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_. <br />r - ~ .:_:~. _ _:..__ _ .~ -- <br />i ~ u-a~t-n asxwre xoaxawa~-cwta, xn c>w..y <br />~~"" ~u~v~~~ <br />T6o Haftman Om~ml 9ogpb How, Linwln, H~br, ~: <br />KNOW ALL MEN- EY THESE PRESENTS; That CAUL A. SAKUBOfdSKZ A'3D RUBY E. JAKtTBOWSKI,. <br />HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />of HALL County, and State of NEBRASKA in consideration of the sane of <br />' I I <br />SIXTY-THOUSAATD AND 00/100 - - - - _ DOLLARS <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY auto WA2REN A. CONNELL AND ENID CONNELL, <br />HUSBAND AND idlFls <br />•: of HALL County, State of NEgR~~ the following described ¢remises sitwated <br />in HALL County, and J'tate of NEBRASKA , to-wit; <br />LOT EIGHT (8), IN BLOCK SIX (6), IN PARKHILL <br />SECOtvTD SUBDIVISION, AN t1DDITION TO THE CITY <br />OF GRAND ISLANB, HALL COUP7TY, A'EBRASKA <br />The intention being to come} kereby an absofutr title in fee simple, including all tr:e rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE AA'D TO HOLD the premises above described, tcith all the appurtenances thereunto bolo»ging, <br />uwto the said mortgogeefsj and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided olivays, and these presents are <br />apon the express condition that i# the said mortgagorfs), :.s her or their heirs, executers, administrators or asaionr <br />shalt pay or raase to bt paid to the said mortgager(r), his, ter or their heirs, executors, administrators ar assrgnr, the <br />prarc+pat soon of ~ 60,£304.40 poyabk as follows, to tt+t: <br />ZN .;CCOADANCE illTf3 TERt3S OF ,~ r^ROMISSORY NQTE <br />avith interest aceording to the tenor and effort of the martgagorr written promissory nv#e bearing even date xuith these <br />p-tssnt; and shall pay all ta.cer and assessnu~uts levied upow said real estate, and all ether tales, levies and assessments <br />lepisd upon this mortgage or thr note cuhich this mortgage is given to serve, before the same becumrs delinquent, and <br />ksep the buildings ow said prenrises saluted Jar the sum of ~ 64,G00.00 loo, if any, payable to the said <br />taortgagss, then thus presents to be vai3 otbaruASt to be and re+nainrn frU forte, <br />IT !S FURTHER AGREED (1J That sf ills said mortgagor shall fail to pay such lazes or prorate such ir- <br />is t~+s+ryaye.>~y_ pay sreh taxis and prorate such snswranre; and the sum so advanced, with interest <br />M~~ sirtir:be repaid by said mortgagor, owd this mortgage shall stand as sorority for thr same. <br />F l;~:„~ Tkat'a fai~wie: is piY'aYy of said money, eitkn principal or snterest, when the same be<ontss dot, or a fdilrre to <br />couapty milk any of the foregoing agreemtwts, shall mast the whole sum of money herein secured to became due and <br />sollttti8le at-Darr ae thq option aj the martgagoe. <br />Signrd thin lfith day of SI,~E j~0 <br />~ , <br />Iw preseute of ~..~ts._.....:,{l' ;~.,:y~v_s_~~::"~`~: <br />~~~ <br />