<br />MORTGAGE __ __ __
<br />stoxTGAGE [.oaN No. L23, 716
<br />Subject to L22,750
<br />iavowAt,i.MExavTi}rsEPr~ESEN~is:ghat Robert E. Obst and Janice L. Obst, MOIC
<br />each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the sttm of
<br />Six Thousand and PJo 1/ 00------------------_--_--------_--------__----------- noL}.ARs
<br />loaned to said [rtorigagor by The Egttitabie Building and Loan Asaxiatian of Grand Is}and, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 6D shoes of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate Ni. L 23, 716 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ?vSSOCL4TlON the foiltrwitg
<br />described rest estate, situated 4n Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />{lI) NORTH, RAiiGE NINE {9) ldEST OF THE 67H
<br />to6etM: with all the tenements_ hereditaments and apprrrtenanees thereumo belonging, ~netuarng attached !lour coverings, all window scrttns,
<br />window shades, Minds, storm windows, awnings, heating, au conditioning, and plumbing and watecequipment and accessories therein, pumps, stoves,
<br />,nfrigetamrs, and other fixtures and equipment row or hereafter at€ached tour tsed ^s cunnrctiur, vetch sod real rstate-
<br />And whereas the sod mortgagor has agreed and does hxret,y agree that the rnvrtgagvr r~tati and will pay art taxes and assessments levied o:
<br />asYssed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the band secured ~herehy before the same sltali brcvsrte delinquent; to famish approved
<br />inwratwe upon the buildings on said premises situated in [he ruin of S 6 , DDO. DD payable m rind ASSOC'#AT#ON and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION ffie poiiexs for saxt inmrance: and no; eu rxtmnni yr permmt any waste on nr about sand premsses;
<br />Ir. use of defauh m the performance of any of the terms and rondiL•ons of this awneage ..,r t-ye twad s~currd hereby, the rnongagtr s}talt,
<br />on demand, he entitled to immediate possession of zhe mortgaged prtmiscs and the ;nottgagor hereby asstgrs, transfers and leis over tv the
<br />trtongaget ail the rents_ revenues and incxime Fo be derived from the mortgaged premtses during such i;mt a=_ [he moagsge mdebzedness sisall remain
<br />stnpaid; artd the mortgagee shat} have the power to aopoint any agent or agents it may desne for the purpose of repairing said prrtrtixs and renting
<br />tix saute and eollectirtg the sznts_ rerenues and income, and it may pay out of said income alE expense. r,i repairing said premises and necessary
<br />commissions and expenses incurred in ranimg and manaPging the same end if cuLecting rentals therefrom: the balance remaining, if any, to be
<br />applied toward the discharge oP said mortgage indrbtednrss; €hese righu of the mortgagrz may hr exer~s~d at any time during the existence of such
<br />deiatdt, «respeet:ve of any temporary waiver of t}ie same.
<br />These Prtstnu, however, are upon the Lcnditsoa, 3'hat sf fihe raid Murigagur shall repay sod k>an un or before the maturity c=f sasd shares oy
<br />paytmnt; pay monthly to s-nd ,~l.S5t7Cl AI70N of the sum specsfsed m *.#vr Mind sacurrd f:ereby as interest and prmcspal en still Loan, on or be[ore
<br />the Twentieth day of each and every month, trntil sdd roan u fully said; pay ail taxes se=ll assessments 7rvsed against card prrrwrs aad un this Mongage
<br />and the Bond secured ittereby, beiire de}inyvency; fitrnists apprized insuranx upon the buildings therein ir. the sum of S 6 , QDQ, QQ payable
<br />to said ASSOC}ATION: repay ti said ASSOCIATlO^t upon demand atl money b} it paid for such taxes, =+~r'<*TMnts and insurance with utterest at
<br />the maximum legal rate tberrun from date of payment iii if which ir#ortgagar hereby agrees to pay: permit nu waste on said premrses: keep and comply
<br />whit ail ~e agrsfe~nn,s and conditions tri tare Bond for c 6,DDO. OD th+s dau gsvxr+. by ,h; Ord A#orz~gor to lair! ASSOC(.4??ON, and r,amply
<br />with all the requirements oi'the Carsstitutxn and By-f,3ug of said ASSOC}.ATIOV: men these prrseris sitar! P.rcomr r?•u}i and void, otherwise !hey
<br />slnlt reaain in frill force and tray be firrciosed at the cpison rri the said ASSOCIA'f}ON afar Eaduse for three ntoni}ts to make any of said
<br />paytents or be three taorths in arrears in masking said monthly payments, ru to keep and wmp}y with the aurements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a rea^iver appointed forthwith in such foredasrur prt><~edings_
<br />if !here is any change in ownership of the tea} estate nxrrtgaged herein, by sale ur itherwise, then the enure remaining indebtedness hereby
<br />sa~tittd shall, at the option of The Equitable Building and t.oart Assin:iation of Grand isLsnd, Nebraska, txco.ne irumediately due and payable without
<br />ftt[thet nolice, and the amount remaining due under said !vend, and any other k+ond fur any additional advances made thereunder, steal!, Imm the
<br />dart of exercise of said option, bear snterest at the maxianttm irgat rate, and this mortgage Wray then bt foreclosed to satisfy the amount dreg on said
<br />bond,arxi any nihcr bond for additisrnai advnnrrs, together with all sutns pied by sasd Tisr i~quieabk t3uilding and Loan Association of Grand Is}and,
<br />Nebraska for insuraacr, isxrs and asse55zr,rnis, and absiraciin~ extensiir. charges, with interest theretsn, from date of payment at ehr rnaximstm
<br />legal talc.
<br />As providtd in the Bond seemed hereby, -while [iris ntvrtgage retttaans m ef}~tt i,4e ;;tungagee may hereafter advance additional sums to the
<br />ntaicers of still Goad, their assigtu z=t successors is enterest_ whie:h runts steal} }u wixhir. tht security of ibis murigagr the sortie as the ftmds origiruiiy
<br />severed thereby, the «,ta# amuum of prirn,spal debt not to exceed at any time the vrtgtnai amount of this nwrtgage.
<br />this 2Dth. day - June A. D., f9 B(J
<br />~.,.~
<br />tt~nice L. Obst 3
<br />S'fAYE OF NE$ttASKA, t ss On this zDth . day iz f June 1!1 $~ ,before nx,
<br />COU.N7Y flF HALL. 1f
<br />Robert E. Obst and Janice L. ObSt, the undersigeed, a Notary Public +n artd for said Cowuy, perwnally came
<br />each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other whi are personalty known to
<br />tpt to be the ideaticat person S whose stameS are atTixed to the above insyvamaV a: mortgagor S and they srveraily
<br />~ l
<br />arYnowkdged rise said inserument to be their vuiiu,tary act and deed, i f/ -_„_
<br />wITNFSS mY hand and Notaris} Seal the date atorrsaid_ ~ ~ / { ~
<br />MyCommissiunexpites {:~GU~t.G~ `", / \"~~~.Y---
<br />taxszat to ~GENERAI lW1~RY-Shb 6i it/btlYRi / - --~- - Naary Puhtic
<br />TAMES W, C150N
<br />s~+*,r}*_r±a My Camm. Et}t. NOY. 11. t417
<br />