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<br />B,'at3'GAGE <br />--- _ _ <br />2df14LTGA~GEC.0AT3NO. L 23,7 - <br />rataffrA~tt~evst'~f~~g!~fis~;•trs:~Txat John E. Pfeifer and Lois A. Pfeifer, each- in his <br />and her own right and as spouse of each other, <br />A3ort£~+, xvhN#ser acre or amre, is -of ~~ oP <br />_~hi~xY-Eight I usand and NoL00---_=,-"--~__~ - _ <br />kanKd to xated xnarigagar by The Egsxitaklc ~xu"k3+stR and turns Aaxtcatirrxs of C.ratad ltland, Mekxadca, dtatt~aUee. txPon 380 - ~ttMta~~dc of <br />xvwd ASSl7C1 A97CaV, Certilitats po. L23,717 , sb herekr grant, «laxvsy and sxx[xtpa:se tmto the ffia ASSOCfAT3t3N-t1~ faltwrogg! - - <br />demri6ed real extate, sitwted in ball Gwnty, 3+#ekraska: - ~ - <br />LDT FDRTY-FIVE (45) IN FD,^iNER VIE'rl Sll6IlIVISIDN, <br />CITY DF DRA"ID ISLAND, HALL CDUNTY, NEt3RASKA. <br />t[s~tke: wish aU ike Esuemca;s. fxcred;farr;rnta zxu! n;>ir=axseaancr: xhncunta trcte ;~~. g. xx~italx_~L =.tachcC n:_mr tuvexx€ga, afl window anarrss, <br />wi#tduw stradcs, 6fux»s, stxxxn a,nxrwx, awnxxxsn_ treasrn£, art utrdtix.unx{:,and piutn4tixsq ars» waix°r cyu#ptnerx araf x',cexs[sries ttxtecta, ptvnpa,afosee. <br />rafrigeratcns, and uitur (sxtxuxs and «iu?innMt ncn> r=# txse:T~ r aetsc3red to <v r:.test us cuxxa Yet#un with saxd tca3 es[atr. <br />Axui wt,eruaa tkc zsts! nrerttagst apccct aril ,£ucz txnetxb~ agrcr fPu: t#xr rrr.[~or dealt atsU wx7i pay ail Eaaea amt asaewsxenu levied or <br />ameare» upon sasd pr>:rrscses artd up'c'+ Chas t#xtr#gagr sn» xhe #-,zne; -xrtrx cd thert2-q srciine IS;P xa#xsc r[uEl t'Ciixr~ »ektrkuent: tcs ixrrrsilt appro+td <br />gssssran r upon ttr. ?+urittangt ,tn ±a#a prerssxscx .ntxaated to tttr a3nt =et S 38,DD0. DD tnvai*k to saxd A,ti}{7('IATTrN turf to Deliver to s9rl <br />A.{Si7€'IA17(iN tix poiurKa icrt ,asd rtcurarsv. ana :+nx to ecarrmrx Oar pcrnrtt any uravte ,sn : ~. x`vrr+xr sail #Trereacs: <br />to case ui detatdt in the pexirrnxxncx ,:t any +ei €fu tot [xta x:x» s;zru#xareurs v€ e} n rxun t~~gc rn xhr sccur=» he#r4y, ttxt #xrsrtgagea skail, <br />a>fi dzsr>aaxd, far ent:-ruT ,. .~rarr#ra;e p<-.;ice a .e# :-_ - _nt:;s€:.:# t-- = - a:s - -i~,#~'a z-°i~Y ~.~u_ -_ ~r:=i ~d its c,.€t t.x !~ <br />meux€_agrc ak# Use ernts, :rvcn##es aasi :r;canxxe to i+c derta~s<r i tcnn thr txr.stg,ticx4 ;-ru::nsa et.trtn~ s+.tch taxre ¢s the rr~xtga}s- m[ie6tedan ritatl remain <br />unpaid: atxu rixe t;r?xiXaitci shsit t:ass: the Itcsw .: apt>sssnr srig a,-;za[ nr ap-nts a r-fi d-=.. tF.t t#rr xF:-.ft.+t a". s:~ixxxcusit ax#K3 pxesrtin and rcnruxg <br />31#c saate a;sd :,riksUng [tae :rn tr.enuc~ an» trnxn#tr, anJ tt :xr'Y ice} -u t SaH3 tv- s # ;psx>,res n# trirrr##ng sari pr>:xnaes: atrl nr!oEawy <br />atnnx[zvurn and ra{rr;xa uscurnd m Fsrrixng and mana#',,»M thr .,x #r aax.. Y .~. ik fray. ~4.,xatF rrarsefixnn, irxe natanc7r rt:nrautmt{, xf arty. txs tae <br />np~ ~ti iFnrwwu +~sr a - 7at~~.r - . ,. _ osx , . =r>< r~ ., F .-sr,..:~. ,, r,~ ..u, ,.. «. ~x a,~.A a~ ~.`r <br />'~'t f'.r•~ c _ a <:rc _ ~.,itn :#x t~c :~w~: rn t ~w, i ,t,r .e~»t :°~s -tea . - _ „ ,,..!„r^ to .iatm.iy . t swt st?~es Uy <br />_ _ - _ .n, t,ek ru ~[ a-ws_eY~tnrtz tv .:e eta ~y!~t „r ,?:i t~ r s_.~~~~a t. rba a nst:crrzt vxT1 nr atcanai uxe avert tuau.uu ux Neturu <br />txK T wcnixtit rlaW 4.i rJt'D1 Sn4I rrerY F#M1trtrh,'TCxCxt sxxxi ietar. ,5 - w..y tF3r.#: t-~y aaa =anY s»1 acvci x ~4sii rese. r ri;axr:~.:a#at p##s#ni#E5 wr.i# .# c # :xi +:tiN:~ <br />anu file ii,?nd sesu#ci a#tra -.3 - - tcx•r ~ . #:. -pia=~3 .rihe -Rh :tra #; R=...,:. ,r: t. e :..,-t ,>f -fl s t ^ ILI - UD ^.: Yatz~ <br />to ~sd ASSti•'t AT I(1n. repat a rd rpeSStrt7.aT lC)i uzx:n dnvan» s i n e»y .~ 4 i d t„= .h txxcx. vrastxsrnas .nri tnsrnau+x w[ati mtntant ai <br />the nraintWen toga! :ate <hr#mae iti:eat daxc t?i i~ty nxett atl <rx wha6 sfm ti;a~ t to*r^tsy a~ ~i x„ ~ ay, ywnnr: r„ w;ec.n cu sud peexnx>ra, ccap aTxi wmplY <br />witk at: the ag#~e#xrrn[• az~; ., x - nor,: #~ ~. d #,Tt s 32 ,DDD OD -'#rx d~~ - :. _i, she st,trtKaa#;r ;._ ,~,~ :~,~scx~a aTTfty, an» .cmxpty <br />srsfh att the xwirut;.r#et4s c,t Vxe t~ rsruute t xr~t ity-f,awm r savl A.Stii}i I at #t,i'> @ux p s" sta ahatl htr;aamte nub a±td ¢uni, ,~thersrce [Fwy <br />dtatl [. r[atn rn fui; tw¢c, and may isa hsc~c-lawcv7 xt tnc vptwa. .vi rix- s,~s+t ~s.-.R*'L?CtA I-ttSN a#tnc raz4ttic ta; [h z ru~r.ntiC [u rnakt any of xsni <br />iASgnsenta ur tse Ihrce ntrnnha ux aare:u+uy eex"r~+ny, exit nwt+ctsly tw-gxtxsn>. •re ter 6cep enil aruy,ly w-rtlr #hrt agtee[tttnts arra aaudTU<rnx of said k3snx#i, <br />ana{ hkvtgagw ag#~._ to IM.avu a rc.x#sr.r a;±p,tnue<i. pxrthwtth ut .=n:7t far rri=.4utr yuwced.oes <br />If ikese s ang d#ar,~• m us. ~t;ittp .u rtxr r-,.x4 esta#e nrxtst @#e-t:, by sx. or aktxexwr,c, [tscrs [tx csiua ta[nxnrusK H!rt+tistedne~ fsersNy <br />,xtttred stsah. at the upt.ran asf -Ftsr: i~aluxta6k ftuxklart& a:+d f.van t*~- .k satr.rn u(t:xaad txtanJ, ^tci.rastci. t:ecuttie Wsfnr:dutrty due aruS p~aYa4rk witiruui <br />further trance, aryl tht a#s-atxsr.::eu#atrzxng du: ~uade# ea.J h+anst, .~nc ae's}- atf+ra ter€ad t.n .#r:y arEYn.tcces rnude thmrzurdrx. sPull. tts~m r:rr <br />~!,-~'°~ sU' sae€#;~ r:F ,,:t#,~isib>3a, t?t_! eat»rst as itf- t_~~rr.nn 40 ra€#~, -,sea; this nxur tra«rg nuY t9un En lenctituzr+! Eu aateaty iFY axaxwnt dese un sasd <br />ixrHt, and any .esker txaxxd ten acirtniasn,#! aura r<rs. tssyra:#isct wt€h atY szama patd by vtd ;t tr t:q;ntahic kuudny, xrri t.nn Asaass:utrsn u1 (:[xnd IaWrd, <br />(Vakraak,a ftr urturarwc, tazo>axu7 res€asacrk^nis, arxt aita aw:autg rcustsxas ..hatgva, wtih tniet.~a t8xtcuxa. %runt dale ~t pat nxcut ax [_hr rstautnum <br />iagaY rate. <br />Aa is:r,tr3ra4 ct# [:#: fk;rxd ~tue#S 3xretrt, -a-f:#ie xt=.s _ti-#xy~- u -.> :n ti°tt ttx< ux. •,~ay her.zftex ed a;wc aiUzttuatat suxau to the <br />xuakrxx itf Aaaf iTc+#14i, €#xru azay3: vs .,nom..- -_ sx, .t h#c-h uu.n s;sa,i ~° •~r#kt,t ..,r ~-. s.g .,# .i... sR>#,~ - .i: >x[#r. _a the €uxxls ur~cnatty <br />l6x;tuCM~ tka#e6Y, tixr: €#s€al asxaatsni sat ptlwr~t,sa€ 4ttit :?c,t :N azkred zi awy' tnx'~. t!w .a tgt#w3 a.r:.3x>rtx ..t #hex ut.~ex~age <br />'# fYaytud t'.ris~ 25th;. .±a~ 4,r Juni* k i, 7-, ii(1 <br />~~- ~° } , <br />~~Tr E €~* #~ , <br />d ~ .,, <br />~TATF'. Gf-'!dN3titA3KA.~as. {tn thax ZSth. •tay .,: uUnC' #4t F,{l~ .txtusr nw, <br />iY~,s`Pr"TY i3p 3F 1L1. <br />c~d?hn t , Pfeifer and Lois A, Pf #:,~q,,'C s !tu ;ets;tcraaeeta:u..; 'rus:a,p i'uuix:: e: ana t.:r ua s.,=un#5. ['eFrrtsaiiy exna <br />~. }.. <br />each in his and ht~r clvr# ri,"~i~ r,,``~rouse of eac`t utter, vttr ire t,~r~tualy~tt~twr,ar, <br />,~ ~y~ <br />rEa W Ore tilt e=ieufa..x1 }at'ras g `r-/-.4C 7h~~~~ ^" „'Y ~ +. n, :nom stoe uz:1 ~;.:crd i, tra~[atn~,,ar 5 u: ~ th('y ~-trra3i'ti <br />aABix:wien~rd the pnsi v*uxKr t to fi i T r >€ xe1#;~y~ sri ila~# <br />W1 Y'Ni-4:S my u, .~in:~ ^3 re3~x[.#a`~ a°# .t - <br />[} + ' <br />x z-~ ?~ x t',~( f~ j lz~ I ~ _ .. ~ t Lt.>t rs ~ ~ <,,.:..r'.. <br />w ta.xae r# - - .. ~~'- <br />