<br />
<br />M0Rl'GA6F, _
<br />reotiTCnceLC~ANLLppNO_ L23,715 Subject to
<br />IQdOWALLMENBYTHFSF.FRFSENTS:That Lyle C. Flebbe and Jeanette~.~Flebbe, each in his and
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Mortgtgor, whether oce or more, in consideration of the-awn of
<br />Ten Thousand and No/100-------------------------------------------------------------- not.Latts
<br />kiasied to said mrrtgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 1 DO shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No, L 23, 715 . do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foBorvirg
<br />described real cetate, situated in Hatl County, Nebraska:
<br />6th. P. M., HALL COUNTY NEBRASY'A.
<br />ttgjther with all the [ertements, hereditamenti and appurtenances thereunto helanging, including attached floor aoverirtgs, all window screens,
<br />wiodov shadce, bimds, storm windows, awnin_s, heating, air wnditioning, and pittmbing and water cgtvprrient and accesxrries thereta,pttmps, stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and other Y'txtures and equipment row or hereafter attached to ur used m coenection with said coat estate.
<br />And tvtieteas the said mortgagor has agreed and dais hereby agree That the mortgagor >hall and will pay alt taxes and assessments Levied or
<br />aaessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the band secured thereby before the same shall become delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />insurance upon the bt>ildings on said prerttises situated in the Burn of S 1 D, DDD. DD payable to i3i3 ASSOCIATION and to delivEr to said
<br />ASSOCLATION the polities for said insurance; and rot to commit ur permit any waste un or abort said premises:
<br />In case of default m [he perfortmnsr. of any of the terms and sondnions of ibis mortgage ur the bored srcuird hereby, [he irwrtgagee shall,
<br />on detnvtd, tx entitled to ir[tmediate possession of the mortgaged prennses and the mori~gur hereby aa~igns, transters and sets over to the
<br />trsorigagse all the ecru, revenues and mcome to 6r detrved from the mortgaged premmses during such time a, the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br />unpaid; and the tttnrtgagee shall have zhe pawn to appoint any agent or agents n may d^sire for the purposY of repairing said premises and renting
<br />the sattx and collecting the rents, revenues and mcome, and it ntay pay nut of said mcome all expervc:s u}' repaving sa}d premises and necessary
<br />orrptttritsions and expanses incurred in renting sad marragi^g the ante and of collecting rentals the2from; the balance remauning, if any, to be
<br />aipplieri rowed the dis; barge of said rcmrtp~ge mdebtetiness; these rights of ! he nxingager r<ray be ezett;iad at any time during tfte existence of such
<br />defauk, irrespective of any temporary waiver aC the same.
<br />These Presenu, however, are upon the Contrition, Thai tf the satd Mortgagor ~ halt ropey said !van un or before the matttzity of said shares by
<br />payment; pay monthly to said ASS4CSA'TtON of the sutra speufi ~d m the Bond .~estuad hereby as interest and prutcrpal cn sazd loan, on ur before
<br />the Tvven[etih day s>f eadt and every month, until said loan is ftdly patd; pay a6 taxes and assessnrrnts levied against said premises and on the Morigage
<br />and the Bond seemed thereby, before de[i-tquency; tartest: approved }nsurancr upon the buildings thereon in the sum of S 1 D, DDD. OD payable
<br />to satin ASSC?CtA'IlON: repay is card -1SSCX=1ATInN upon demand act :uuney by at pa,u for such [~ce>, ass~ssrtznts and insttratece with interest at
<br />the -m. legal :acs ttestwn from date of Iraymen[ aU of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay:lxrmit ru waste ai: said prr:nises; keep acid corrtply
<br />with alt the agreerrxnts aitd conditions of the Bond fo: S 1 D, DDD. DD ihrs :3ay green by ttte said Mongagar [o said ASSCQ;lATtON, and mmpiy
<br />with ail t},e regtrvcttnents.rf the Cotuututiotr acrd By aws of said ASSOCIATION; chrn 'ttese presents scull ben•me null and void, otherwise they
<br />chat! zertuin in full Torre and may be foreclosed at the option of the card :1.SSOC'tA 1`SON after failure for three lixinths to make any of said
<br />paya,enits ar be three mouths m arrears m making said rnonthly paytttenu, ar to kerp sad comply wtth [he agtesrtaems and canditions of said Band;
<br />and !Mortgagor agrees iu }rave a rz ~ivrt sppavtted foniewrtb sn each farrclusure prur~edntgs.
<br />If there is any daanAr in owarrshgr ui the real estate nxrn tgaged herein, by sale ur otherwise, then cite entve remaining indebtedness hereby
<br />secured shall, at the option ul'The Fqu}table Building and Loan Assodation of Grand island, Nebraska, be~tme tmmedtateiy due and payable w}[hout
<br />forth.-r rwtice, and the annouai regaining due under said bond, and any other fwnd for any additional advances made thereunder, shall, from the
<br />date of e•xercivz of said uptinn, horse ratetesi at the ntruiitrtum legal race, and this nioregarge quay thin be foredossd to satisfy the atrauot due on said
<br />brmd,sad any ettxx bored for additional ativaa_xs, xoge~cr with all sums paid by slid 'lice L-quitahle Building and Loan Assodation of Craod Island,
<br />Nebutttka fur irrsurarux, taxes sad assessments, wr:t abstracting extension cdiazgrs, with interr~l thereon, from date of payment at the inaaitnum
<br />lepl rata.
<br />As pravitkd in the Bond secured heresy, wtnte chi; rrwrtgage rsittavts m ei7ect the rtwrtgargee away hereai'ter advance additional sums to the
<br />makers of said Band, they sssigtas ar succa5sars in interest, which sums sltaL bs within the security of this mortgage [he same as the finds oragmally
<br />seasred thereby, the rota? attwum of prinup;d debt rest ra ex ~rzd at any tittas the original amotmt of this mortgage.
<br />Dated this igth, say cif June :~. i)., i <; 80
<br />f ~ ~:~~,;
<br />n.t, ~.
<br />J noette P, ~' abbe
<br />s'fATEOFNF.aeASKA•~ ~ Ctnifvx 19th. dayaf June iy $D ,brforeme,
<br />COIfNTY flF tfALL
<br />),j/ le C. Flebbe and: Jeanette P. F1 ebbe, ~ urtdersigated, a Notary Fubbc rn and far said County, perwnally,~atrk
<br />each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other, bras are prrwnally known to
<br />roe ter he the identical person 5 w ~ ~,~ affixed to the aiwn uutrunicnt as nwrtgagur S and they srveraily
<br />arkrwwkdgett the said-instrument to \L - lr%-n .~3 ~ act and dead.
<br />MgTNESS m - andtlot ~~a
<br />y ~rizi Ss~3Yitfes asesrtd.
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<br />r~.ayss ~ Nutar} Public
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