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<br />(6} To use the loan evidenced by [hc note solely for purposes au[horfzed by the Government. <br />(7) To pay when due all razes, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully .,caching tc ur assessed <br />against the property, including all charges and assessments in connec[irn with water, wacer rights, and wacer seeck <br />pertaining to or reasonably necessary to the use of the real property described above, and all cases and assessments levied <br />upon this martgage or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured or against arty legal holder hereof ur of the note or of <br />said indebtedness under [he laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing <br />such payments. <br />(8) To keep the property insured as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and, at ixs <br />request, to deliver such policies to the Government. <br />(9) To maintain improvements in good repair and nral:e repairs required by the Govermnenr, operate the property m a <br />good and husbxndmanlike manner: comply with such farm conservation ppractices and farm and home management plans as <br />the Government from time to time may prescribe: and not m abandon t}te property, or cause or permit was[e, lessening oz <br />impafrmenx of the security covered hereby, or, without the written consent of the Government, cue remove, or lease any <br />timber, gravel, oil, gas, coal, or other minerals except as may be necessary for ordinary domestic purpases. <br />! 10) To comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations affecting the property. <br />{11) To ppay or reimburse-the Government for expenses ceasonably necessar}' or incidental to the protection of the lien <br />'aridxpriorify,h2Rfof and to the enforcement of or the compliance with rile provisions hereof and of d:c note and any supple- <br />anethsyy}BNe~ (w(redres,before or after default ;, including but not limited to cows of evidence of ride ro and survey oC <br />,~dte-property;-~costs~ of-recording this and ocher instruments, attorneys' fees, tnrtees' tees. coon costs, and expenses of <br />advertising, selling, and conveying the property. <br />1?) Neither the property nor any portion thereof or interest therein shall be leased, assigned. sold, [rausferred, or <br />encumbered, voluntarily or otherwise, without the written consent of the Government. The Governmen[ shall have the sole <br />and exclusive rights az mortgagee irereun.ier, including but not limite3 [o the power w grant consents. nattial releases, <br />subordinatiens, and satisfaction, and no insured holder shall hate any right, title or interest in or to the lien ur any Lenefas <br />hereof. <br />'131 At all reasonable times [he Government and its agents may inspect the property to ascertain whether the covenants <br />and agreements contained herein or in an}• supplemenrarp agreement are being pertanned. <br />14j The Government may (at extend or defer the mantzity of, and renew and reschcdu}c the payments nn, the debt <br />evidenced b}' the note or any indebtedness to the Government secured be this utstrument, 6' release .+nv party ae'ho is <br />.' s.. i..,,,t.......,... <br />liable under the note ar tut the debt "from iiabiiity to thevovernme;;t, c, r~ra' '^-'~^^""'}~-' nr-'p-'rtk >ad subordinate <br />its lien, and ~,di waive any other of its rights under this in__=rrmncr,t..Any and .dl this can and +vill be done +vith nut affccdr.g <br />the lien or the priorir' of this instrumect ur Borrower's or any other pazn•'s liability to dtc Govermnent for paymerc of the <br />onto or debt secured be this inscrttmem unless the Government says oth erw•tsr in +vrinng. HUWFVER, any forbearance be <br />the Government-whether once or often-in exerctsine arc right or remedy under this instztunent, or otherwise attorded b}' <br />applicable law, shall rot be a waiver of o: preclude the exercise of ant n.:dt right ar rrmedv. . <br />it~i If at any t~rae it shall appear to the Govemmert that Borrower may be able co obtain a loan from a production <br />credit association, a Federal lar=d bank, or other responsible cooperative or private credit source. at reasonable rates and terms <br />for loans for similar purposes and periods of time, Bo:rorver avill, upon the C, evernment's request, apply for and accept such <br />loan in s•,rfficient amount to pat the note and arr• indebtedness secured Iterebc and to pay i~zr any stock necessary to b•= <br />purchased is a woperatire lending agency ir, cot section vith such !oan. <br />~ t6) Default hereunder shall -onstizute default under any other real estate, ur under asp personal prooerty or other, <br />security ins*.mment held or insured by the Government and rxeccted or assumed bv_ 6orrosver. anti driaul*• under any such <br />other securirv instrument shall constituee default hereunder. <br />I?? SHOULD DEFAULT aceur in the performance or discharge of soy ebligaeion in this mstn;ment ~,r sec u:ed 'L+v ;his <br />instrument, or should the panes named as Borrower die or be declared as it:_ompetent, av siwuld an} one of ehe parses <br />named as Borrower be declared a bankrupt, or an insolvent or make art assignment fur the benefit of .: edit.,n. the Govern- <br />ment, at its option, with or without notice. may: ~,... declare dte entire anraunt unpaid under the rote and att}• indebtedness <br />to the Gavertunent hereby secured unmediately deeand payable, ~;,bj for the acrount of Bur-.uwer incur and nay reasonable <br />expenses for repair or maintenance cf and take possession of, operate or rent •he properxv. c, upon eoplic.ttton b:• is and <br />production of this instrument. •xititout oxttez evtdencr and without notice cf hen-in, :=i satd applicanon. ..vr a recetvrr <br />appointed for the property. with clte usual powers of receivers in tike cases, d: torrelose this instrument e: pruvrdad herein <br />at by law, and (e) enforce any and aE! other rigkt is and remedies provided heron er by prrsrut or '. utuze !aw. <br />(1$j The proceeds of foreclosure salt sbali be applied in the fallowing order tc the pavement oi: a; case and expenses <br />incident to eaforemg or complying with xhe provisions hereof. 'b) am- prior liens required by law of a competent court to <br />be so paid, (c) the debt evidenced by the rote and aL indebtedness to the G-ove:not=.^.*- s=cured herrbp. ,d; enferta: liens <br />of rectnd required by law of a competent court to be so paid, •r; at the Government's optiun..c.~y~ other indebtedness of <br />Borrower owing to or insured by the Government, and tf'; any balance to Aerrowr;. At fore.iunuco :,r other ~aie u; all cz any <br />part of xhe property, the Government and its agents may bid and putclrase as a stranger and cony pay the Gavemmrn['s share <br />of the purchase price 'oy cre.;icing sucla amount on any de'u[s of•Borrow•rr owing to or insured by the Goverrrmenr, m ri,r <br />order prescribed above. <br />(39j Borrower agrees that xhe Governrrtrnt will not be bound by any prrsrnz or future Matz law.:. a; providing for <br />valuation, appraisal, homestead ar exemt:tion of the property, ;. b) prohibiting rnain[enaace of an ecuon for a deficiency <br />judgment ar limiting the amotmx thereof ar the time within which such action must be brought, +c; praseribing an} other <br />statute of limitations, (d) allowing any right of redemption or passession fallowing any foreclosure sale. _,: e: limitng the <br />tanditians which xhe Government may b; regulation bnpose, including the interest :ate it me} ritargr, ..s .= cw~diticu: ci <br />approving a transftr of the praperty to_ new Barrewer. Borrower expressly waives the 'besets ct .,ny such Matz iaws- <br />Boaower hereby rel~quishes. naives, and conveys all righu, uuhoate ur consumatate, of descent, .lou'cr, lad <uaesy. <br /> <br /> <br />{--.- <br />