Lender's written agreement or app(icable law. Borrower shaft pay the amount of alt mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts 6isbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph ?. with intetnst thereon. shall ixcome additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this 'mortgage. Unites Borrower and Lender ague to other terms of paytnent, such
<br />amounts shall he payable upon notice from Lender *_o Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shalt bear intt:resYfrom the
<br />data of disbursement at iha rare payable from time to time on outstanding principa} under the Plots unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would ba con±rary to applicable taw, in which event such amounts slxaI! bear interest at the i»ghest.rate
<br />ptrmissible under applicable law. '.Nothing contained in this-paragraph ?shall require Lender to~incur any expeasc or take
<br />any action hertuader.
<br />8. Inspection. Lender may make of cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections o[ the Property, provided-
<br />tfiat Lender shall give Borrower notice prior zo any such inspacrian specifying reasonable csuse therefor related to Lend-.r's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />~. 9. Cortdemitalflon. 'The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in cenneMion with any
<br />}~ condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance in Lieu of condemnation, are he26y assigned:
<br />' and shalt be paid to Lender. -._
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this \2ortgage;:-
<br />with the excess, if anp, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Eorrower snd:l.ende;;-
<br />,' otherwise agree in writing, there shall tx applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proporrionof'ihe procetda->
<br />as is equal to that proportion which [hr amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior is the date-of`-
<br />0 ,taking bears to the fair market value of the Properly immediately priorto the date of taking; with tha~ balance of.tha proceeds,-
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />if the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor of>:Kas to make
<br />an award or settle a claim tar damages, Borrower fails to respaad to Lender within 3t) days alter-the date such notice is.
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's oprian, eithtr to restoration or repair o[ the
<br />Aropem^ or ro the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing- any such application of proceeds to principal siiali not extend
<br />ar postpone the due date of the monthly iostallmenu retorted to in paragraphs !and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />f4. Borrower Vat Released. Extension of the time for payment ar modification of amortization of the sums-secured
<br />tsy this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest of $aaower shalt not operate to relesse. in any manner.
<br />the liability a the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shslI not be required to commence
<br />proctedings against such successor or refuse to extend time `or payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage by reason at any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />lf. Forbearance by Lander Vat a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in esemisin¢ any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise atlorded by applicable law, she!! not ^e a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The pr~ucetnextt.of ittturance Ur the pavmer.[ of rases cr other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />righLto-asceferate,-the rnaturity.af•ttte indebtedness secured by this 4lortsa¢e.
<br />1?.-- Remeddtas Crrastd>tg+e. All remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedyi}nder,Niis-\for[gage era~forded by law or equity. and may he exertased wncurtently, independently or successively.
<br />`"13` Sxtcte55ets attd A:sigtts Sound: Joint and 'ttveral i_is+6iiity; CapHam. the covenants and agreemenu herein
<br />contained shall bind, and the righu hetunder shat! inure to. the respective successors and assigns of Ltndtr and Borrower,
<br />subject to the provisions of paratraph I? hereof. .III covenants and agreements of Harrower shall !st ;Dint and several.
<br />The captinrs a heading<_ n[ '~ paragraphs of ;his ~tartgage ors for convenience only and are oat to he used to
<br />anttrprzt a,~r d:.*.-ne t--_ -r-,ai, s her'eat.
<br />f.i, .Z~R€ire. ~..xCipi 'ar attY ttatlCe regtttred under appt#c3bie l:kw 'a be $IYCR in aaaiher manner. ta) anY RptiCe [O
<br />Borrower provided far n t?:is Mortgage stroll he w~tven by marling ;uch notice by .ernfrrd marl .tddresud to Bonower at
<br />the Proleri Axidt~s of ar zti;.h :uhsr address as Barruwtr may drslgnatr by not±Ce [e i_end-_x as pr2vidad htrtirt. and
<br />;b} att:' ^,atrCe tJ Ltndtr 3#: h-e givr^ !~", CE:rtihei! ma-{. 'stater r£i2.i?i rC-gtiesczo. :_ i_2n3tfi -du'Ft55 =tattd htrtin c ra
<br />sucia other address as Lender may Qesignate nv notice tc Harrower :s prevtded heron. .-toy jots ^routdewt ` . ;n thi=.
<br />Marteaat shall he deemed to have been _._wn to Bor-r,__e _.. L. n.i+_. -she _-, .., !t}t ...,.....~• ,tw.; ltd h~. _,...
<br />i3. Ltnfform Mortgage; Governing Law: 8evrrahiii[y. -Ptt:s corm of mangaxe cambinrsnuntform covenants for novena!
<br />use and avn-uniform covt=.nanr with litr}ited Yanaueas hp ~r.nsd:~~t;an to cOnzv:utr a uniform ss::urrty iestnunr^.c ., vcrtng
<br />real property. This Mortgage shelf be gave: nrd by the law of the ntnsdtcuan m •.vixich the Proaerty n located -,ln the
<br />event that any provrsion nr cfaust of thts 4{ortzage ~.•r the Vote a~ndicts ~-vtth appiicabic law, ,uch tanftict shall not allect
<br />ether provisions of this Manuage or rhr Vott whtth .:an be ,even cdact ~.i•nhou[ the ~ant3icung provision. .end to this
<br />tnd the peavtsions of the \iongagr and ihr ~ntr see declared 'n f•e severable.
<br />f5. Borrowers Capy. Borrower shalt be furnished :} r.,nfarxx:ed ~apy of the 'vote and of ;hts dtortgage at ;ht time
<br />of rxtcution e after rtcordatian nerd(.
<br />17. Transfer of the Propeiiy: Assumption. tf all or att7 part o[ thr Properly or an interest thereto is sold or transferred
<br />by Borrower ,anthaut !-~nder's poor writes consent. exe!ud#ng gat the creation ~(a lien ar encumbrance subordinate t,
<br />this 4iortgarte. obi the creation +s£ a purchast money :rcurity :merest far household appliances. 'c! a transter lay devise.
<br />dtscem : r by optravan of ;aw upon the dtath t,f :r lomt ;errant .rr dt the grant of env ieaszhoid ;nterost nt thrrz nears or less
<br />oat tom inn an optiaa r putrha':t. I~ndtr may...t L~^de='s ~ pt:er.. ~+rc+.ate it ;he =um ,...:tired 6.:...~ '.t::rtgsgz c.
<br />:mmeritattfy due and payable. Lander shall have watvtd such +}puon :o accrieraa :i. prier to the +ale ur ;rooster. i.endrr
<br />and the perstm to whom the Property :5 ro !+r ;aid ar !ransfrrrrd reach agreement .n ~mntinF that the .retiit of ,uch porno
<br />a satistaitaty ,a I_enster }nd. thst ;hr tnirr~i^-ayab!e on t :t a}ms scut rss ^v •his Mortgage .hail he at uicv rata 3, I-zndar
<br />shall rtqutst. If !.tt-.itr has eratvei t2;t epitcat to acceterata pravttird :n :his paragraph i a}td :f Harrowers ,ucctsscr :n
<br />~atertsc has axtcuttd a wrrtiev sssurnpnan ,rgrrrmrnt accepted in wrinng by t.vndtr. I:cndat ,hall release Harn,wrr from ;.li
<br />srb!igatcons ant?er this ficngage acrd rite ^ivte.
<br />if Lrndrr rxsec:vrs such ~.,pnan to acceiera[e. t-cttdtr ,hail marl Borrower Hauer o, accrierauon :n :;ccordanis rs:th
<br />pbrataravh ; > hrzrot. Such Haver +hail :rovtds ,, _r_.•rncd r_,r ^at e.+_ than tt) :_l;tyx r.-on, rnN :jolt the a•atacc :, ^+.+.xilt+d •.+ith,rt
<br />which Borrower may p;i. ti}r st;rns ,±ec:iarc-ci due. it 8orrn cr a:is ~o o,rr~ .ucn ,tiros pr:t,r :,, ~.ne cscrratrgrt :~r ,u,,n prr!.,;i.
<br />I.Bn'?~r ma:" '.. [:?:aL, .~ UtrC.:-,...ema.,d o:x ::.,,,?mot 'nC v . 'Li zdle' ;'a m~ttr,i - i - r,SKitif'h ' , hcl^-,!t.
<br />Vo~_Lrsu~ea{t E: cva.4nvrs BorrSw'er anti Lender `unbar ~.nvenani and agree as toi!ews~
<br />lfi;. Actekratftn; Rrnt>•#ies, t=:cept as provided fn garaatrgph i" ttera rF, uprrn Borrowers hreash uF nnv .ovenant ar
<br />agreement at' Burrower in h}cs ~iortg~e, irtriudiwg tl}e tai enwus to pay ,. ban due am snare .toured by this ~iurigagr.
<br />L-e~is*.r Attar to actt~stiaw s4}a#! nz~ :Mice ±,} Lit}€ra+rer :}s prxvided h} pa€~rap#} td hereof ef}rrtf3'ink::3} tt}p ttreui~it:
<br />t.3) tikt nc{f~ rzti::;at:tt fa rota sash brta~ixi t3, a Satz. nxrt Ira rites 31) dogs ter to the ,late ti}a notice #s matted ro I#urrevrrr,
<br />by which au.sl} ixrrach mtut ire raced; anJ (~41 thaf fuliure to cure .uch breach :,n ur hrtore the daft .petifieJ iu the uniire
<br />may ra34ft in aCteiatatiU{} Uf f}}e wnxt SrCnPed l)v this ttUttt+,age. fafrftUiure by )tntlClal pfUferiltltt attJ Y3ta of tilt PTnprrtx.
<br />Tito realist shall furtfrtr infufm Borrower of the rittht to reinxtasa utter acceleration and tht nAht to assert in the lurrfhi+urr
<br />prxettLitn(t khp two-exiatrnsx' tit a Jeiat}tt tit any other defrnx n( $asn}war to a.celetatio}t ,End ture^f#e.>ute. if the brcarir
<br />fs but cutlet a: nr !Frfvre trio Jain speciiiad lit the avtiiCa. l.anJrr ai Lernter's option Wray :4er~~re aR of the ,urux +ccurrJ a.
<br />this a4tcrtP.'dg¢ to he #nltxtedlataiy t!ur attd pa.atatx •+#thout Cur}her JrnxartJ and ma} forcciu>e ix} juditiai prucrrd#rt;. !.rndwr
<br />snail be aniified tr, resiirft in sul°!1 procardlrxy( elf exptttvas of fatrflxssure, inctudinit. but rort #irt}iied to. ~!sis tit dnorntvntan
<br />awidao..:~, aii3lrEf:ts ae}d 2tiY rYjt,}rib.
<br />tt} _- i}+Y }rar•ire c2..3~ -,_- -srin ..,.,. ~ ~. ~... .._ ....,.. :., __.... ., .. -
<br />