$0-- ~~~} l~I(3~TG~~E
<br />TH7S MORTd3AGE is made tbrs... 5th- . ,day of J7.ue
<br />d9..~~, between thtbIortgagor,..~~$e?'t ~ .'!~?~~..~ yet, and rats A ilieastle~verr hasp3nc z; ;'. ~r,_`e end
<br />Mioh7el. r,.:ieuber,'e;:_~nd i3re~da J Tetabe w ~.
<br />r ~ti3 ) d~$.tf~~Fortgagee,Criits~8~z:3.8:1 ~wd~sz•'e.Z
<br />. ~k and dnaa `7 A 4cec~,~ '7us~ana and a° e
<br />~~~~ • L''oSti"A~BVCitm ., a corporation oigantzedand Busting
<br />tinder she laws of.... a .............................. . ..... whose address-is. ,4501. Dodge STreer.
<br />Gtnana,. Nebraska , .68132• . _ ... , . ...... {hereia "Lender" ).
<br />Wi3artEas,BorrowerisindehiedtoLendezintheprincipal.sum.of.._$eyenty,eiglit.~hoilsand sever. ?;unfired
<br />and fa:~y _ilo~.;~,ars- ,~r,.~l, no j 100,($78, 750, 00 ), _ , , , , , Dotlats, which:indebtedness is evidenc~ad by Bar-=owet's note
<br />~t~, . _ , yltane , 25 ~ , 1980.. _ .. , .. , {herein "Note"), providing:foc matithiy instalimertts of prmemal and interest;
<br />with the balatice of-the indebtedness, if not sooner geld; dtte and payatite° on?fovember 1 ,' C~5
<br />To SircUag.to Leaden {aZ the repayment of ttie indebtedness ev}denced. by the Note, with-interest thereon,-the'.
<br />payment of ail other sums, with interest- thereon, advanced in accordance- herewith to protect the. security of~ tbis:
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants andagreements of Borrower herein contained; and {b) ttto^repaymemr
<br />of any fntrrre advances, with interest thereon; made to Borrower by Lender patsirant to paragraph 2I'hereof`{iiePeiu-
<br />"Fiitttrs Advances"), $orrower dtxs hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the-following- deun'bed ~zo~terfy
<br />looted in: tsar County of _ ... ; lei? . . ................................ . State of Nebtas§•a:
<br />Lat fire {1) ir. Theastreyer- t7eu)=ert Subdivision in the City of Grand Island,. Ha:1 County,-
<br />iSebrasY.a.
<br />which has the address af.... `.'~:.::.':`~ .... ~riu-~~ . .................. ..........~``r,rt,.i _ t.crsz~l..... ,
<br />tieSraska Sfif701 tseeact tc,ev]
<br />........................... {herein "'Property Address"?;
<br />tsyu anp zca-cops]
<br />To08TH$R with ail the improvements now or hereafter erected un the property, and all easements, rights,
<br />appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas tighu and profit;, .i°ater, watery rights, and water stcn;k, ,ar,J .tit
<br />8atures tiow or herea;Fter attached to the property, al} of which, including replaccntents and addiuans therew, shall he
<br />deemed to be and ratnain a part of the property covered by this Mortgage; and all tat the farzgoing, together with Baia
<br />property (ar She leasettadd estate if this tbfortgage is an :: leasehold) are gerein referred to .rs the "Property".
<br />Barrawar~cave7i3nts that Borrower is law{ul}y seised of the estate hersby ~unvey4d and hats the right :o rnor[gxga,
<br />,grant and convey the ;'roperty, thaz the Property is unencumbered, and [hat l3arruwcr wilt warrant and defend
<br />generally the dtie to the Property against all claims and demands, suhject to any declarations, easenten[s ur resuicnon+
<br />ti5ted ir7 a sehtdttic of caceptians iv ec~verage in any tttie in3urano_ policy insuring +vender'. inters[ in the Property.
<br />({~~~}~~~--1 t©d family--5;75=.F#AtAt FiitMG UNIFOdM IHSTPUhtEnT r~i-?(13
<br />