Tenancy-Vesting Entire title In Survivor the HuAmaa General 5upplr House, Liaeotn, Nebr.
<br />Doyle H. Whaley
<br />;n consideration of Ten dollars and other consideration
<br />in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />Whaley Family Trust and its Trustees
<br />DOLLt1RS
<br />as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tetuutts in common; the foi:otc-ing described real eskate, situated in the County of
<br />Hall anti 5~te of Nebraska , to_t,;t.
<br />Residence - Lot 3 in Bartelt Subdivision of Fart of Lots 7, 15, 16, and
<br />i8 of the county subdivision of gars of the sauth half of Section 5,
<br />Township 9 North, Range 9 West of the 5th PM in the Village of Doniphan,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />*~r~a~~ JUN 13 i9B0
<br />9Y
<br />tag titer ;c-tttt ai the ;ru_r:,c:.t i:erY.-litan,rnts and ;rppnt-tenatices t:~ astc s:,rne i+etonging, :tnd a31 lire cs±aie, title,
<br />dower, right of i;onts;~tead. ,lain; .r rletr);unci tviaat_scx`vcr al tT:<°_ :ail granicr ~~t"". in ar to lire sernc, or any part '.
<br />~K1YOF; Snhjeci t0
<br />Mortgage of Commercial Federal Savings and Loan Association,
<br />45>ll Dodge Street, c~maha, Nebraska
<br />. IT F,EI:~C~ TIIE I~Tkti'I'i~V r ii<:,Li_ ,'?.i.TJE=~sicfihl`{), 7'SiJT i'i Tii3~ EVrN'I' tJF TiIE L~LATH ;
<br />OF EI"i'I?Itii t I• 'Alm R:?Iv7 t ' :xI• i`tT'I f' z fir yI .1F'i_ r .;?.,I .i'i,.! 1;kz ~ t.. AT„ } $TATi-: I>E-
<br />SCRISEB ii}v?.I•iti till-.LL i t__.. t tIc ~Li~v 1 F I~t; GI~.1.'W~' :~ -
<br />10 Ii~\ F -l* L% IYi I?;_il i) ti.e ' ~ _ ___ :-ten ,e_ ,i.ti. *he apr+urt~s;anees, tint., the <i r:nte;-, ..~
<br />)st'i,'~:"I TE i:iitTS, .sn1 ^ct :.; tc-rattt4 in :e,su;s~n, .,nu '> tiseir a,sigtts. yr =.rr t4telrheirs a:td sssi6~ts of the survivor
<br />of t;iestx, f:xevcr, and ih~ ~;.cntnr ranxt-d herein for himself atsd his heirs, extwutors, anti
<br />administrators, do En_venattt ,eith the grat;tecr~ a;atnted !r•r~-iu anu trii?r thrir ~_dnas and u°ith the heirs and assigns
<br />,,f the survrvur ini tltexn, that s.ainl}} ,.fixed at said Iirctnises; that ahoy are free item inc+nnbrance
<br />except as stater; herein, and that the said gt~,tc~r has {=eve gcrOd right and istvfrlf autharity tc sell the
<br />same, and titer he will and his hei- execntrrrs =nd adxniainiratcrs shall e~arrarii nd ,fir- .
<br />tend the sanxe onto rise ;;r°,tnte~ +.tamr?r1 iaert-in artRl ucta their assilms ..nd unto the }te4r> and assigns ci the ~ur-
<br />vivo, of ihert, Sorevctir, esnrainst rite laivfui claim- n. .s persons ±vhoxt>sc~mt°cr, txciuding t?tc exccj~tir~n, Harried hcrtin_
<br />~ 'I'iv :SS 4'HEk, f' has faace hereunfi, sit ~t28 hand on +}tis 5th day of .
<br />May .1580 = ~ . ' -
<br />~,.
<br />'n ,rr_,ence ui .-_-_
<br />r
<br />.. {_ t
<br />t
<br />