80. rc;u..- -,
<br />MORTf,AGE J~~ _
<br />nloRTf;ACE LOAN No. L 23 , 714 _
<br />Ia~lowALLMENBVTIlpsr__rRrsENTS:rhat Roland D. Sems and Carol A. Sems, Subject to L23,199
<br />each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />- -- - Mortgagor, Whether one or more, in eottsideration of the sum of
<br />Ten Thousand and No/100------------__ ----- _ __-_-------------------------~~~
<br />ioaoed to mid mortgagor by The Fquftabk Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 7('10 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Ceriiflptn Nn. L 23 , 77 4 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described veil estate, situated in Hill County, Nebraska-
<br />Subject to prior mortgage to the mortgagee herein, in the principal amount of
<br />Forty-three Thousand ($43,000.00) dated July i3, 197".
<br />tugeG4er with ail the tenements, hereditamerits and apptutenances thereunto :,ztonging, including ai[achod floor coverings, all window screens,
<br />vrdtdow shades, bii~s, storm windows, awrdogs, healing, air arndii£oning, and p#umb£ng and water equipirxnt and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves,
<br />reGigerators, and oilier fixrures and equipment now ar hereafter attached to or used m connection with said veil estate.
<br />Aral whereas the said mortgagor has agreed aril does hereby agree that ~ rx~ngagor shalt and will pay all rues and arn.....nts levied or
<br />aaaed upon said premises and irptm this mortgage and the bond ~c~~{ }~µ.6 ofore the same shall become de'dnquent. to famish approved
<br />insutartce upon the btriid'mgs un said premises situated in the sum of S t ~+Ur'u •~~ payable to said ASSOCiAT10N and to deliver to said
<br />ASSQ:IATION Ilte policies for sod invuraax; and nut to commit or permit any waste on ur about said pramses;
<br />In cme of defatrit in fire periartnance of any of the te: ms and conditions of this mortgage ar the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />on demand, be ent£tled to itnn,ediate pnssemon of Site mortgaged premises and the irtorteagor hereby assigns. transfers and sits over to i4e
<br />vortgagee all the rents, revenues and ina,me to br derivod £~rom the mortgaged premises during such time as the zin,rtgage indebtedness shall remain
<br />uttpoid; and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents rt nny desre for the purpose of repairing said premises and ratting
<br />the same and oatkclirtg rite ants, revenues and incttrce, and it rosy pay out of said inwure aft expenses of repairing said premises and netxstary
<br />oomroiadoos and expenses incurred in renting and nnttagirtg the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; rho 6alanx remaining, i( any, to be
<br />applied toward the discharge of said mort~,ge iatdcbtedness::.ltese rights of the mongag~ rimy be ezercixd at soy tithe during the existence of srrclt
<br />default, inosl,utive of any temporan~ waver of the name.
<br />These Presents, however, are upon the Condition, That if the said hfortgaa~ r sFa11 repay said loan un ur before .he maturity of said shares by
<br />payment; pay monthly to said ASSGC?A~iION of ;he sum sperdf'xd m L4e flood sec::rad hereby as interest and pnnapal un said loan, un or ixfore
<br />the Twentieth day of each and every month, until said ;pan n fu8y pard; pay all taxes and asses~nents levied against said premises and on this Mungage
<br />sod the Bond secured thereby, botare delingnenc}; turnislr approved insurance upon the buildings thereon is ttte sum of 3 7 ~ , DDO. DD payabk
<br />[u said ASSOCIATION; spay to sSid ASSSOCIATIGN tpon demated nit tnartey by it paid for such taxes, assess7rten[s and iaswance with, interest at
<br />the maximmn legal race rhereun from :late of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste on said promises; keep and comply
<br />with il! the agreestter:rn ar,d a.rtditwrts of the Bond for S i 0 , OO~I.OD this day given by the said 6iongagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />'will[ ail tl,e requiremenu of the Consiitutian and By=taws of said ASSOL'LATIGN; [:ten these presents sha0 become null and void, otherwise they
<br />shill retrutin its fell fora and ntay L+e t"oreelr3sed at the option csf the said :LSSIX:iA7'!ON after failure for there months to stake any of said
<br />payments or be three months in arrests in making said monthly payments, or to keep and comply with the agreements sad conditions of said Bond;
<br />std Mortgagor agrees to have a rerxiver appointed forthwith in Bach fnrecAvsure prcx:eed£ngs.
<br />[f these is nay in ownership of the rtil estate mortgaged Irrem, by sak ar otherwise, then the mare remaining indebted>rz$ hereby
<br />scared slta$ at the uptiaa of The Egrritabk liur7diog and Loan Assvxiatiort of Gta~ Tstand, Nebraska. bea,me imtnedutely due and payable without
<br />father notice, and the anvottni remaining due »adet said band, and any other botxl tat any a@ditional advances nude thereunder, shall, from the
<br />date tvf exe;sac of said op¢iwn }rear iutorest at Elie mauimum legal rate, and ttis mortgage may rhea be f«odosed to aiisly the atrtount due on mid
<br />b,nd, and soy other blind for addititvaal adrarixs, topettter with all sums paid by said 9'be Equitable l3ndd£rtg sad Loan Asaotaatian of Grand island,
<br />tiebraika for iowruxe, taxes and assesstoenis, and absitarxing oxtertsi«t charges, :viffi inutrase thereon, from date of payrrent at the rruximum
<br />legalritt.
<br />in !lie Nord secsarr>l horehy •h~'this marigage remains in effect ttte trwrigagee may hereafur advance additional sums [o the
<br />teak -af saki td, their assigzts r,r ,ucx ~ m' retest, which sums shall be within the secwity of ibis mongage the saute as tht funds originilly
<br />aegired there , !fie total antotmt of princi 1~3EM not ro exc~evd at auy utne the original arrn~ont of rttis mr,y,gage_
<br />F:
<br />~ shy 7 9~#{h ~~ June ~ u-. ly 80
<br />.~t~' r.~
<br />~ ------ -
<br />r
<br />arb ems
<br />STA7F.OF NEBRASiU, ~ ~ ~ thrs i 9th nay of June l9 ~~ . bef«e rt,e,
<br />Rol and D. Sems and Carpi A. Sems , iho tmderstgned, a Nurary Public in and for said County, petsortally came
<br />eacfi iP his and her awn right and as spouse of each other, cabs are perswtauy k,wwn to
<br />me to he the idrntitvl. person S wlusse: mates d re aif rxei; to tf:e above ins~,it.~,i as nwngagor S snd thE}+ severally
<br />i
<br />adtnavtwged Ute said instrument to be their votnrrta, y act and aced. ,~ ; ~ ~ -
<br />J /j
<br />wiTNkaS my land and Notarial ax~al flip date afnreszid. '~ ! "~%~~ t `. ~
<br />MY Camtnistir:n oxpirras U ~ ,,/ ~ !/ ~ L.. "G~•'~-s•~_-- Z--
<br />No~a:y rnlrti.:
<br />»tasw at
<br />#
<br />ts?/ ;~/ /~~' ~ ~ # ~ ER;i RCIARV ~ Str#e of r4ehrtska
<br />' ;:t y~c"s cY ntSOr~
<br />~,_...'.~._.. 'ar~'.`eR~ >tr io~r,m, tai 49r. f2, 7983
<br />