for Warranfp Deed
<br />TGe Iluf(+nm (3enerrl tiuPPU' florae. Liucolc, Ve6z.
<br />':, THIS AG_REI':YIENT, rnndr this 13th dal' of June . lyg0 , t-etze,een :,
<br />DA-LY REnLTY AND ZNS'URANCE, INC. hereinafter referred to
<br />as the seller(s) and
<br />JAS L. DUNNE and ANNA M. DU2II3E, as joint tenants and not as tenants in cotumom
<br />hereiuaf ter rej erred to as t)ze fntyer(s).
<br />!b'IT>t'ESSETH, that the scller(sj hcreLti• coveteanus~ mrd agrcc(sl chat if the bul~er'rsi shall r4rst nxake tlse pay- ;.
<br />ttxrnt(sJ end perform the roza^rmtLr hirrinaftt•r nrentinned a>: his', her or their ¢art to be tnnd€ mxd ¢erforrned, the said
<br />seller(s) agree(s) to furnish buyer(sr a good itnd snffrrient nbsirad o{ tale shozring a unerchantable title of record to
<br />the premises herrinaftrr dcsrribed is Nre srlirrrs+ nod u^ill rmtz'e~~ aruT assr.rr to rhr bvymL/, in fee sinx¢le, clear of all j
<br />entaatnbrancas r.rcrpt as stated hcrrbt. ~~• gcod and sn(jtcient 1F'r, -arztl• Deeti, the forlnccnng lot, piece and parcel of
<br />ground, to zxnk:
<br />Lot Eight (8), Block Forty-seven i47),
<br />Russell riheeler Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Zsland, Hall County, idebzaska
<br />3 '7
<br />.ind the said buyeris) roz~cnant/si anti ;rgrrc,s, io ray to said scller~sj, the stun r:t FC3RTY SL-V£N TI~(LSi'ildD
<br />i NINE iiUADRED AND NO/100Tf~ (547,9©0.00) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DOi'A°S, i
<br />i in the manner follazc^ng: $500.00 paid May 21, 1980
<br />r Dollars, cash in hand told. the reteip! ze~irereof is he-rrby arkrr~ledgeei, mui the balance payable:
<br />Paid as above bray 21, 1980 - ~ 500.00
<br />~Dne on or before July 3. 1480 (closing date) • 9x500.00
<br />? $aiance to be carried by P.eller - - - - - 37,900.00
<br />Total $47,900.00
<br />It is hereby agzeed that the Seller of the property has a first ;¢ortgage on the property
<br />sat Home Federal Savings and Loan Company of Grnd Zsland, Nebraska. :;alter agrees to
<br />'; leap the loan on a current basis and pay i full upon i~lfillment of this agreement. it
<br />i is further agreed that the Seller has an escrow account and real estate taxes will be
<br />'paid by the escrow and added to the principal balance of the contract between tale Supers
<br />and :x1lez. Tate above mentioned 537,900.00 is to be carried by the :yeller and will be
<br />paid as follora: $354.00 principal and interest plus one-tslelfth of the real estate taxes
<br />to ~ paid frith t2w first paytoent clue July 13, 1980 and a like amount the thirteen day of!
<br />each math thetsaEtsz until July 13, 1982 at which time the total amount of undid prim- '
<br />cipal and interest will be paid in fall.
<br />zzatlt inter^st at tfsa rat.; :zf l0 314 ilex rent J'=r :tunturx, payaf~ls 35 above on ere :~,hni<^ Burn renutin-
<br />ing from tine: to lien<^ unratd~ atd to day ail _gr•n:~r_i .axes. that roar i>r } •a11~.' ie:ed «r unposed :tfnn raid land. s~h-
<br />sequent to the year e(13I80 and ail insta7lstxcats of spenal asscrsnurts or ,retal tart°~- bernntiztg dtse ar drlinquant
<br />after 6/13/80 at:d ;cep the buiFdinlls its a rcasonat!?r state of rr¢air and insured
<br />' for $ 40,000.00 :? cheer is a tnortge_rz r»t said frn¢~Ti~-, ray iurerest any tares tlteraott up to
<br />' dS above - ti is tr:utftaly ngrred tl:ar 7trne is an rssenfiol ,'(err.. tct i+t this rontrr:<f. .-{n+l it t further
<br />;agreed {hat in case of an;• ;a;eaext, t°tther of ur=nriial ar intcrrst, rrrnaitaixg unpaid jar a Brace of 30 days
<br />after the same sitaii :retazne due. erd err ,.._c jatiurr° aj rhr° sate? dnttarrst to nxekr am; ar thrz asm-esaid pa}nnents
<br />pro¢ided fur hereite or tY,e br,-;,,-h of ::nr _,tlter rez•nxezn! <ortaitxcd herein. this rnntrrrt shat? st tkr , prier o,i the srlJcr: sl.
<br />be forfeited sod d<^tentxinrd ;nd the .•zeti'rr: it::l tall :atrxrnts +rtadc hrrrundrr, anti sorb paytir.ert; shall he
<br />referred b1, the s€!!tr_ s a<Jsrd~t~d i:.on._rrs to _I sukisfarnnn n} .at? rh< dantafrs>ustci+red, axd ssllcr(si shad lraz•r
<br />i the right to re-ertfer and rare ¢ns;rssion said ~r°ruises ainrrxxid.
<br />r
<br />That this agrei~anrnt sha11 <.}t h, „ssignt'd -.`=_°i ?°:a .`err s; :.~zthaut ilze ri•raxten eunsa-»t of the se',ler!s).
<br />Zt is agreed that the pa-ysxnts axe due on die Thirteen day of each :arinth and it it it
<br />;net i'~id by the doe date, the eerier reserves the ziaht to rl~arge a :malty of 55.00
<br />per month late a~azge.
<br />reed-#7kt ,ell th. ern+enarrs and ygrresnents hen'ir€ cotxtained d'ha11 estrxrl to and he chligaforti~
<br />~ftft~s, adnaanxssrzrtars atr=j ,.,srgru rzf the respective partdes.
<br />~~,$j2E01-, rl:e parties :hr°ss nrercnts lxare herexoxtn set their lsnnds ar:d sects the day and tiear
<br />~- Signed, scaled atsd deFi~'rrad au~ The pre;enrc of - ~ - ~-~'- .. ._ ~ r_ ,i.t
<br />D~I.Y R£~ d I 'U?a~36E, Tx
<br />~Y Ci7.Tk71.= v~4., P _1~~ i I ..5' ,
<br />--~ ~ rr
<br />APitd.4 ~.~. vuNNE _
<br />