<br />IJ?C~ORht Cove:.nvrs. Borowtr and Lender covenant znd agree as foIlaws:
<br />i. Pa}-meat of Principal aad Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indeble-dn~s evfdeaced br the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the tiote, and the principal of and intemst
<br />on any Future .Advaacts secured b}' this IvIortgage.
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender an the dap mop*.hir installments of principal and interesr are payable under the Note, until the'~ote is paid in full,
<br />a stun (htreir. "Funds"1 equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over tfiis
<br />iort~age, and ground rents on the Property, if any. plus one-twelfrh of ceariy premium instalments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearh~ premium installmeru for mettgagE insurance. if any, a{i as reasonabh• estimated initially and from
<br />time zo time br I-erdEr on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. -
<br />ine flrnds shall be held i^ an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guarameed by a Federal er
<br />.,late agency (including Leader if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apph> the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments;
<br />msuraacE prcrniums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for sa holding and applying the Funds. anai7zing said-account,
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower ineerest or. [lib Fends and applicable law
<br />pr_rmiu Lender to. make such a charge. Borrower and Lender ma}• a¢ree in writing at the time of execution- of this
<br />Sfotteage tfiat interest on the Funds shah be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is madE or applicable law-
<br />rcquites such inurest m be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any ineerest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shah Give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accountin_2 of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purport ta.* which each debit to the Funds was made. 711e Funds are pledged as additional suurity for the sums-secured
<br />6}'this 4ortgagE.
<br />If the amcum of the Funds held by Lender, w¢ether with the future monthly instahments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the nut darts of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and :round rents. shall exceed t}te smount required to pay said-taxes,
<br />assessttxnts, insurance premiums and ground rents as chi}' fall dot. such excess shall be, at Barrawer's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Harrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />htid by Ltndtr shall not be sutTtcicat [o pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground repo as they fall due,
<br />Borrower sail pay to Lender any amount ntcessarv to make up the dencrency within 3U days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Leaner to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />upon pavtnent is full of all soars securtd by thts Mangaite. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. If under paragraph IF hereof the Property is sold or the PropErt} is otherwise acquaed by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, no later that, immediately prior to the safe of the Proatm~ or its acquisition by Linder, any Funas held by
<br />Leadt: at the ume of application as a credit against the sums securtd by this hTottgage.
<br />3. Application of Payments. unless applicable law provides otherwise, all paymems received be Lender under the
<br />ltiate and paragraphs i and :Hereof sh21i 6E applied by Linder 5nt m payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph Z Hereof. then to mttrest payable on the Note. ther, to the principal of the Note, and then to interest and
<br />grincipai on any Futtue Advances.
<br />Charges; Irons. Borrower snail pay alE :axes. assessments and athcr charges. fines and impositions attributable to
<br />tilt Propeny which may attain a pnorin~ over this Mottgage, an6 leasehold pa:ments er ground rents. if any, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof ar. tf not yard m such manner, 6} Borrower making payment, w•hrn dot. directly Lo the
<br />payee thereof. Borrower shall promp!Ip tumrsh to Lender all ponces of amounts dot under this paragraph. aad in the avent
<br />Borrower shall make pa}mlent dtrectiy. Borrower shall prampth furnish is Linder receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Borrower sfiall promptly discharge ant lien whsh has pnvnty avu this blottgage: provided, that Barrawer shall not be
<br />requuEd to discharge any such hen so long as Bprrawer shall agree to wining to the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />such lien in a manxr aceep;able to lxatler, ar shall m gaud taz[h contesr such lien b}, or defend enforcement et such lion ia,
<br />legal praR,.ding; •n,u,~,, a;.~rate r °.•Ent t...,.,,E.^2pt c:. €he lien or :otfetturr of the Prop`r:y ac any part tharrsof.
<br />5. T$aznrd IttsurraasE- Barrawer shall keep the impmvemtnis nou rxtsnng a: hereafter rrtxttd an the Proprnp ensured
<br />against lass by tire. Hazards included wttllm the terra "txrended caverage~~. and such athtr hazards as Lender ma} requae
<br />and in such amounts and afar sorb periods , s Linder may requtrE: praridsd. that L cndc.* shall pat ^Yqutre that iht amatirat of
<br />sac.` -age Exes r, tz:3, as-neun' -. _--att agt~ =ct::red i- - .n,. sums ctctrttd h}- :h1s ?nortrtlgc.
<br />~ttrErnsurance ~amrr provtdule the insurancE shat! bt ::boson b+~ Harrower slibjtct to apprpval "-: Lender:^-a:ndtd.
<br />tha, rH -. al ~h~ie _ Iw ~.. 1tG~... . Unta „ ,..ew,.a ..k.r... ...a.. . „ , ...«. -
<br />prnYldesi UndEr paragraph 9`Htreot'at~tt •nat'paid'in rata maanCr..b` Barrawer m@kn1lg ~paymEat.~zwhtn`d LlC. ,i1elCCtly !0`[HC
<br />lrlita8aie ~t'Rr.
<br />All ipso: ante policies and renewals cheroot shall be m toms :,cctptablc to Lrndtr and shalt includr x standard mongnge
<br />cause in lavor of and to (arm acceptable to Lender. Lender shalt have tar right to hold the pohcirs and renewals thereat.
<br />and Borrower shall promptly ftuntsh to Lcndrr all renewal aouces and nil reattpis cf paid nrtmiume In the evrht of lass,
<br />Boreawer shall invt prompt apace to the maurancr carrier and Lender Leaner map make proc±t o: lass ii net made promptly
<br />Hv $orrower.
<br />Cnless Lender aad Borrower othrnvisr agree m wnnng, msutancE procttcis shall tx applstd to restorauon ur repau of
<br />tht Proptrn~ damagrd, prevlded such restorauon or repau is tconamtcaB}' feasible and the secunic a[ ilia hlertgagE ~.
<br />na thereby impaired. IT sash restorauon or repau tx nor ra+natnrc:ttl} IEasibic ar ii the srpunt} of thu 'vf artgagE would
<br />tap impaired, the insurance proceeds shah 6r agplted is the rotas secured H} tbes Mongage. u^nh the eseess, it any. paid
<br />to Harrower. If the Ptapett} as abandaaed Hp Borrawtr, a: it Borrowtr taus to respond to Lender wathin 3(i tlays tmm the
<br />date nati:x 1s m=ind b; I.Endsr t^ Barrawtr ;hat thr i.^,surancr catner a;;ers to s ,,,t ~ claim tar ;n:uatt~ btaehta, Lrndrt
<br />is au[honzed te, collect and appl}Vtht insurance proEttds at LEndars apuan ettlter w restorauon ur repasr o! the Property
<br />ar to thr sutras secured H}• thu Martgagc.
<br />L!ule~a Leader :tad Bc:r,=owEr athErwist spree in :r~rlung. an} such apgileauon +~i pra:;r~ds to pr:nclpai shall not €xtrnd
<br />ar postppnE tilt duE date of the mantHl} installments referred to in paragraphs . and hEreot ar cHangt the amount al
<br />slit!] imtallments. If under paragraph lk hertat the l+ropan} is acquaed b} ixndEr, all right, ntlr and interest rat Harrower
<br />in aad to any insurance policies and in and to file pracaEds thtrwt resulnng from damage to the Property priar to the sale
<br />or au{wsltton shall pass to Lrndcr to U1r extant at the sums sr::urtd b} thin A4ortgagr tmmsdiatxi} prior i+, such sale or
<br />a.~auitinn,
<br />4. Pr+n~~rlott gild Mnlatst:aoes ai !`rogtrt}~, L~~rholds; Caadan:iniunu; Plnarvae! Unit 1?esrlo;sns-rats, !lorre4ir
<br />shad „rip rite Pmptrty to grxtd rEpair and shah pat commit waste or primp inapatrmtni ar detarioratton of the Pinyin}
<br />and shall comply wiUr the pravtctnps of an} start it thin Mortgage is an a {easeho}d. If Uus Mangaye i- on :, utut ui .,
<br />+:otiditaaiwum ar a plantttsl urvt dcviic-rpmeut. HcrrntK-tr shaU perform ail of BortPS+•irs otll+gsuorls under iht dEela:uuen
<br />or cavE,nartts crcattng ar govermag fix candommrum or planned unit dtvtiapmertt, the by-law-c and rEgulauon of thr
<br />contlamimtim or planned unit dtvelapmtnt, and ianxuneent documents. ll a condominium or pisnned unu drvelapmtni
<br />rider ss i£geute:d i1y Bsrrvurts and r-ECOrded tagetber wttH tHis Mortgagr, the covenants and agreements .,i .uch r:drr
<br />shall tx iterntporated into ant sltaH amend and supptetrnnt tax covenants andagreenle-rats of this 1Nortgagr +i< ~t the ndcr
<br />wui a pan hsrectf.
<br />7. f4olsctlan of I.tnSsr's Sssarlq. If Bareawer isils to prrform the Covenants and agrtsmenta contained is ih:.
<br />Palort~ge, or "sI any actran or pta.:Eed[ng is camtataced whicH matettahr afTects Lendtr_s :ntcrtst in the Propene.
<br />;rict+dtng, but rcpt limusr! ta. Em:nsnt donwin, tnsolvtncv. code eataratnleat, or arrangetnaus ar pn<~a'dings royal,-ing a
<br />toxnkrupt ar dESEdtus, then Lmadtr at Lcndsr's opton. upon nabcc to Horrowtr. may make such appe-arancea. dtsaurst suct+
<br />ruing anti tal;E such atiton as 1s pectasar}~ to ptote.t Leadar's inretrsi, n[o]un !lug. but not lirnued :i-. sishursenlerit z.
<br />rcaeanablt alts;rar?.`s 1~ atxi tflTSti upon the ProntTTy to make repans. St i_eetcirr :tautt-~ m_,rte ae n?+ut wncr _ ,.
<br />catsdiuon at making [he loan stcurrrl tx}- tHtx Mongagc, BonewEi ahait pat tHr prrmiuav. rrqu,rt:i t~, mamrain suet:
<br />CgiFUzaiiF- in Cciz'^:i iirttil sUeh iii3lc as inE regU{rerfiet3t tfjr 6-Us:b InSUSHn%t iCYTn1r13ttx :[1 ,r~•;a}n6$i_C wit!+ ear re,w€(. anti
<br />