so-~~s M~R~iGE
<br />(P'utieipafio~)' .
<br />Thirmottghge madeand entered iota-thin 11th day of June
<br />19.80 ,by and between Fred W. Rauch and Margaret L. Rauch, husband and wife., each individua'aly
<br />in his and her own right and as spouse of tl.= other
<br />(hereinafterrefetrred`trtsrmortgagor) aml FIVE POINTS-BANK
<br />{ hereitaaftecrefetrrtd :to ar
<br />mortgagee j, wha maioteins an ttl6cc and place of`btuineas at 2015 North Broadwell; Grand Island;. NE
<br />WIrKESSEra, that for the considtration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowhidsed; ,the
<br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, Bell, grant, assige, and convey unto tfie mortgagee, his suceeaaors and assipty all
<br />o[ the following described property.situated and being-in the County of Hall ,
<br />Sate of Nebraska
<br />A tract of land locate3 in the southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE~N411y)
<br />of Section Twenty-One (^<1), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the
<br />6th P.M., more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the South Side of Anna Street of the City of Grand- Island,
<br />Nebraska, 15 feet East of the West side of Jackson Street extended southerlg; said
<br />point is also 1010 feet Southtieaterly from apoint- where the Southerly line of Anna
<br />Street intersects the East`13ne of`[he Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter
<br />(SE'~NW'~) of Section Twenty-one (21), in Township Eleven (li) North, Range Nine (9),
<br />West of the 6th P.M., thence~runrting in a Southeasterly direction parallel with the
<br />Westerly line of Jackson'Street as extended a distance of 275' thence running zight
<br />90 Degrees in a Southwesterly direction 273.9 feet to apoint that is also 257.2 Feet
<br />from a point on the East Property Line of the County Road, thence running right 90
<br />degrees along a litie parallel wifh the West line bf Jackson Street as extended, a dis-
<br />tance of 127 feet, thence right 90 degrees along a line garallel
<br />with the South Line of Anna Street 93..1 feet, thence right 127 feet along a Line
<br />pars lel with the West Line of Jackson Street as extended to Closure, said Closure
<br />constituting a Tract of land 127 feat by X3.1 feet.
<br />Togethcrwith sad iacladlag all baiidiags, ail [Satares •iuctading Lot not limited to alt plnmhiag, 6caung, lighting,
<br />veatilati^g, refrigemtisg, tacincrauog, air rwaditioaiag apparatus, aad etevaw.~ jthe murtg:t6ner here L} declaring that
<br />it is inteetdedthat the item.,; hrecia enumerated .hall Le deemed to have teen permaaeatly in+ta3ied a. port ul thr realty 1,
<br />and ail itapcavugcttta now ur hsYea[tcr cxiatiag t6erax,n; the hereditametet_~. and appurtrnancz-r; aqd all utter rights tbere-
<br />vato Leloagiag, ur is aa}~iae appertaic:pg attd iLe rra-Yrr.ian anti rrver}iun rrmainder snd rc~muinJrr., ai: right.. of
<br />redeaptioa, sad the,renta., ic,tne and profit. o{ties aLu vc described prupeny ? provided, har.rvrr, that she mortgahn,r
<br />,.hall br ent9tlcd ue the pussrt:inn of .aid pwprtty anti t<t cuilPet and rcrain the rents, iy.ucv, and pneiit:, anti! dcloult
<br />herenndt`rs. 't'o lease and to itoid thr ~:aeae nato the murte,agee and the ~:uecesx.rn in iniere~:i u[ the rnurigat, f+en-vrr
<br />in fee 5itnpie or slush other rstptc, if any, a.:~ .toted hrrcia.
<br />'Chc mortgagor covenants that he is lawfully seiud and posuessed o[ and has the right to sell and convey said
<br />property; tluat the satin u free Irum all enrutnbrances except as hereinabovc recited: and that he hrrehy binds
<br />himself and hip suctxssora in interest to warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto an-i every part thereof against
<br />tirn.sletlgn gF.all pyrwtu whotttroevcr,
<br />Guaranty
<br />This ittatruntent_iq y,iveu to srcure tltc. navme•ut of a7pwtnitWrtycautfe +t:ct,•d Fabruary 2I , 19n0
<br />lnthpprint;ipalsuruufE $9,Ia04.00 ,r'tltnGrih: Fred Rauch and Margaret [,. Rauch
<br />itt bcha1f of Petrotaum Equipment, ins,
<br />S, {}a s. J«'it °~71, - ,f ., f. Jt.: -..I' €-' .. ... -- _ '~F~~~a- i ~-
<br />