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3"l9 <br />80-~`i~C~~' <br />116.922 <br />contain ing acres, more or less, together wl th all of the rl ~i t, tl tie, and in terast - <br />(now owned ar hereafter acquired) of T.he Mortgagors in said property, Snclud ing all buildings, improvements, fixtures, <br />ar appurtenances thereon or hereafter placed thereon: all water, irrigation, and drainage rights: the tenements, <br />hereii foments, and appurtenances thereto and the rents, issues, crops, and profits arising from said lands; and {Sf <br />the NArtgagors~ rl~tts Sn the public domain are required Gy Mortgagee for security purposes) all leases, permits, <br />licenses, or prl vl loges, appurtenant or nonappur tenant to said mart gaged premises, now or hereafter issued, extended, <br />or renewed to the tbrtgagors by the Uni tetl States nr the state Sn welch the above-descr Sbed property is located or <br />any department, bureau, or agency Lhereot. <br />This mortgage is given to secure a proml ssory note of even date herewith, executed by Mortgagors Lo Mortgagee, Sn <br />the principal sum of ONE HU:vTDRED EIGHTY-SIX THOUSAND :1ND NO/100 ---------------------- <br />DOLLARS, <br />payable with Interest according to the terms of said note, the final payment Deing due and payable on the first day ~ . <br />of January, 2000 ihis conveyance shall Ge void ^ the payment of said promissory, note. <br />This nortgage Ss suDJ act to the provisions of THE FARM CREDIT ACT and ail acts amendatory thereof or supplemental <br />thereto. The proceeds of the loan secured hereby will be used for the purposes specified Sn the Mortgagors app 11- <br />cation for said loan and authorized by said Act. <br />The Mortgagors, and ea~a of them, hereby warrant that they are fee owners of the mortgaged real property; that they <br />' will defend the title agnlnst a12 claimants whomsoever, and that said property is free Irom all encumbrances; that <br />they wi21 keep all the improvements, fixtures, and appurtenances occupied and in good repair and permit no acts r.f <br />waste: aad tDey will relinquish all rights of Domes read in said premises, and covenant and agree with the Mortgagee, <br />as follows: <br />- (1) Thal they will pay when due all taxes, liens, Judgments, or assessments which may be lawfully essessetl against <br />Lhe property herein mortgaged. <br />(2) That Lhey will insure and keep 'enured buildings or other improvements now on or which may heresf ter be paced <br />on said premises to the satlstaction of the Mortgagee, such insurance policy wall be endorsed with a mortgage clause <br />_ _ with the lass thereunder ca De payable to the Mortgagee. Any sums received may be used to Fay far ratans t.^ucticn <br />at the destroyed improvements; or, St not so applied, may, at the option of the Mortgagee, Ce applied 1n paymen*_ of <br />- ay= 1ndeD redness, matured or unmatured, secured by this martg~e. <br />(33 Ta pay all rents, fees, or charges now due or to heceme Cue under *_ne terms of each lease, permit, 1!canse, ur <br />' privilege an the public domain whicD Ss appurtenant er nanapp=.:rtenant tc the mnrtgaged premises, which has beer. <br />issued. ertended, or renewed Dy LDe t1alLed States or the state la which the above-d?scrlb ed property is located; and <br />Lo pertnfa and oDServe every act, covenant, condition, and stiFUlatlon necessar,- to keep each of the same in good <br />standlx>~L: and Lo take every necessary step to secure the r=issue, renewal, ~ extensSCn of each of the same; and t <br />assign, waive, pledge, or endorse to the Mortgagee each lease, permit, license. dr privtl?g? '•• Mortgagars~ rights <br />in public domain are reauired by Mortgagee for securl ty Purposes, <br />_ (4) That in the event the Mortgages Ss s party to any lltigatlon ~ffec`.1nr. the security or the lien of its mort- <br />gage, 1aGluding aqy salt by Lhe Mortgagee to foreclose this mortgage or any suit '-h wnl ch th? Mortgagee may Da ..^.amed <br />_ a party defendant Sn whleh it Ss obligated to protect Sts rights er lS en, including cerdemnatlon and hankf`uptdy <br />pracaedlrgs, the tortgagee may incur expenses aed advance payment far abstract fees, sttcrney f?es ;except to tDe <br />extent prohibited Dy Saw), costs, expenses, antl abler charges, <br />(53 That Sn the event the nortgagors fail Lo pay when due any taxes, Hens, _::~„gmen:s, dr asses s-^en ts, tai? <br />maintain insurance as hereinbetore provided, ar fall to par rents, fees, or trio.*:;es undo?- the * rz~s of any leas=~. <br />Permit, license, o^ privilege; ^^ Mortgagee Ss required c incur exp?nses for abstract fees, a ~-:ey fees, <br />expenses, and other charges in ecnnec tion w1tD 11 t1gati on, Mortgagee may ;w-aka such pay;nent or provide such Snsnrsm~a ~, <br />' or incur such oDligatlan, and the amounts paid therefor shall Dec ame a ^-=*t ,f the Snd?bt?dhess secured hereby due <br />and payable imedlately, and sDa11 Dear interest from the dale of paymenU aC tae same ;ste as provkd?d for de: atilt <br />Sn ti_*.e Hate. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />