bt.-itEAL FiTATE f~OIITGAGE-(With Tar Claw)
<br />KNOW ALL dfEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Pioneer Investments, a Partnership, dba
<br />Pioneer Estates
<br />of.. Hall Cowaty, and Scats of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum
<br />One-.Hundred Fifteen Thousand and 00/100----------------------------------------- DOLLAi
<br />ix hard paid, do kereby SELL and CONVEY unto FIVE POINTS BANK
<br />of Ha11 County, Stars of Nebraska the follouaxg dsssrib¢d premises
<br />in Ha11 County, and State of Nebraska , to-uric;
<br />A tract of land comprising all of Lot One C1}, part of Lot Two (2)
<br />and Lnt Three (3}, Gannett's Subdivision in the City of Grand Islana,
<br />Nebraska, containing approximately 16.611 acres, more further described
<br />in the Addendum of the report.
<br />Ths intzntiox being to convey hereby ax absodxte tiflt ix fet simple, includirrg at! the rights of leomestead and dou
<br />TO HAVE ~1ND TO HOLD the premises above describtd, oath all the appurtenances thereunto belongi
<br />unto the sad nuntgageeFs) and to his, her or their heirs cnd auignr forever, provided always, and these ¢rssents
<br />rpow the exprar condition tkat if the said mortgagor(s), his her or their heirs, executors, admiwist-ators or alto;
<br />shell pay or souls to be paid to tke said mortgagee(s), Far, her or their kairs, asacxtars, admixi,strators ar assigns,
<br />priwcpai swm of $115,000.00 payable as follows, to uric:
<br />180 Days
<br />with inis-est according to the tenor and effeu of the mortgagors written promissory note bearing even date with there]
<br />presswts and shalt pay alt taxes and assassnurnts levied upon said rent estate, and all other tales, levies and assessments!
<br />lnned upow this mortgage or the note which this nsartgaga is given to secure, before the same becomes delinquent, and]
<br />keep the buildiasgs ow said premises inswred jar the sum of $ 115,000.00 Joss, if any, payable to the saial
<br />mortgagee, thew these presents to be void, otherwise to be and rwnain ix full farce,
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREEH ([) That if fhs said mortgagor shalt fait so pay such tares or pracrrs such in-
<br />swawce, tIw ,sad mortgages may .pay srch taxes and procure srch insurance; and the sum so advanced, oath interutj
<br />at 1 ei+iitf .tlfiq,It: b4 rs~sid 'by said mortgagor, and This srartgags shall stand ar saerrity fw ttu sasnz.
<br />(z) That a .;p pay qay of ygid,:wwney, eilhsr principal or interest, when the Sams bacames due, or a failrrs m4
<br />eortply rock y'c( the foregoiwg agreements, shat! cause the uJwle sum of money herein secured to become due and=
<br />ealleetibte d awls at ttur_ aptiow of the mortgages.
<br />Signed. t/tiw 12 day of 3une
<br />Itt prueace of
<br />n
<br />~.......
<br />Huffman and Fefton & Wolf, Walton, Ne. 6$461
<br />rp 80.
<br />Pioneer I=ivest~uents, A Partnership,
<br />_rilh~.a..k'iana~ _..lit:4.aSeB..........___.._._......_..,....--.-...
<br />rl
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