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` i ~~.~ lllYE~iffFOC.7 Tt2USi' DEEll <br />THIS DEED OF TRLST, made and entered-into-this 24th. _ day of _ Jane - , ]9.80 <br />t by-and between Patzick J. O'Brien. a single ; Trustor, and GhicaQO Title Insurance. Campaav ,Trustee, <br />persca <br />sad Postal Savings- Company,. a Nebraska .Corporation, Beneficiary. <br />WITyESSETH: That the Trustor do by these presents grant, hargain and sell, convey and confirm with-Power of Sale. <br />unto the Trustee the following described Reat Estate includhtg alI buildings, improvements, and Fixtures of every kind now <br />or hereafter erected or glared an [he real estate, situated in Hall County; in the-State of Nebraska: <br />Lot Elevea`(11) of Amick Acres in a-part of Section Two (2y, Township Nine (4) North, Range <br />Nine (9) West of tfie 6tk P,M., HaI1 County, Nebraska. <br />and possession of said-premises now delivered unto said Trustee: <br />'I'O HARE-AND TO I]DLD ttre same, ~.c'ith at] rights, privileges. and aplxertenanees thereto belonging unto the 't`rustee, <br />his executors, administrators, assigns farever.:And ti[e "!'rnstorhereby expressly waives, releases, and relinquishes <br />unto the Tntstee all right, title, eiaim, interest. benefit, and estate whaterer, in and to the above-described premises and <br />.,each and every part thereof, i4°h;ch is given by or rzsuft froTn all law!; of Chu Slate oC i~:ebraska pertaining to the exemptiorr <br />of homestead. And the "fn[stor cam°enants with the Trustee that he w'il! forever warrant and defend the title to the same <br />against Ehe 1awild cta~ims of a!] persons whamsozver. <br />]N TRUST F]044`fiVER, i"ar tttc following des~~rihect purposzs Sw'flERG~S, the "fntsror did an this date zxecute a <br />promissory note evidencing a lean tier the principal amount ~~;' ~ ,__ _17,124.7i_. _. _.. _ ____ ____._..___ and interest <br />thereon according to the [ernts of [he t[g*.e: +aid note brine p;tyuble in eciual mtxnthly inctallmenu at the offee of the <br />benetieiary:and Ttnal payment fseingdtt: on - -- July 1st _ - _ -__-- 1990, <br />It is a~ur~d by anU .~z._~_~. r==r.,~ .i~rct;; ;h<,t nn*ti tii1,i_+ t 3.~[~~~ - ~ r~teauif, ir.e i ~nstar shall' : 1 } oav all nrrsett[ <br />and inture taxes and aa~ ,s~.rrnts, fr±~,~.~. .. ~~t=~~_-rl .. -;.~r;. ,~ epar[y~ he,.rti £'c sa,nt #secomes deiirqucnt ar <br />aE"tia~-file: {_` -_~.. a.i .m, ... ,..,, ..... .. .~.. ... „~.. ~,,., .4.3 ,.. -. ~ _ {{[- c., .a.3e.- -Ti i. [T ~' liy h-. e.,.x _..t} <br />:ec~;einst lo'~. h>< t~rr~ x!n~1 - t] =:-,1~.~ ~ __..-,!.t. F, -~ .., .......,. ... r.. _~ . . ~ .~r,c .,, nr<` ~2zse„ .celc <br />and may be required by benefie.iarq. and to k.. (' _ril t+nhaeti~ of ~u:h insurance m i'ar~e ear r•f feet upwt the pregierty herein <br />described constantly asstpr;rd and =lelitcrcd to benettt_ lr~. ± : t ; ay and .,.mply with all the terms and cundihons of env <br />lien. eiaim ar indeb[etlness that ue;~ty h.' ,ervor to ur take ;,rerr&rnce of tht ~hntst head as .aan as :my such payment rm or <br />of such lien, ~`]aun ar indehteancas ,hu11 became =iu:;,;lnd upon t.iiiui; el+ fluster [.. kezp any surd agrczmcnts, hGttrRresrV <br />[tray pay such tax pay' far ,uch tnsutancc cx her _~ff +u;l; Its:u -v -hLxnl^~ ~~r !ndehtsdness as the Case may hc. and the <br />money su expended with tnirrc~Ft u[ 1 ~?' % leer annum st:al! h<<.erurr~i be thl~ lnrst Died, and the "{'rustnr agrees to a:yay t11c <br />same upon demar=d, and upon iallare~ to dr. K= =.he i=.:i.ence ,rf the aua.hed m5t, ,h8h brctetne tmmc~diately due and payable <br />at the option- of tttt bettrtictary: t-`.3 slse~itical]y roofer open thz httrstee the power ai sale as proeided in M1ebRtska law; <br />t,f?) fetaitt po3SessieTrt of the t*lett7i9es-unc(culk+it the rcnts:;nd rc°vrnsicr, therttrnm. <br />l,]pon ptiy[itrnt e~i sell the -urtt. ic~iure~J Fy~ tbn C rutit ihn°zl. tin, i';cm:t~~,ary .h;th ru~,utr+t th~~ hrrt+tei to mmrTVCy the <br />ptrxperty and shat] ,urrcttcis°r this Int+t Deerti and au ~ .£_, rE~uvrrx: -udeht,•ti~a:~ ,,enTred 1-p thrs -Crust 1)eefl to the <br />T['ustet-. `!'tustr~ 4hs13 ree.oncey the ~rr~=-rty w[tia~,ut .~na~ay ic, lh~ 1-Ea~,a,,, =rr t+~~r,+ws IrK,tpY rnE~tltd thrrcte~; but tf <br />default be made in t3te ~r;~,=ntcra =,i >a,d x:~~t- :r ny :-tirt t-r:~r<1 I ~r an4 z.i i+ interest thcrcun when due nr u[ this ta~[hful <br />performanee of any as either ~?t >.atl :[grerntrllt. as .etnr~r>,alel, theu the whole eel Gaut note shall bz'carne due and he !said as <br />h=_~tetrt t te: +rns t] { ,_ [ ...1=_ s. ,. ' <br />[`- ~ - - - - --. ., -. „_ . ,..,.., --. ,. , ...t ~,~~f ~-ta.«c.z~ t:~ ell int` £~rtrpt--rty t#t <br />i[5 entirety ur ter parf'el' tlsi erptee, ~ rst.~tns «uKtzs tt.r_int~_t-r_ des,.~r~ eri ~tt uuhiir auctukn_ to the htihe+t l~iddi?r, lnr <br />cash. Howeo~er, flee {saa.x:t =zfi sai~- ;iereuT ~ttnterred uf:orl tier art t ~_ ~E.alt r .[ hr ~'srr<<srd fatal i I r dte truster sI[;tl( first <br />file for retfxd, in the e tfiir t,f the re~+FStzr of ±iezfls is3 each a-7+~_ ~s~hcr~~n+ th. €,l*t ;H~~{rrt .~ r~r .t nYtC"[t3'ft t:r t=arcs! <br />dhe-real is situatt~t4, a ;tottie :zt t;et;;u}t, ,clrtt[iftnsg 1€it t ta~ie=~ hi -tahna the =,a,n,rs e,{ the tntstE~r and names [herein and <br />givhtg the btwk and page v.hrre the serfs is reteFreiz`ei, ;r dex~ltp~n~^ n~ the uu~=t ~`rt~t,erty, .utd re~rtl:unnlK a st;ticnu~nt that <br />3 hr,<;n tt fit an ra1.~]iisatxan f~,r .vhtt.i: rhe, trust plaprrty xa, re~ety =a,~;_i _~, ,ce urpt ;: '[ce, o:.iurreJ and tirttn[g Ioith ihr nahur <br />of seteh breach sad a his ele: ir~rt to >e~it or ~auu: to ht^ ~e>id ~ . : protntrt} t~, +.ih~,t1~ the u[=iiyatiuu. and t~ } alter the iep,e <br />of nitt less Chun one month. the util+tr~9 ,Bali ~tvc' oou • t,f .>1~ ~_ ,,,ui~a t.4 Nehrt~•Aa Iaev~- =lfter notice rri elrtault :rnel <br />19pse of flirt lets khatT cme ntcentll, Ihr £nr,tce Shall arse 4tinitan ne~t~cr of thf- toner _rnl tr},ie nl ,ale t>arU.ularlp ~fe,errbtng~ <br />thc~ lyraperty tea ;,t ,old 4=}~ µat~ite.etlan vt anh nnhce, ,t !e+sr fivl~ trnnr~ ~u~,r 1 „crk tut licti rarurruuee week.+, t!m lutit <br />pubiita,itsn lea he at Ie,1St It] daft iau! ^eet mare than (t ,i r., ixe,,,r t _r 1 ->._. sir ±~+u~r aer'wnpaprr havue~ .+ ~rneral <br />¢"trbt~dstian m each s.ount} m i•.hi "n dr ~ tu~rr~erty to aFl~l, -,. ,e~rer.~ ,; t ri-~._.~' _ _itt.WGUtI_ 1~,+.ort atttl[ ~;=1e, tot t...stee~ <br />',hall cae+:ute' att~l etekrt r ~_ 1e-a -i .- ~, t.~_ .~r '3. ;-i..~p,. r .. ,a. , :_ >,~ „rs.,~, .,r --~tt-. na",=~r, [ltCre~rl sad any. <br />stafenlent t?r trt nil a~f tea. ~s .,,~a tl :..., ~n ielat~=_>tt ? tl.• ~ --~t _ . tt„ - --. ~- ..~, ,-,~_ ,'tt•: - !~_ -,:?'t~,~ <br />z e ; i -.. ,,,. <br />