<br />i9-dILAL EfTAiE 1/0A'IYiAGE-(WIfL 1'nt Cloth) _ _.
<br />Hoffman ana Felton 6 WoH, Walton, Ne:~68~61'
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Vlassy K. Patsios and Doris June
<br />Patsios
<br />of Hall County; and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the seau ` : ]
<br />Twelve Thousand and 00/100--------------------------------------DOLLAR
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto FIVE POINTS SANK 1,
<br /><t
<br />of Hall County, State of Nebraska the fallowing destribed premises shiotsd ;j
<br />in Ha11 County, and State of Nebraska , to-wit:. i~
<br />'4
<br />The E 47.23' of Lot Nine (9) and the W 24.15' of Low
<br />Eight (8), West Spells-Schultz Addition to the City ~ 3
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />The iwtentiow being to tonvsy hsreby~ en absolute title in fee simple, inctading all tdae rights of homestead and dower.i
<br />TO HAIrE AND Tt? HOLD the premises above described, Welk al! the appurtenances thereunto belonging,
<br />ratty the said neortgageewsJ and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided ad;oays, and these presents area
<br />upon the esprsss condition that if the said mortgagor(s), his ksr or their heirs, exerutars, administrators or assigruj
<br />shalt pay or cause to be paid #a tits said mortgagee{sj, hu, her ar their heirs, executors, admitsistrators or assigns, the
<br />~ sutu of a 12, 000.0© payable as fo4oa7, to use:
<br />with intsrs{t according to tits tenor and effect of the mortgagors written promissory note bearing evew date with thsss
<br />p-tsetW and shat! -pay tree truss and assusneents tented upon surd read Estate, and alt other taxes, levies and assesstnents
<br />ttvisd upon thin mortgage ar tlu note :rhirh tkir mortgage is given to secure, before the tams becomes detingttettt, andj
<br />ksep the bteiLtiugs on said premises inrtued far the sum of ~ 12, 000.00 lass, if any, payable to the said
<br />ewrlgagss, then these presents to be vaird, otherwise to be and rextain in fu11 force.
<br />IT IS FI3RTHER AGREED ff) That if the said mortgagor sttatt fail to pay such taxes or prarxre sack in-
<br />sprancs, the said martgagaa Wray pay such tares and procure such insurance; and the sum so advanced, teeth interest;
<br />al 15 pn csnt, shalt bs repaid by said. ntortrlagor, and this mortgage shall staid as security far the sams.j
<br />(t~ That a foite~t ri ~t~i}~-;either principal ar interest, .when the same betames due, or a faitxra ta;
<br />comply with any a hs for . `tAitsshatl cntue the whore sum of mansy herein served to became dw and;
<br />roWtta~ts at ottcs at~~ ` ,gee.
<br />$ipned.Chit 21th day. of June; rg 80 ,
<br />,/
<br />do prusnrd of ~ ,,,~. ~- _,~ f ___..._..
<br />_~.
<br />