~~-~ ~
<br />l~C~It~'~A~~
<br />'T`fiiS MORTGAGE is: made this :....... ,'-5th ... day of; ....dyne ; ..... .
<br />14.: 80: batmen tha IvlYoc2gagor . _ $tan~ey p, tS~°~1, and ..JCan „Te. ;i,. liustaara .and_ wire,... ,:..: . _ .. -
<br />(herem '°~orrower' )' -and the Mortgagee,. Ca~nmme ea~~., ~e~ega2 -
<br />Savings ~ Loan- Assaciat?on a corpor3tnoa orgarnzed-and egg
<br />under the laws-of ..~enraska ............................. whose address is .4 sG1 Jad_ge ,Street...
<br />Omaha;. 2lebra ka: 6613' ................ . ... . ................. (hezeia "I.entiea"}.
<br />wttearas; Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of.. Fifty. t~Ti;le,thousan~ si;x hundred
<br />and. noj3,OQ . ; $5n,600.0Q) ...................Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by $orrowe;'s note
<br />dated... Stine 25-a .1480.......... (harem "Note"), proriding for monUily installments of principal and interest,-
<br />with the balance of -the indebtedness, i£ not sooner paid, due- and payable on..:3.ttlx . ~... 2P.),t? .:... ; ::..... -
<br />To Sacua~ to Lendet (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with: iatcrest thereon; the
<br />payment o£ all- other stems, with interest tf±Armn; advanced in accordance herewith to protect [he 'securitq of `this
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and {b) the-repayment
<br />t+f any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof {herein
<br />"; u ~:3v~.~,"},'; „-.~ ~: dt~., l~by mo ~~.~> a;ar.t and eOr~:~s to Isad~: tha follo~u,B:d~ri`oea prvp~~ry
<br />located in Ute County of .... z;y t ~ ................. ~ ...... , ... , ...., Suite of Nebraska:
<br />-Lot Seven. (7} in Imperial ~'ilia~e Seventh Subdivision, except a tract of land Wore
<br />particularlJ daserit~ed as `ailews: Seginnirg at .Ile Southeasterly caraer of said Lat
<br />Seven (7}; t~¢rce rtanrring tiorthwesterly along the Sasterly Line of said Lot Seven (7)
<br />a distance of One Hundred T:eerty-Five and Si:rty Eilght Hundredths ('125.68) feet to the
<br />lforti!easterly corner or" said lot Se+_ren (7}; thence running Sauthwester2,.> along the
<br />ldartherly ling of said Lat Seven (7) d distance o` Five (S.C) Feet; thence
<br />Saut'.-ieasterly to tiae point of vegi;.nirg, i':all ~a.:nt , `:ebraska.---
<br />wh~h-has the AA#dress af....:15..... cezws~. `^. r"t.~r ....... . ......... ..... t".~tt:::................ ,
<br />tstroetl tc+tx!
<br />4t~e~lta 6gs,Cl ......... (herein "PrOpefty Addres.~"");
<br />€atati iou ztv coaol
<br />'f'~'.~'rHa~ with all- ttse improvcmants now Or hereafter erzctea nn the property, and aI! casements, rghts,
<br />apputtenarn:es, rents, royalties, mineral, oi! and gas rights and profits, water, wafer rights, and water stocti, and art
<br />ftxtut~ now Or her!zafter attached. tO the prOpa;rty: all Of which, insfnding replacements and additions thsrett>, shall he
<br />decrrwd to baR and remain a part of the property severed by this ,Llortgage: and all of the trtrzgoinc, taGether with aad
<br />ptoprtty (pr fhe feasehald estate if this ~10rtgage is On a leasehold} are herein retzrred to as tix "property".
<br />1~4rrow~r covenants that Bprruwer i5 !aw€uily szi±ed OI the: estate hzr?l1y conveyed and hay the riyhi to InnrrgaNe
<br />,giR^t K°.d w0 rti.. r~r;~.r,: >har t5~ 1'r:~,:..n., .~ tt.^,oarvun:~ra~±, ...^.d tha. t?arr::r... ~vt!! tv::rr.a,.. :n~.l 'z:znd
<br />gs~r~v tl?~ oily t2 r2~ Arnpetty + ~tti~t rl~ t-~m- :zssri ~!v~rtt~, s3 i art t + ant ptciarsrsr~sts, ~r~tn rte rtr r tcz r :nn.
<br />.,a..~d ,., ~. ~;.l;,dKle ..,. ,.r,.. t,tt`1n.t- SL: AJ='„ ~;;~~ ,. .,, ,. ., .. w....._ ,..a,.~; ~. e t...,i.1, ,.,.,... ,t. t~4 F'.< F~ ty
<br />~~~~5~-•,i too FiYksiy~-uf i5.-~fNAIAIFNtMG 4NlF4RM INSiNUNLNT ,,,_,?,~j
<br />