<br />THIS INDENTURE. made this _. _._ _. Z.~rd -- -_ -- _ day of _.. si-LLHE- _ _ _ _ - _ _.. - 14 ~Q_, by and between
<br />Kevin G. Pfeifer and Cindy K. Pfeifer, husband and wife, each in his and her own right
<br />and as souse of_the-other, _ _
<br />of Hall __.__County. Nebraska, as mortgagor 5_, and Grand Island "Crust Company of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and existing under i.he laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee:
<br />W ITNESSETH: That said mortgagor _S___ ,for and in consideration of the sum of _=- ".~._~ - °°•"°......-..^°-----T-- __
<br />Fifteen Thousand One *~#~r-" ~ ~ ` '
<br />--__N~n_dr~d_Ihir_te~n__~11~rs ~nsLS1D1.100_ ~.n4u.r9~s 1.5.,1'i'-'~ ~-: ,.
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do ___- by these presents mortgage and wamiat unto seidmortga~ee, i~a suc~sors and assigns,
<br />forever. a- the following described rest estate, situated in the County of - - _ Hd 11_ __ _ _ ___
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />The Northerly Fifty-five (55') feet of Lot. Nine (9}, and the Northerly
<br />Fifty-seven (57') feet of Lot Ten (10), in Block Eleven (il), in Schirnmer's
<br />Nddition to the City of grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />Together with ail heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing eginpn.ent and fixtures. including screens. awnutgs. starm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades or bonds, used on or in eonneccton with said property. x-hether the same are now located on said oronertv or hereafter
<br />placed thereon. ,
<br />TO H.41*E AND TO HOLD THE SA-IE, together w~Lh all and singular the tenements. hereditamenis znd appurtenances [henvnta itr
<br />Tonging, or in anywise appertaining. forever, and warrant the title w the same. Said morgagor S herehv covenant _ with satd
<br />mortgagee that __. ilte ~C_._...--~?t£__. at L4e delivery hereof. the lawful owner S--_- of the premises abave conveyed and described,
<br />and are_.- _ seized of a goal and indefeasebie estate of inheritance therein, frc-e and clear of all encumbrances. and that ~ejL_ k~dl
<br />warrant and defend the rde thereto forever against the elaims and demands of all persons whomsoever
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this in.ttvment is exocuted and delivered to secure the psyment of the sum of ._ -_____. __ _ ___
<br />Fifteen Thousand One Hundred- Thirteen- dol-7 acs and i1Q1100_ fxnars„ ]5 ll3~OQ ___ ___ ~,
<br />with interest thereon, together such rhargcs and advances as msv he dae and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and renditions
<br />ai the promisson note of even date he.~ewtth and secured hereby, caecuted by. sazd mortgagor S_,_- to said rnortgager, payable as espmsstd
<br />is said note, and to secure the perfortaance of a- the terms and conditions contained therein. The urns of said rote are hereby incorporated
<br />berate by this reference.
<br />It is the intention and ngtcemeut of the perctes hereto that this morzgage shat; also secure any future advances made to smd mortgagor _S___
<br />by said mortgagee, and any sad all indebtedness m addiuon to the amount shove stated whir, said mortgafn?rs, nr any of them., may owe to
<br />said mnRgagee, however ev^idecced. whether by note, twok atcaunt or otherwise- Thu mortgage skull remain in full force and eift<t between
<br />the parties hereso and their heirs. personal representatives, successors and assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, inciudtng future
<br />advances, are paid in fuL' with interest.
<br />The mortgagor ~,_ hereby assign _ - to sand mortgagee :ill rents and income ansutg at any and all trine, from .card propert+~ and
<br />hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent. at its spoor.. upon defau[i, [o take thar[,re n£ said property and collect all rents and income
<br />therefrom and apply the same to the payt~nt a# r-rarest, pria[ipa1, i<-tsurance premiums, taro,, asses meats. repairs nr imprri-ements
<br />ttecessan• to keep said pmpatty in tenantable ooadivoo, or w o[11e1 charges or payments orovtded for herein or to the note hereby secured. 't'his
<br />rani assignment shall continue in force tmci! ihx unpaid batartY of said note is fully paid. The taking of possession fereunder shall in no manner
<br />prevent or retard said mortgagee is the wfleecwn of sand cams by lareclosine or atherwise.
<br />The failure of Lhe mortgagee to assert any of its rights hereunder at any time sha- not 6e cons;rutd as a waiver of its nght to assett the
<br />same at any later time, end to insist upon sad enio-rte str;m. cvmpfiante with at3 the term: and pro3 ision> of said note and of this mor.Kagr
<br />If said mortgagot S shall cause to be paid to said mortgagee the entue amount due >< be.R:under, and under the terms and omvuwas
<br />of said note hereby secured, indudi»g future advances, and any extensions or reneweLs them>f in accordance with the terms and prcn•rsions
<br />thereof. and if acid mortgagor S___ shall comply with all the provisions of said nee amf of this mortgage, then these presents shall tee void.
<br />otherwise to remain in fu- force and effect, and sand mortgages shall he entitled ici the possession of all of said property. and ntay, at its upuon.
<br />declare the whole of said Hate and a- indebtedness rep:esentwi thereby to be immediately due and payable. and may fom~7ose chic martgaKe
<br />or take any other legal action Lo protect its right. Appraisement waived.
<br />This mortgage shall be binding upon anti shall enure to the benefit of the heirs, ezecvtors, administrators. succesuirs and assigns et the
<br />respective parties hereto,
<br />IN WSTN ESS WHEREOF, said .'itortgagar S- ha YP .hereunto set t~'IP2Y_ _. hand _S._ the day and ~~ear itrst abate
<br />writcen. i
<br />!<;e f ~
<br />__ .____" .. ___.__.. _..._ _.. 3 _1i~_. ~
<br />Cindy K. P eifer _----
<br />