,,~ ,,; ~-~, ;R3'~~iE?~-
<br />Tnis Mortgage is entenad"utto between DrtarlE7 D s~xn end ,j~~, y i~C fitpnn
<br />ir.harrd arrrri lu=te (hem `cn`artx3'gor"land
<br />The Overland Kati rg't31 'rank ~ ~a?tnd" l~b~trd {Sierein "I~crtgage='"i.
<br />i44ortgttgor is indehta_d to Mortgagee ln~the prinrSpal sumof ~-,$, StSC) t'.ty: „ , euidenceti.byivlortRagor's notz
<br />~~ Mai 23-, 19$fI jhemin-"Not~if)providing-forpayrnents~of
<br />prhtdpahand interest; uritit tote batoa~~ of the
<br />indebtedness, if notsaener pai~:due and payable on JtmP ~ 7 9f39 _
<br />'ibsecurs the pay~itntiaf the Nate, with interest as provided therein, the payment iiPal[ ether runts, with interest,
<br />advanced by' .ta pr6iect the security of -this Mortgage, and the pertormaace of the coverianis-and agreements of
<br />[he btortgpgpr~ i~;;e$-,~efein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and- convey- to Martgagee~ the fpDawiiig. dcscriLed
<br />property tosated'isi -''Hall _„ County, Nebraska: - - -. -
<br />The South Forty four feet (S44') of Lot Tlirc-~e (3)
<br />and the North Fifteen feet (S25r) of-Lot Tiva (2)
<br />in Bltxk Fourteen (14) in West Pazk Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />Together with all bnildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easrmcnts, rights, privileges and
<br />appurtenances [orated thereon nr In anywise pertaining thereto, and the rents, issues and profit, reversions and remainders
<br />tbc^teof; including, but not lirnited to, heating and eoohng equipment and such personal property that is attacheu to the
<br />improvements so 2s [o constitute a _rtxture; all of which, including mpiaecments and additions thereto, is heteiry declared
<br />to be a pact of the real estate secured by the Tien of this Mortgage and alt of the foregoing treing referred to herein as the
<br />,.t?roPerty".
<br />Mortgagor further convenants azid agrees, with Mortgagee, as follows,
<br />i. ~pj :ez~i. To lis_r ih~ indebtedness and inr :nteresi irereup a; pratt$td in this :.lat"~eaee and ih? NUtc.
<br />•~ 'pttt~+ krzxtnxa r L t_hz. n _ ..! !hu Pm:x., hie e6„ n v.,.:: .r1..,.:eE. , _ _
<br />warrants that tna lien created hereby is arfitst and pricr'hen on the Property excep! as may otherwsse'!xe se.t forth herein.
<br />^ The Property is subject w a ~4urtgage whenvn _._.._--_--.-----_._----- -----_--_-- -_-_---- --
<br />s the Mortgagee, rernrded at Book _____-_ • Page -______ of rite Mortgage Etecurds of ___ __..~..__ _...____._ County,
<br />Nebraska, which Mortgage is a lien print to the lien created hereby.
<br />Cv Qther prier liens ar €rneunrbranr~s: _.---- -__--_-_ _ _- _ -- --
<br />3. I'axas, :'ts~ssmenta. To pay when due alt taxes, special assessments and an other charges against the Property
<br />wtd, upon written demand by irlortgagee, to add to the payments rrgwred under the Nnte secured hereby, such amount as
<br />tnay 1#" suPflcteni to enable the IYlortyagep Ca pay ouch fasces, rssessrnents ur nttter chargaa u they t~cutne due.
<br />i. tnsnrartt:e, '1`o kcep the tmprnurments new ar harxattex located on the real eaEatr descrtbed t;e rein irtsured
<br />a~4inxt damage by fits and such older hazards aa.-°.iertgagaa may t•aytrlra, in amaunfs and with rnmpanresacr:rptablk to the
<br />kEot'tgagatr, and with loss payable to the Mortgagee. In case of loss tinder such paltrier the Mortgagee is authorired to
<br />ad}uctr attUevt and eampratrtise, in its disereiion, ail eiaints tl;eteunder a[ sir sole rrpuon, autnarttcd to esthrr analy nc~•
<br />prasaeda ;a tlttt tisttrraitou uP the Property or upon the indebtedness secured hereby, but pay'nrants herx'undc•t sha;i cum
<br />dr.~ t:^til t?t. suns; ~.~a.=d heresy era pair' to fall.
<br />5. L k',~:mra.59aaes and fASUra~e, Natwithstaudtag anyttmg catrtatpcd to pxrr±gragtts ;S and •t trureat to ~~te
<br />contrary. tdortgagar shalt pay to lire Ma&t)tagee at Ute time aC paying the; monthly instail:nen€s of ptin:;teat and interest,
<br />ana-twalf€h of the yearly taxes, assessments, hazard insurance ptt+mrums, and ground rents (if any) which may attain a
<br />piikorlty aver this `~~~~g€, sl! as rxasrttably23titnated f-~rn tiara Eo Etma :rv tree Siortgagee, ": he amount.. sn paid shall tra
<br />lrelci Ely tyre Ivforigagee wi~houi interest aad applied to cite payment of the ttetns m respect to µ°hich SUr;h antvuats were
<br />deposited. 'i'be ruins paid to Mortgagee hereunder are pledged as addkiona! security Cor the indebtedness secured by ahis
<br />Atlartgaga. Mortgagarsttatl pay Ga Mortgagee the amount of any deflci¢ncy between the actual taxes, assessments, insurance
<br />premiuaug and: ground rents and lire deposits ttereundex wi€hin t4 days ahrrr demand is made upon Wiartgagar aquesting
<br />paymen6 thereof.
<br />fi. Eteftsr, Itirtjntmttania and Use. Ta pramlztty repair; restore or rchuiid any Fauttdirt~s or tmpruvsrnents now us
<br />hereafter an tn~ Prk~c~ rty. to keep the Property to good candstinn ^nd rep.•ar, ~ir~=_:ut u~r , a_ d are. r n _ chani<'s
<br />atheriiatts not .,._:•r:. a;:ly sttbardlnated €o the Lien ftercof; not to rnaha, suffer at permit any rturwtsce to exist. nor to dimsn~
<br />tan ar iBtpaic '--- '--_" a{ Lire t~7'i_?petty try any aSt nr bmt;~tan n: set: and t., cmmaty with at! n~nulre manta i,'i la•a wsth
<br />rESgv.,.a to the p~,.t;p*Ew. - - - - .
<br />