly
<br />, affect Le�der's rlghts in the Prapenyr(such as a proceeding In bankruptcy.for condemnatlon or to entorce laws or
<br /> 'j regutaibns),then Lender may do and pay whatever Is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's
<br />- �� rights in the Property,indudfng paymeni of taues,hazard lnsurance and oiher i:ems mentioned in Patagraph 2.
<br /> � Any amou�s distwrsed by Lende�underthts Paragraph shall become an addicEona!debt of Bwrower and be
<br />`: � secured by thts Security Instrument.These amounts shall bear interest trom the daie of dlsbursement,at the Note rate,
<br /> . �, and at the optlon of Lender,shall be Immediately due and payable.
<br />'• �> 7.Condemnst�on. The proceeds of any award or clalm tor damages,direct or oonsequentiai.trt connection wfth
<br /> '�� an condemnatior�or other takin of an of the Pro
<br /> y g y part perty,or for conveyance f�s place of car�demn�tion,are hereby
<br />' •S a�and shaf!be paid to t.ender to the extern of the f�il amount�f the indebiecFc�ss that re+�-�2ins unpai�cuider the
<br />: � l�c,ce anel thls Security frsstrumerrt.Lender shaN appty s:s�p•oceeds ta the reduc�cc�af the ir�H t�d�ss e�nder the
<br /> � � Note and thls�eee�rRy Iru�n�merst,flrst to arr,��eiinqt:2rrt amourts o��(i,ed in the cr�er Rroe�ed in Ra:agraph 3,and
<br /> �a then to prepayrr��a af prie�c+pal.?�ny app�(cst'r.•r.of the proceeds ta U�e prnclpal sE'.d not e�E,�sct or pos:pane ihe due :..
<br /> ,
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