<br />f ~~-f`-+~*~ P~os~~~p tifirol~fRir~ Efti~
<br />r..
<br />L-7~ r y-J~ya~q `q
<br />~~VRiF.ea: J~z-~+
<br />Date .Iun>~- 13 , 1g8D 8~
<br />LV TIIE CGUiV'Ti' CoCRl' OF _ _ ADAMS--- ----- -Ct)C':'VT}', .!'fi/31t<1SKA
<br />T'h%s is to certify That there is prnding in the <:uanfq ;:Dort r~'" _ ~AuS_ __ _ _._Cottr+ty,
<br />.\'chraska, a proceeding entitled:
<br />,~'v. 11815 __ _ _ Uoc... _ 40 ---- Pnyr _222
<br />which is a proceeding utoult~uty __ 3?$~BATE OF ~YILL~___ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _
<br />probate .if v il, od;;nnstrniiun ,.~ rstotr, Jr(enannattr~n n/ hens, de[er,vunanon
<br />- , n tohicF; proceeding fire fvtlvwir<y descriGed real
<br />I.n henlcnrz tax. s~car•: r<: ^sh,a or ronsrrr°afor~htp
<br />estate is inuoinrci, to-wit:
<br />An ~.ndi.ided one-h•al_` intere~*_ in
<br />the E2N'~SE~ of Section DO,Township
<br />9 'north, Range y Wiest of the nth
<br />P.Si., in Hall Countp,tiebraska;
<br />----
<br />~~w_nty Jr,dge •m;?;~un±y
<br />~N Bu -.. - / ---
<br />(aerl, a(ihc Cottrrfg Court
<br />SccliUn 1~-.:.;=~. '~ln an;; nrocerd8ag =^ [he ,,n, rip rcurl cr:: o:ruiq , . thr pn,:,,,tz ,=t ~~,its Buser the <<r rnn r.^= ~•t chapter 3t~, erf ule
<br />2. (2i Ire adn;eressira~ion ul esintes u::Jer the ~,rn„sFans cj t:Lr.alrr :;~!, arc, dr ~. ~ 3 i 1bz ,fetrrm;r.eNor ,J !„~us m;:rr the yraotsecns ,.*
<br />Chapter ::U, artiae li, i3) fhe leterrn irr alion of ,n.'rcnlar. cr 1ni ^ndrr !hr :.raramns n' LhcJ~;e: .--. arhde 7~. ;) g~rarJtonxR~ps
<br />undo ifx prot~ist3tas nl Chaplet .; 8., crlidc Y., ,i', er 1, or + ~nnserrv:c~rsh;/~s unr; Fr !nr ,,=uot irons rJ !-h„ptu in. ^r(rdr. y. ,unere
<br />reel esteit is ang part of lf~e assets of the esfatf er prrri rJi ry, ;he •-rarnry : ~e•igc bcicre e=nter 1i= -: orerd u~q rs prn.Jr,,,~ sna(r scut n
<br />crll((ieate mhhA thcil Ae hied 'rdth .'•':e te~}isiu oe Jte.fs ;,f ?be ~o„r; yt to u~L;rF iirx re=~1 es]alr i~ %ocmrd wt,5 v;~ t,•,-, days q~ttr lhr
<br />Jescrikimn o,•`ihe reaf es:ale ra jitrd :r::he r,racceJ.ny.". ____. .__.._.._.. __..
<br />