S09'la-RELEASE OF MORTGAGE-Carpozetion 'cna xnnr~,,.n o-rnb.et annn:r xon~.:.{n~,m, x~n:. -
<br />IN COA~SIDERAT/ON of the ¢a3nnenl of the debt named thevrin, the First National Bank of Grand
<br />Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, hereby refeases the mortgage shade to j
<br />~ ~ The First National Bank of Grand Island
<br />by Boughton Zndustrial Equip., Znc.,
<br />~ a Nebraska Corporation
<br />ma the following described real eslate, to-wit Part of the NEB of the NWT of Sec. 12, Twp. 11 N, R 9 W of
<br />the 6th P.M., descr as follows: Commencing on the West line of the NE's NW'~G of said Sec. 12,•
<br />~,` ~I'Twp. 11 N, R. 9 W, where same intersects the Northerly line of Highway 1130, thence Northerly:
<br />0" ;along & upon the Westerly line of said NE's NW's of. said Sec. 12, Twp. 11 N, R. 9 W to the
<br />~ ;Southerly right-of-way line of the Union Pacific RR Co., thence northeasterly along & upon the
<br />;Southerly right-of-way line of said Union Pacific RR Co., a distance of 1275.5 feet, moreoi;
<br />!less, to where said Southerly right-of-way line of Union Pacific intersects the Northerly; etc.
<br />of Section in Tawnshib Rnnge of the P. M., Hall
<br />County, State of Nebraska which is rerorded in $va# under of Real Estaae Mortgages, gaga ,
<br />Document 1177-006532
<br />of Lke records of said County.
<br />IN TL•STIMQNY T~~~~FQ~, ~;~~~aid The First National Bank of Grand Island S r~ ~tau.~¢d ,
<br />these ¢resents to be executed by sts Qresi ent and its Corporate Seal to be mixed heretc this 3rdr
<br />j day of 3une iq 80. THE FZR 3+ ~ N15'•{` ST.ELNb.`r.
<br />Exe t3ve Vick ._,.
<br />1~y _
<br />- _ .. _ - - ... _,..._. ess
<br />-._ .-Ittest . _t, Cashs . , Secretarti
<br />STATE OF Nebraska - -__- ~ tin this---- ~rct day of - -Jun$ =_t . ,_ : i9 ~.0
<br />lss. i
<br />Hall County j before me, the undersiyned, e $'atar~"4Ptafllsc'an•uttt#7or ~ I
<br />County, persanpG't~ came _..-..- R,_-Ke~t1Z Jpbes „ . - Executive ~ ice ~- .P>'e?itfen .af the
<br />1 _.
<br />_ __ ~~ e, First-_;`lational _Bank. of Grand_ Island a C o. poratian
<br />\~ 3..I, en to ~~~~r~~r'~gid~r}f~nd identical person :abase name is atTixed to thc -hr,.~e release and
<br />~t~pad ~ltt_ t~ cation thereat to be his >•aluntarv act and deed as such o~tcer, and the c~alantcrv act .snd dezd
<br />i r _--- ~- - - td County tTte day and Vear'
<br />Pndz :totursal Sea! ar --. Grand Islan ~ braska
<br />~ /
<br />Z)ecertber 30,_-..q 80__ ._.~~~/ / ~ ~L=c~ct1 y~--~'~'etarR, P+tblir
<br />- - - - _ _ lll... ___
<br />~ ,
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