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THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />"Chat the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereintwkrn• provided. _. - -~' <br />That theiOtorCRagor is. the owner-ot said- property. in ieP simFlt. and has good' right and. lawful authority to sell sort <br />convey the same anil'thaC`the ume-:is-free and clear of"any lienor encumtirence: and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the <br />- title to said premises agaihsl the claims of a!1 persons whomsoever. <br />To pay imrifediately when dumand payable-all g'erieral'taxes;.speeial taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer sEty- <br />ice charges; and other taxes. an'd charges,-against said -property, and ail.lBizes'IcviPd on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish_the~ <br />Mortgagee, upon-'request, with the original-or--ihiplicatP receipts therefor'"The Mortgagor agrees that there shalt be_added to <br />each monthly payment-required heuunde~ nr under the evidence of debt secured hereby. an ammmt estimated by the Mortgagee <br />to t>e suAident~tn enable the Mortgagee to pay, as they become due, all taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon the pum• <br />ises subject thereto; any deficiency, because. of the insufficiency of such additional payments shaft he forthwith deposited by the <br />Mortgagor with [he Ma>rtgiiiCee'tipdn' demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall bc~deemed a defaielt, in <br />-payment of Mazes; a:~ce-4sments, -ar similar charges required hereunder. <br />r <br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also he added to each monthly payment of principal and interest regale here- <br />under an amount estimated by the MartgagPP tU be sUffiClent to PRabIP the Mortgagee t0 pay. as it becomes due. the tnsu rance <br />• ~ premium nn any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee- Any deficiency because of the insufficiency of such.addilional~pay. <br />1 menu shall Fee Eorthwi'h depnsxted by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this <br />t paragraph shell he deemed a default m the payment of insurance premmms. If the policy or policies depttcile~ :e such az.tvme- <br />O' owdpts or al! risk policies, and the deposits are msufficirni Lo Pay the entire Premium, the Mortgagee may apply the deposit to <br />pay premiums on risks required to be insured by this mortKagP. <br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under the above paragraphs may. at the option of the ivtortgagee, be heldhy it and <br />commingled with other such funds or its own fends for the payment o! such items. and until so applied. such payments are hereby <br />pledged as security far [he unpaid balance of the mortgage indebtedness. <br />To procure, deliver to, and maintain far the benefit uE the Mortgagee during the life of this mortgage original policies and <br />renewals thereof, delivered at .east ten days bef .m the r•zprration of any such pnliries, msunng against. fire and other insurable <br />hazards, casualties, and rnntingencies es the Mortgagee may rrauire, in an amount equal to the indebtedness secured by this <br />Mortgage, and nt companies acceptable to the ~tnrtgager. wuh loss payable clause ~a favor of and in form acePptablP tv the Mortga- <br />gee. In the evert[ any lnilicy snot renewtvi un nr before ten mays cf ~1s rxptraLOn, the Mortgagee may proeu re insurance un the <br />impro',-Pmtn's pgy ef'P premium therefor. and such sum shall hc~'~-+me =mmauhatefy due and payable with interest at the rate set <br />forth in said note until paid sod shall }x, seta and by th+s mortgage Fsdure un the part of the Mortgagor to furnish such renewals <br />as are herein required ur failure to pay any sums advanced hereunder shalh at the option of the blortgagee, constitute a default <br />under the terms of this mortgage. The delivery of wrh poticxes shall, m the anent n( default, constitute an assignment of the un- <br />earned premium. <br />Anv sums received by the Riortgagee by reason of loss ar damage insured against may ere retained by ihP Mortgagee <br />sod applied toward the payment of the debt hereby sera red, ur. aturldingsu~r z f bueild nea~ bu ldingh in the ritplacr hrlifur any <br />part may be Paid over to the \lorigagor to bP used to repair cuc.~ ' <br />other purpose or object saisfactory to the Mortgagee without affcy-ring the Iran nn the mortgage Inr the full amount sr•cu real here- <br />by before such payment ever tvok place. <br />To promptly repair. restore ar rebuild any puddings nr =mprovements now or hereafter nn the premises which may be- <br />come damaged or desttvyed; to keep said nremic_es m good conditimt and repair and free from any mechanic s hen ar other lien or <br />claim of lien not expressly subordinated to the lien hereof. oat to sutler or permit any unlawtul use of cr any nmsance to exist on <br />said property nor to permit waste vn said premises, nor fo do mU' other art wirerehy the property hereby conveyed shall become <br />less valuable, nor to diminish or impair its value by am' act ur omissimx to act. to comply with all regw rements of law with respect <br />to the mortgaged premises and the use thereof. <br />That should the pumices are any part thereat br taken nr damaged by reason i<f am public improvement or condemnation <br />ptaceeding. or under the right of rmtnem rlumain. +.r n any arose manner. the 3krtigagee .hail .'v c,a iUra# n+ all compensaunns, <br />awards, and any' other payment ur relief therefor, and shall be snarled, at eu apuan, fo commence, appear ~~x and prosecute in its <br />own name any action =>r praceedmg, +rr to make any cumpruausr ur setdcenent :n cunnecuotr wuh wch taking or damage. All such <br />compensation, awards, damaK~- right of action and pi-acePds are hereby asstgnPd to the Marigagtise, u~ho may, after deducting <br />therefrom all its expenses, release any moneys so zeoPnxl by rt or apply the same on any' iroiebtedne+c srcureci heuby The ltort- <br />gqo[ agrees to sisters such further assignmenU d am• romprnsahvn, awards. damages. and rights ut atnrm snr! Prxea"Ic as the <br />Mortgagee may require. <br />That in clove o[_failure to perform any of the ax>venants harem, the ~tarigager may ~#u un the ~4ortgagor's behalf everything <br />so eovtaanted; [}tat the Mar{gagPr may also do any act it may dr+-m :a--cvaary b+ Protect the lien the rerrE. that the A~Surtgagor wit{ <br />repay aeon demapd any moneys paid car dicbu reed 6y the YSvrtgagee her any u1 the nhuve purposes. and .uch moneys xugettier with <br />interest ttiexeon at the rate.prwided in said note shall t>t-tutee .+u nwth adriumnal ri=debt.-rlnru hereby src'urrd and may fee m- <br />- eluded in any decree {ortclosing this murigagP and fir paid out of the r~nu or prcxcecfs of ,ale of .aid premses it nx:r uthen+xse <br />paid; treat St shalt not be obligatory ufxin the Mortgagee h+ inquire rote ShP ~~aliifity <+f any hen. encumbrances. ur claim m ad- <br />vartcing moneys as atwvP authorized, liui aathing herein contuned shall t.e . ~xvtrued as' requiring the Martgegee to a+ivancr any <br />moneys for any such purpose not to do any act hereunder. and chat '.tlorigag<.+• .hall n~~t incur and Pr rsunal bahdit} hacau,e of any- <br />thittg it may do or omit to do hereunder- <br />In i}ta Event of fhe default. try Mortgagor in the paymer,e of any xastallment, as required by the tiutz sa•cu rrxl hereby, or <br />in the petformai>cr of the .>htigation in 4his mortgage i.s ;n the note secured theraby, the \Sartgagre shall hP entitled to declare tha <br />delrt sectored hereby due alai payable without rsutice, and the Mortgagee strati br entitled at itc uptiva, w;ihou! notice. either try itself <br />nr by a re+~.iver Lo Ix• appointed b}' the cuu tt therec+f, and w-xthvux regzrd t<, the ad:•quacy .~f au. ~=-<u +t~ (:.r the ;ndr-t,i.•ilre+.s +. <br />cured hereby. to gorse upGa and take-(rossesseun of the mortgaged premises, and to collect and rereiverthP renter. sswes anal profits <br />there•ot,-and, apply the same, .mess cocas ul vlmrafiai. and co[EPCtion. upon the irdebtedness secured 6y iltis mortgage, said rents. <br />isxues and profile being hereby assigned tv the \lar{gages as further security for the payment :,f all indehterinesc secure•ci hereby <br />- -The Mortgagee spell have the power to appamt any agent or agtni~c iE reedy des; re frr the purpose of ri. pairing s.ud :+rexn <br />ides; renting the same; troftecting the rents. revenues and ittcv+me, and it :eau pay out of said income sl! expenses incurrrrl in rent <br />inp and rr:anaging the same and t~< cc;llec•tang the rentals therrf rota 1'hr halanc:• rr:na~mng. if xny. +hali i~r applied t,rward the <br />diselwtgt. 07 the ,mortgage-.indeLtr'dnPSS. This as;+rrgumrnt is to termuiate and t.eturne null anti nail upup rc trace of this mortgage. <br />!._, _. <br />