�;• r--- _.�i�xt:i�.-_'.... . _ _.��71�..:�id��:-
<br /> � 9�-- �.00t��l4
<br /> f1 Thc Fwkl. �hall Lk hcl�l in an imtitutiun wtx..c ikFw.itc arr in�urvd h� :i f��l�ral a►:rnr�•, in.h•unkntalit�. ��r cn�ity
<br /> (inrluJin�;Lcixicr,if Lcrxl�r i��u:h an in,tituli��it�ar in any t�Ylcral ttunk l.�tan B:ink. l.rixler.hall appl} thc Fuik1�tu�+:�y'thc
<br /> I Ekn�u• (t4m.. Lcn;l.r nuy n+�i rhargr &�rrau•:r tiu h.�lding aixl appl}ing thi Fwul�,unnuall} w�l}�ing thc r.rroa :kr+�uni, ur
<br /> � veritying the kscn,w•Itrm4. unlc�� t.c�klcr�a}�H+�rru�e�intcre.t��i�tF►r Fuixk aixl a�+pli.•ahlc law�x•rmit� 1{•�Hkr i��n�k.��urh
<br /> r chargr. Hiiue�rr. Lrixlrr nuti rvyuirc &ttri�urr tu 4Y,1� :1�llk-litlk rtur�;e ti�r a�� iixle��Ki:•tt r�a) �.lat� lat r�jx�rtin��arvi�e
<br /> ; u.cyl h�• L.etuter in run�xtiiiun with thi. lu.u�, unle�. apphcahlc� law pru�id�. ��thcrwiv. (,'nl«. an u};Rtinknt i, ucide .,r
<br />-. I applirahle law•r��yuires intcrc�t to t�e pat:l, l.cixlcr�h:►11�uu tx rcyuir�J tu pay ti��rt.�ucr ariy� intcr�a o�carning.un the E=uru2,.
<br /> I &�rruu�r aixl l.r�xter nuy agr�r+t�u•riting, huKe��er. tlut iutcre�t�I►all tk p�i.{as� �I�c 1�uix1.. Lctx1:r.h�.11�;i�c tu Bi�rrc�u�cr,
<br /> J wittuiut rh:ugc, an;uinual •r:ti�wnting uf th: Funds, tiI1llNll)b' l'1'tYJ1I� JI1lI tl�b�tc ta tlk Fuix!> and th:pur���k ti�r ahi�{�ca:h
<br /> ; �kbit ln th�:urx1�w•as m.��. Thc E�un:i�.rc�Ic�fE,�d u1:uiditi+�nal �r.urity f'a�r all+u:ns k:unti!hy tliis ti;cori�y Ill�l�iJllk112.
<br /> __j If the Funcl�held by l.c�xi�r excecci�ho amount: F►emiival ta t+r hrld h��applicahlr lau, I,ciui�r �hal) arcuunl tu&�rruuir
<br /> ��� fi�r Ihe rrtr.s Fuiul> in:ururxlanr�u•;ti�thr rcquircmenls uP applicah►r law. If thr auw�unt��f Ihe Fuixh hrlJ by 1.cieJ�•r ut a��y
<br /> __ � tinx;is ixu�ufhci.nt to pay thc Escrow•licn�.ti whcn dur,Lcnder�tiwy u�ixuify E3�irr.�w.r in writin�, aixi, in�u�h ca.�e Fi��r�ow�cr
<br /> titul! p»y to Ixrul�r the :►nu�uat ite��:�.�r�• t�� nul.e up the �1c:Gcieiuy. &ircuw��r shsll n�3;e up thc d�fi�i�iu�� in ne.� nwre than
<br /> tu�ch�e nx�nthly pa�•mentti,at Lenci�t�u�le diticretion.
<br /> Ujk�n paym:nt in tuU of aU sunt� s:rur�d hy this Seiuritp Instrument, l.en:ler.hall prumpth� rcfurul to &�rri�u�er un}•
<br /> Fuixl�hefd hy L.end�e If, u�Kie�par.�gruph 2l, Lencier sh�ll acquiu�or sell the Pro�ny�. Lcn;i;r,pri�ir tn the ncNui.ition.�r�ale
<br /> of the Pmpen}�. �hall upply uny Funds held hy Letxlcr at the tiativ��f acquisition i�r wle:is a cc�lit agaiatit the sun�.+KcureJ by
<br /> this Sccu�itc Instrumcnt.
<br /> 3.Applicafion of I'aymeats. Unless applicable law provides othe�vise,all pa}�n�ent�ruei���1 by {.esuler uncier paragr�phr
<br /> - 1 and? chal)bc applicd: fir:,t, to�ny prepuym:nt ci�u,ges Juc un.ie�ii�C Nuiu: x:�:u��d.Y�anmunts fi�)�::ht;urulcr parrgr.rph�;
<br />,.;�r third.to iaterest due;fi�urth, to principa!duc;anc4 It�u, to any Iate charges due un�r th:Nntc.
<br /> `� 4. Ctuuges; I,icn,c. Bnrrow�er shull pay all tnxes, asaessmtntc, charges, fines at►d irn�si�inns attributable to the Property
<br /> ;: w•hich may attain priority over Ihis 5ecurity Instrument, an:i Icaschold payments or grotuiJ rcros, if any. Borrow•cr�ll pay
<br /> these ubiigatians in thQ manner pn�viilaJ in paragraph 2,ar iF no�p�id in that m3nner,Borrower shall pay chem on time directly
<br /> ta the perscm ow•od p.:��r�x:=t. �Barrn+:��c shall prompdy� fumi�h ro Lender all natices of amounts to bc paid under this par,�taph.
<br /> � If Batro�•er makes the�;�:.�mentc�Jtve:�tly, Borrower�hall promptly furnish ta l.ender receipt�eviderx:ing �'te� �yment�
<br /> � &�rruu•er shuU pn��iFtly diK���rre any lien w•hich ha.e priori�v over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(al agrcrs in
<br /> �, writing ec*�he�yment of the obligaEioa secured by the lien in a ir:,;nner acceptable to Lendee:,(b)contests in gcwd faith the lien
<br /> by, or ���e'�xis against enforcement of the lien in, Iegal pnn:;�sf+ngs which in the Lencie;'� opiniun operate to prevent the
<br />— enfonY�lw:�i of the liesi: ur(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfxtory tu Lender subardinaling tho tien to
<br />;�;� this Securiry Instnrm:fz:. It Lencler detemiines that any patt uf the Property ic subject to a lien which rna� attain priority o�•er
<br /> = this Security Instrumefx. tender in�y give Borrow�r:� notice identifying the lien.Baxrou•er shall satisfi chrr licn or 4�ke one ur
<br />_= more of tho actians sct f��yh above within.l0 days Qf a�e giving of notice.
<br /> S. Kus.��d ar lPruperty Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements naw cxi;�ing or here.after erected an the
<br />�� Propert>> insurai against loss by flre, hazards included within the term "extended coverage" :uid any other h�zards, inclading
<br /> — flcxxts or flactiiinr,for which Len3ec R�uires in.wt�ance.This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods
<br /> � thai Lender requir�s. 'E?h;insurance carrier proci.�fice the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's appmval
<br /> which sh�ll not be utu�sonably withhcld. If Boaawer fails to maintain coverage described above. Lcnder may, at Lender's
<br />,� option,obtain covera�e ta protect Lender's rights:n the Property in accordance with paragraph 7.
<br />:.� All inwrmce pol9cies arui renewals shall be acceptable to[.ender and shall include a a�ndard mor[gage clause. [_ender
<br /> � sh2l1 hA�•e+I�e right to hald the policies and renewals.If Lenu'.�r n.Tn,�ires,Borrower s1wU�ro:riptiy give to Len.ier al�n��ais of
<br /> — paid premiwns an:f renewal notices.In the event of loss,Botrow2r slsall give prompt notice to 2i�e insuru►ce cairier ataf ireader.
<br /> I.et�der may ct�a�pm.�f of loss if not made prompdy bc Bti�croWer.
<br />-- Unl.,�ss I.ender un3 Borrower otherwise agree ia v�ritin�,in,wrance pro..-�c1s shall be applied to res:et�tiot�or repair irf the
<br /> "�' Progerq�d�rt�ged,if the restoration or repair is e000�:nic�ilv fe.uible und Lender's security is not lesseneG.If the tester,�tion aa
<br />— re�air,is•n�t economical{y feasible or Lender's security wouid be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be appliad to the sums
<br /> �ecurod h}� thic Sen�rity lncirnment, wheethPr�r nnt ?Iwn �luP, u:ith any Pxcvice naicl M Rnrr»wer if Annnwrr ahaixl�r�c rlx _
<br /> - - Pr�p, or docs nai answcr within 3Q d�ys a noticx from Lcnticr that thc insurancr prricr has offcrcd to scitic a cfaim.thcn
<br />_ = Ltr�'er may collect the insuranoe proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to mpair or restore the Property or ta pay sums
<br /> � seaue�by this Security Instrumcnt,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notioe is given.
<br />_� Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in psuagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymerus. lf
<br /> under par.�raph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right to any iasuranct policies and proceeds resulting from
<br /> d�nuge tv€Ge Proporty prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lez�der to the extera of ttu sums secared by this Securiry Inurument
<br /> ��iately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Oocupancy,I�.ervation.Maintenaooe xnd i'rotection of the Pro�erty;Borrower's I.opa App66�tian;I.easehokLs.
<br /> Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the P�bpeccy as Borcowes's principal ttsidence wit,tiin sixty da}�s af:er the execution of
<br /> this Security Iactrument and shall continue to oavpy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after
<br />— the date of oavpancy,unless l.et�der otherwise agrees in writing. which consent shsll not be unre�sonably withheld, or unless
<br /> extenuating circumuances exist whieh are beyo�d Borrower's control. Borrower st�ali aot destroy. dasnage or impair the .
<br /> Property, �Ilow dx Property to deter@orate, or cotnmit waste on the Property. Borrowe:sl�.a�l be in default if any forfeiture
<br />� action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal,is.Gegun that in Lender's goai faith judgr,Knt could resc:tt in forfeiture of the
<br /> Property or otherwise materially impsir the liert c�:aj by this Securiry lnstrument or Len¢ru's security interest.Borrower may
<br />— wre such a default and reinstate,a�pruvided in�.-a�?raph 1 S, bv causing the action or pro��ding to be dismissed with a uuling
<br /> that, in L�a-ier's good faith determination, precludes forfeituce of the Borrower's interGt in the Property or other m�.erial
<br />- impaimtc�t of the lien created by this Security Inurument or ¢.ender's security interest. Borrower sha11 also be in default if
<br /> -- Borrower,during the Ioan application process,gave materially false or inaccur..:e information or staternents to Lender(or failed
<br />_= to pmvide Lender with any mzterial infom�ation)in connection with the loan e�i�enced by the Note. including,but not limited
<br />=— to,teprGentations conceming Borcower's occupuuy of the Property as a princi¢a1 residencP,if this Security Instrument is on a
<br />= leaseholct. Borrower shall rnmply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property.the
<br />=� leasehotd zed the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees tn ih�merger in,writing.
<br />-� 7.1'aotecNon of I.eader's Rights in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the co�enants and agreements contained in
<br /> � this Socur.ty Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may signi6cantly affect Lender s rights in the Property (suct�at a
<br />�,� procoeding in banlciuptcy,probate. for condemn:diun or forfeiture or to enforL�e laws or regulations), then Lender may do sr�d
<br />_�� pay for wttaie�er is necessary to protect the v:l�u ol'ti�e Property and Leruler's rightc in the Property. L.ender's actionc may
<br /> include paying any sums sacured by a lien which has prionty over this Security Instt'ument, appearing in court, paying
<br />=_= reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to malce repairs. Although Lerder may talce xtion under this paragtaph
<br />—° ?.Lender does not h�ve to do so.
<br />_-� Any amoonts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additiona] debt of Borrower secured by this
<br />_ Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Ixnder agrce to other terms of payment, these arnounts shall bear interest from the
<br />-, date of disbursement �t the Note rate and st�l be payable, with interest. upon natice from Lcruier to Borruwer requesting
<br /> PaYment.
<br /> S.Mortgage lnwrance. if Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security
<br /> ` Inurument, Borrou•er shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any re�son,the
<br />, mortgage insuranee coverage requiced by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums requ:red to
<br /> _ obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to die
<br /> cost to Bnrrower of the mortgage inwr�nce previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage i�uurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> v.o.z or• Fam 3018 9190 -
<br />