<br />FORM FLB 208 (Rev. 1-77
<br />Hate June 16, 1980
<br />Douglas C. Krueger and Elizabeth M. Krueger (also known as Betty M. Krueger),
<br />husband and wife
<br />Mortgagors,
<br />of Hamilton Nebraska
<br />Cormty, Yn conslderatl on of
<br />the advsnee et the principal sum recited Sn the note hereinafter descr abed, receipt of which is actcnowledgad, hereby
<br />mortgage and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMANA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />Mortgagee (svDJect to 011, gas, and mineral rights awned by parties ether than Mortgagors; existing easements of
<br />record: reservations in United States and State patents: and the rights of the public in all highways), thefollcwing-
<br />describea real estate in Hall & Hamilton Ccuaty, Nebraska
<br />SEC. TMP. RB.
<br />SE~y (except 0.73 acres, more or less, conveyed to the County
<br />of E.11, State of Nebraska, by deed recorded in Book 138 of
<br />Deeds, Page 325) ---------------------- 28 9N 10 WbthP.M.
<br />i
<br />Sk'3t------------------------- --- 30 9N 8 W6th P.M.
<br />r, ' N fa
<br />f
<br />Q ^ _
<br />~ ~ ~' ~' c
<br />~ UJ tL.
<br />C ~ a t.
<br />O o ~ Y C~
<br />~.- = 31Ta. 28
<br />4ontainln3~^ ~. c es ^to 3r sass oge'h v.Lh ill e 1~i ti 1e n1 'ntarast
<br />~.{'aw awnedo Hereafter 9ulred}~i'thar-wfc - agars in eld -ro -} !r lad -ig a 1 ^ui . ~ gs + my n n 'Sxtures,
<br />_ ~ e-ppurten3nU~'i ~iera or hereafter ; 3c d '.he o- 311 +st r irrlcstInn, sn 1 s.rn a SGht ne "~~ener t,,
<br />edltamants, apc.*-;xlpourtenarc~ *tLarar -n" * a r n ssLeS, ..,: s, s„d ~rnf a. is! ,, land-,; ~tnd
<br />~e ?±e.^tg??gurs~F-^ii~~1is ~q~ the y +c ^b^ts+r ~ r ~a"- 51• Yort~gee :o^ sc i } -~ a" s) - . ses, z*Y^it
<br />licenses, crprl~Seges,~mpurten _.t t: .r:*tapp,. tenant aid ^~art~ged -.ran!se_, , - w :: h_. _ ~_t • wed, ex. e:t3_d.
<br />^ renewe3 to the Na3rtbaAOrs Oy tGe ',ed States c_ _.,_ state 1.. wh!e^ Etna aGa•.~e-"As ~.r'Ded-pro^, er*~~ '_- :or~ea :._
<br />arty depar t~~an t, bureau, .., agency ,.. _, _~..
<br />ih is ^ort~ge is 31 ver, _,. sa^ur.. a promisse note eT ... ., d~eta .,erewi [h, exec., __.. ~3rtgsgere Iz ..=r t: :z>a, ::,
<br />the principal sum of FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY-ONE THOiISAND THREE HUNDRED AND NOJ104 - - - ~+i.a~ts
<br />paY~t'"' w1"h inter _secrd+ng _., _..,, t.?rmr cat __id ...,..`. t^a rirar ,. ~..,. Doi e --e ,nr+ le ,.,, ~.e fi, ,.
<br />- p~i}rab _ ap
<br />e2 February, 2000 _ '^Sis cpnve~ ,~~o steal. De vnid upon *-he u
<br />J- __ t ~~ymant of said nremissury rata.
<br />This mOrtgags Ss sub~eet to the provisions of ?.:E ^AHM ~~.nI e' ACT and all acts amendatory thereof cr suppi e.Ter,t sl
<br />thereto. sore proceeds of tDa soar, se~,lred hereby w311 De aced fu. the pv.^poses specsFSad Sa the Mortgagors+ appli-
<br />cation for said loan and authorized Dy said Act.
<br />T1:e Mortgagors, :sid each of thaw, hereby warrant that they are Zee o+~x,ers of t?ie :rortgaged real p^operty: that. they
<br />will Qefend the title against all cla-smarts whamsoever, and that said nroparty is Zrae from aii arse+.urbranra s; that
<br />they will keep ail. rite impr-ovaments, _*ixtvres, and -appurtana*,cas cccupieC and i.n gaod repair and *,armit ro acts of
<br />waste; sad they w1i1 re2ingvish all rights of homestead !n said premises, snd covenant and agree with the Mortgagee,
<br />as failows:
<br />(I} -?YxaL they will pay when ae ail taxes, liens. wuclgaaants, or assessments which may ba lawfull}' assessed against
<br />the property hart±n teortgaged.
<br />~~) That th?y will lasur2 and keep =_nsurad buildings ar other improvraents nn:v oa or which may henalter be placed
<br />ore said premises td *.he satisfaction ai the Neertgagea, such Snsta•3ace policy steals Da andcrseQ with a mortgage clause
<br />with *ne '_oss *heraunder ttti D2 payaDie to the Mortgagee Ary sums received may De used to pay Zor reconstruc-t tc.^.
<br />ai Lhe destrc-yid 1mprOVameats; .ter if sot so app ii e;3, may, at *_he op: f sg _ .. paymen t. ,_~
<br />indebted.^.ess, '.SOr. ci the uor_g ea, be applied
<br />esy restored ar vnmatvrad, secured by this ~ort.,age.
<br />t31 9 gay all rents, leas. ^r charges new Qua or to DSCi3,ae due under *_he terms cf each lease. permit, license, rr
<br />Drivllega. on the. pub llc domain which is appurtenant er ncnappurtanant to the ;nor tgagad premises, which Ass Dean - -
<br />issilad,i.atendad, or renawpd Dy tpE ikti tad States or the state In Which the above-described property is iecatad: and
<br />to par£orm and oDServe every set, covarant, eondltlon, and stipulatlor, necessary to keep each of the sa3e Sn
<br />standing; snd td t€tke every .netaria=^y s±ep -c szDurW t,*,e re ?, renewal. or 2rtension -* eat:r, o' the sy-~~r: r. t.~,
<br />aGS1gT7., ~seaive, pledge, or endorse to the tWr,.g~aga? er~,h ;Rae parroit, l!c erne, nr pri vi saga Sf Mart3,,gars~ ¢h
<br />Sn.papllc domain are raptrlr¢d by Mvrtgagea for securiLY I;rpases.
<br />(d). TttaG in the event the Mortgagee is a party tc say litigation aZfecLing the 5ecurY ty or the sign nt crt-
<br />gega, 1ncludinK any suit DS, the Mc1"tgaQee to Zoraclosa this martgsge or any su1r, In whSr.h the Mortgagee may Ua prune.
<br />a; par ty deFar,Aant 7n wTil eh it is obis ga tad to protect 1 rights ar i1en, SnciuCing ecndarmatir,^ and bartr~.ptr. ~;
<br />pn; Geldings. ?he Mortgagee maYlnour expers2s and advru;a eypr}yment 'nr eQs tract fee:,, at LO rna;r `-'ses (except 1., *.iu
<br />extent p.ohlbYt?~ 'Dy las~3-, r~ost.s, expersps, and other charges.
<br />`3) Tisat 1n rtes avant the ;Y~1`t ;agars tail Co pay when due a;iy taxes. 11 a~;s, 3udgR,ents. cr a . sa;~en T:,, nr *a 1.
<br />1Ga1F,'tal?L lnsuranca ~&.T;erelnDatore rpV1,1*.d nr Za!1 _
<br />p to ,~a; r Tees, ^-: chr ge , tda to .errs e; :r; ts' ~ r- _
<br />permit.-licl•nsa-. ar privilege; ~ Mrrtgagee''s ~azTU!rad !a .nru. ;ais>ntes far xD_t.._..: reg....
<br />@xxEn.4e-~, 3nd GtDar haraea in. r. cnnection w1 tD "1blgat.l on, Martgagee ma, ...~;: ,,ugh paymen~ ar ,,
<br />es-sneer suers fbAigQtlrn, and the srilaunta paid *herefor she 11 be c~a r L,r t ~ Snd'b ,
<br />rnA yu-ya.Dla iisa>_di~*ei?J.. at:d sE:sll t1?ar in*.=rest 1'rara *.ha ;:s ,r, ci ~a;,;m..~„ ,.. lie -^r.:a ra,. ,__,~.,, E. .,:~ _r. ., ,
<br />In t~:e note. "'
<br />