not extend or postpone the due date of thr• monthly nistallnu•nts referrer{ to in paragraph., I and `L hereof or
<br />change the amount of such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the rime far pa}-meat or modification of amortization of the sutras
<br />secured by this Mortgage granted b}• Lender to anc ~ucressor in interest of Borrower shall not operate io release,
<br />in any manner, the liabilit}• of the original Bm-rou•cr and Bonaiver's successors iu interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to commence proceedings against such sueccesor or reiusc ro extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortization of the sums secured by thix \lortgagc b}- reason of nn}' demand made by the original Borrower and
<br />Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. :any forbearance by bender in exercising any right, or remedy
<br />hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable Iao , shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />or rentedv hereunder. The proem-ement of insurance or the pa}~menl. of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />- shall not. be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this \4ortgage.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct. and ctnnulative to any other
<br />~` right or remedy under this Mortgage m- atlardcd he law or ~•quir}•. sna may be exercised concurrently, independ-
<br />~. ently or suceessiceh~.
<br />' _ 13. Successors and Assigns Bound: Joint and Several Liability: Captions. The covenants sad agreements
<br />herein contained shall bind. and the rights hereunder shall imnr ta, the respectnrc successors and assigns of Lender
<br />and Borrower. subject to the provisions of paragraph 1. hereof, .all covenant.. an' ~grecments of Borrower shall
<br />be joint and several. The capnans and headings of thc• Iraragraphs of this Mortgage arc for convenience only and
<br />0 ~ are not to he used to interpret or define the procistons he_reoi
<br />14. Notice, An} notice to Borrower provided for iu this Mortgage shall he liven by mailing such notice by
<br />certified atoll addres=ed to Bon-ower xt t6c Propert}' Address ~rtteri below. except for any notice required under
<br />paragraph ]fi ]rereof ro he gi:~en ur Borrower in tL-c manner prescribrrl by applicable late. Ant- notice provided
<br />far in this Alortga,~ =hall hr deemed to h:ei~v been given to Borroter when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />25. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law: Seve:ability. •['6is farm of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br />for national use and non-uniform vovenants reith limited variations h}~ jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rit}- instrument cacerin6 real propet~~~. This \longage shalt he gorcrned br the taw of the jurisdiction in which
<br />the Property is located. In the event chat any procisimt er clause of this \larmage ar the Note oontiiets with
<br />applicable law, such conflict shall not nficc•t other pravisimt=~ at this \Inrtgagc m• the Note which can 6e given
<br />effect without the conflicting provision. ;tad to This car the pravisians of the .llartgage and the Nate are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />16. Borrowei s Copy. Borrower shall he furnished a ranim-med cop}- of this \iortgage at the time of execu-
<br />tion or after recordation hereot`.
<br />17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. Ii all or anc part ai the Propert}• or an interest therein is sold
<br />or transferred vv Borrower without Lender ~ prior wretren ~ orsent, excluding tai the creation of a lien or encum-
<br />brance subordinate to this Mortgage. the the rre•snon of n purciutse none}- security interest for household appli-
<br />ances, te) a transfer b}- devise. descent or h} olmranen ut la+: upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of
<br />$~ ray leasehold interest of three },ear, or less not tantainint at: uptlmt m purchase, Lender may, at Lender`s option,
<br />eeiare all ihr sutras secured 6}- this Mortgage ro iu• vuntedi;uch' due and payable. t "-...+.._ . r__n r__.._ --.-_--..~ _._,_
<br />_ - r
<br />If Lender exercises such apttou tc aerrle,ate, Lender shall mat! Borrower Horace of acceleration in accordance
<br />with paragraph I~ hereof such Hotter ,;tall i,roci+ic• a pcrtud of not lean flan 3i3 tiara from the date the notice is
<br />mailed within witte6 Barru:vrr nt;tc pa, ;he _uvt~ tieclar_-d tin:'- fi Borrorvc~r ;at1- to i,a}~ ~urh >;tm, prior to the
<br />rxpiratiott of such period. Leafier tn:n ::~tthout iurtbrr noun or .{entan~i mt Burro•.cet'. mcoke a:n~ remedies per-
<br />mitted by paragraph 18 here~f-
<br />Ntty-I'strntrct t'trvtaasrs. $orrotcer :tart Lauder ?'artlx•r enct•uant xnd agree as follows:
<br />I8. Acceleration: Remedies. Escept ac !~rocrit~tl m ]c,r:~;rcpi; I; lrt~reu7, upon Borrower: hre:tch of env
<br />covenant er agreement ot. Harrower tts t!ti> Mur;;ac~. tn.-ludin~ t.. rarrrant- to Itsc when flue anc .oar secured
<br />by this \lortgsge. Lca,i.'= nnor to arrtde=~auon ~1t:t1S tt,;ni ruurc ~;r BSrn>:rcr a~ I,raci~lr~l to ltaragrapb 14 ]rereof
<br />specifying: t3 ~ the bra-ach: t2t th<• ;anon rruutr~-,l ru cm~~ .ur{t ivrur6. .3' :date. not le>~ than thirty days
<br />trot+. rite date the nonce-,, tnatlo•d to Borruuot irc :r loci; >at~~ Ln-:r:~!r :uu-t bc• ~~urtvl_ e:ml t•} ~ flat failun• w cure
<br />~uc6 breach an or lx lore the tiatc >urcttird to rLt- nonce tune re>u![ m aecclerauun ,r the •mu..erured by this
<br />~larigage and sttle al Lhc Prnpert}~- If tta;- bn•acit t> not curr,i t+r. or tteien-e tlrc data sp=-•ctfied i^ the notice, Lender
<br />at Lender'; ontiat run}~ declare ail of ttir ~t:u,~ > rua'..l in t3u~ Alorrgsge ro he vntne+lrateh- ;iue and payable
<br />u;tlteut further den:anci an+? etas} forrclo>~~ ti;t, Mortga+~c in~ tm6cial ;,ruc<~rdtn, Cruder ~ltall be t•ntitle+{ to collect
<br />in •ach pmcee<hnt; alS expensr> .,_ ;itreriu, nr.~ ::rr ht, iru~_. i.ut not ]rtanod ru_ co,t~ ~~i ,aoruutrntarv <~culrnce.
<br />absirscts and title rrport<
<br />19. Borsow~r's Right to HeinWate. Nottnti:~tsudm;; ! ewtet`- at~cr~krtniou of tin' >une~ ..crumd 1>y this
<br />'Mortgage, Borrower snail have the nght to have :env l,r~K~re,im•R> ix°gutt hr L.~ndor t<, cafcrc'e thh ~lottgagr dis-
<br />oontinued a± any time prtar to etttn• ai s lwigmxtt ra=e7cn:>; tire, Alort,,ag+.• tf_ ia: Barrorvet pays I.endcr all
<br />sums which would !.re t}ten ;iue under rhi..`.lortga,c. rhtr Note ;,mi nvtrs srcttnn, Funrrv Acivana~. rf any. had nu
<br />aecele~tion ~cutTed: Ibr Harrower cure-- uli r+rearhz~, .w anc utitc-r ~uvrturrr_ nr a~nrntents t,f Borruwrr ron-
<br />tained in This \$ortgagc: tel Borrarti•er pzi}~, all era-onahlc r~In•n~c> utrurred Lv 1_ewh•r to ,~niorctn;; rite rune-ututc-~
<br />rind agreements of Borrower c ontsined in ti:L, }Iorr_ta;;r .md ,t; en tore„+. Lt~rn h•r', rcumben a> prov itlyd ut para-
<br />graph 1$ hereui, in.iuciing, but not hmitc~ w, rta,onahlt~ stto;~nrc'• ta•e>, aml ~d i Itarnrccr urkt-, >.uch action a.~
<br />Lender ms}~ ressoatably require to aauM that the bra of tiny ?l:,rre~+~t~. Lvndcr'~ nuert: ~ ~n th,~ Propena awl
<br />Borraa•er:v ohligatiun to par tha cmn_ secured in rln> Mortga~,~ -!;;ill ~~t,nuuut• umwputrod (i,,,n :urn pacmeut
<br />and cure 6y Borrower, this 1larigage and tht~ Of)3tt'auol:~ .crumJ Lrrrbv ,I~uii rrutatn to ntl! t~~n~e Hari t~(lecf. as tf
<br />nn acce3kratian had arrurrecl.
<br />2D. Atiigameat of A~ata: Appointment of Roceiver: Leader in possession. A> :nidtuonaai ~rcanty hcrt•-
<br />under, Bvrrox-er hereby assigr~ to Lender the rent, of tht- Yroperrc latn~t•ir~l that Rorr,n:er shall. l~nor to aceclcr_
<br />ation under paragraph 78 hentaf ar ahandannn•ut of the Yropcrri', i,acr tht rtght to cullrct anti n•utut ,~ueit rent:,
<br />~~tbe become due and payable.
<br />Span aec+ e.ratian ut,d+rr 1 tragra}rh 1~ h+•ttv,t tit slat; irn tit ~t I n.{ crI Lrr r r t t t uu, ~~v r!;tat
<br />ur fry judicially appuiritc;d r~teiti er ,'.all br enttt lr•n tv t ur_t tp.~.t. !.ct - ,. ., t_ ~. •,n 1 ,, .,.t~ !tn~ 1'n:l ~t rr ~
<br />and to collect the rents of the Pro{,t.rty• mrludn.;; ritc,a- p:-tat .Iu~~ ~';~ =,~t~.. t tiL,~tt••i i~c i , nti,~r ~ ~ mr,n t~t
<br />;hall 3xr aypiied first to payment ai the r~c st., of tuanarmz rat ~,.: i , Nr n t ,. ~ i ~:~~ t;...
<br />' t„- ~ .,-
<br />it UL 111mteCl tt3, Tt'G't'11 ef•.* St~C. j, ri`nt, ttl Yi_~ rt! rt t:l--i'r Itt it i~l~ ~.1, .. - ."e~ .:[t. ~. , ~ tii~ t ~ t, ~.
<br />securta'1 by thts ASt>rC~*age Invricr nt,d !fee recr;:-~~t •..nll !„ t.h~, •~ ~ ..,_ ~,.._ ,,„•~_, ~ ... , .,_h „ ~ ~ ~ ~.
<br />