<br />80-~29'Ci~
<br />USDA-FmHA Position 5
<br />Form FmHA 427.1 NB
<br />THIS MORTGAGE is made and entered into by __u~-!Jr.. ~!P!Nr__ TR~._-._v---AT._iL.A.Nr_.__._..__.____
<br />-husbarrl--aad..Iel1PE,.._Pi3C~h._]dl_.t>;.s--s~nd-heat-shm_right..c~xl--~s-.s~onse-. af---tl~ _~thPx,.--------------.
<br />residing in ..-_...._-.___...-._.._._.._-_._.._..Flan_--_-_--..-_-_..___--__'----_ County. Nebraska, whose post of£zce address is
<br />-~?Itte-3~°--82a------------------------- ------- -..-..-- ---YiO-od--22tiyPS - '-- -- .. Nebraska -_68883
<br />herein called "Boaower,' and:
<br />WHEREAS Borrower is indebted [o the United States of America, acting through the Farmers Home Administration,
<br />United Stags Department of Agriculture, herein called the "Government," as evidenced by one or more promisor}' note{s)
<br />or assumption agreement(s), herein called "Hate," which has been executed by Borrower, is payable [o the order of the
<br />` Government, authorizes acceleration of the entire indebtedness at the option of the Government upon any default by
<br />Borrawer, andts described as follows:
<br />annual Rate Doe Date of Firw!
<br />Date of Instrument Principal.Amourzt of Interest Gzstallment
<br />Sung 20, 1980. $28,530.00 11$ June 20, 2020.
<br />(If the inurest rue is less than _______~____ a for farm ow-nezship or operating loam,sj secured by this instrument, then the
<br />rite may be ,:hanged az provided in the note.;
<br />And the note evidences a loan to Borrower. and the Governs:zent, at env time, may assign the note and insure the pay-
<br />ment thereof pursuant to the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Acc, or Tide V of :he Housing Act of 7949 or any
<br />o*_he: statute administered be the Farmers Home Administration:
<br />And it iu the purpose and intent of this instrument that, among ether things. az all times when the note rs held by the
<br />Govern..-tent, or in the event the Government should azsign this instrument witheut insurance of the note, this instrumem
<br />shall secure payment of the note; but when the note u held by an insured holder, this insmmrent shall not secure payment
<br />of the note ar attach to the debt erridenced thereby, but as to the note and such debt shall cansntutc en .naem nin• maagage
<br />to secure the Gaverrmenc agzinst loss under its insurance contract be reason c.` env default b~~ Borrower:
<br />And this instrument also secures the recapture of any interest credit or subsidy which mar he grtnted m dte Borower by
<br />the Government pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § I490a.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the loans i and . a) ac al} tv-nrs when the note is held by the Government, or in
<br />the event the Governmem shoulcr assign this instrumem without insurance of the payment of the note. ro secure prornpt
<br />pafineat of the note and env renewals and extensions thereof and ens agreements contained therein, incfudmg any provisron
<br />for the pa}'ment of an insurance or oche: charge, b) ar ail times when :he Hate is held by an insured holder, to secure Ger-
<br />fnrmance of Borrower's agreement herein to indemniit and save ltarnziess the Gavernntent against loss under its insurance
<br />contract by reason of any default by Borrower, and ;c; in any event and at all times to secure the prompt payment of all
<br />advances and expenditures ma.;e by the Government, wi$t interest, as hereinafter describes, ,.ad fire performance of every
<br />covenant and agreement of Borrawer contained herein ar in any supplementary agreement, Borrower does hereby grant,
<br />bargain, sell, convey and assign, with general warranty. unto the Government the following property' situated in the State of
<br />Nebraska,County(iesl of.--------------~1----------------------------------------------------~--------_.-----~---------------------~
<br />The South Half of tl'ne Northwest Quarts tF3aS~NF~) of Section 'Twenty-four t24) , in
<br />Zbsanship Eleven tli) North, Range Twelve ;12) , C+Test of -tine 6th P.M. ,
<br />Si)&7ECf RO Mortgage in favor of The Federal Tend Bank of (lnaha sty the principal amotuit
<br />of $20r900.00, affecti.~g only the S1wi 24-ll-12;
<br />FmHA 427-] NB ;Rev. 5-15-74)
<br />
<br />J
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