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BQ-r-°~;~''d <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable taw. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance pn.miums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall became additional <br />indeMedness of Borrower secured by [his Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall he payable upon notice from Lender to 8errower requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the <br />date of disbursement a[ the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shalt bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable taw. Northing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender io incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. faapecHon. Lender may make or cause to lte made rcasanahle entries upnn and inspectians of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shalt give Borrower notice prior to any such inspectian specifying reasonable cause therefore related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9: Condemnatbn. The proceeds of anv award ar claim tore damages, direct or cnnseyuential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thcreaf, or for conveyance in Iicu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shalt be paid to Lender. <br />in the event of a fatal taking of the Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sans secured by this Mortgage, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Tn the event aF a partial taking of the Property. ^nless Aormwer and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall ite applied to the sums secured by this MortGage such propartinn of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the some cecared by this Mortgage immediately pelt ,a the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market valae of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Properly is abandoned by Borrower. ar if, after notice by Lender to Barmwer that the condemnor offeror !o make <br />an award or settle a claim far damages, Borrower fails to respand to Let,der within 30 days after the date such notice. is <br />mailed, Lender is atrthorized to collect and apply the prececds. at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property ar to the sums secured by this'vlartgage. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower Mherwise agree in writing. any such application of proceeds to principal shalt not extend <br />or posepane the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />10. 1lortower NM Released. Extensian of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage Granted by Lender to any sue_essor m Bncrest of Borrower shall not operate to release. in any manner, <br />the liabitity~af.theorigiual.Bctr~wvvzr-and Borrower- :- -errors .n interest. --.der shall n,^. he rrgetirrd to commence <br />prtxledingY+s6aiMt`such`strtcescar ar refitse to extend !imc f:zr payment nr otherwise modif}~ amortizaGan of the sums <br />secured 6y this Iortgage by reamn of any demand made hp the original Borrower and Borrowers successors in interest. <br />11. For62armtce try Lender Not a 1's'aiver. Arty forttcarancc by Lender in exercising aov right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded 6y appiicahte law, shall not he a waiver ai or preclude the cxerctse of anv such rght ar remedy'. <br />The prtxurement of insurance ar the pa7mrni of talcs or other !tees nr charges M' Lender shall oat be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the Endehtedncsc secured by th„ tiiortgage. <br />l2. Remedia Cumulative. =111 rcmcdics pnta,ded in thi. \lnncage arc distinct and aunailativc to any other right or <br />remedy under this Mortgage or afforded by lain nr cyun}•. and m.^.ti~ ix: zxerc,scai rnncurrentt•:, independently or successively. <br />13. Successors and AssiRm l3aund: Joint and Several t.iahility: Captions. "Tl,e covenants and agreements herein <br />rnn[sined shall bind, and the rights hereunder shat! ,none nom, !hc respecavc successors :nxi ssstgns of i.ender and Borrower, <br />subjr-t to the provisions of paragraph 1' hrrrnf. A#i ovenarts and aprcemenn ni Botnxa•er shall he i,+int and sexcral. <br />The captions and headings of the paragrtptts of this ~fancage arc far conve^,enec onlc end .: re not to he used io <br />interpret or define the pmvisionc hemat". <br />14. Nolke. Except for any notice rcyuircd under appiicabfc tau robe grvtn ,n anadtcr manner. ia) am• notice to <br />Barmwer provided for in this Martgage ;ha}! its gn•en by madi,tg such nnncc h, ,ert,fied matt addressed to Borrower at <br />the Property .Address or at such other addres as Rarnwer ntay des,gnate by n,vice n, i.rnder as {?rocided herein, and <br />fb1 any notice [n Lender shall tx given by certif+»d mail, return recctpt requested. nt ! cr•der'< address stated herein or to <br />such other address as Lender ma} dtsignare M amid to Born++srr as prov,ded here,n -lm •tticr provideai for in this <br />Mortgage shalt he deemed to #tave been g:+cn to Borrower ctr t ender ++hen g,vcn i:t the manner .#csignated herein. <br />15. Urtiform ,'NortLaRr; Govrt'airtg La»: SrverabBitp. "this torte of ;ncrtgagc „vnbinrs ::n,i:,rm .."c:,ants for naunna# <br />use and non-uniform covrnsnt, with :imitett vartauans by !unat;rtion t, atnsnrttc a un,feso•. ,aa:unty insu unu-nt cm~ering <br />real properly. This Mortgage sh_kl F>r ge.rrnrd itv the law of the fusrv.hctum :, u-bleb :he Prel,rrty ,+ 1,*.ated. In the <br />event that any provision or stature of this Mortgage or the \ote millets ,+it :,ppiicai?te tau. ;uclt cnntlict shall ctnt atieet <br />other provisions of ibis Mortgage or the `rote '.shah i:u, 1>r ¢,vrn efteat «nhc,+,t ttsr .<+ntl+~ting pen-i,ior.. anct m this <br />end the provisions of the MeriGate and the `~<,te ate des#a:.d to he sevrrahlc <br />I6. .otmwer's Cagy. SoreCwir .hall 3sz f., n:sitcsi a .~ nfa?rmcc# .nit+ .. .... '~i*t_ ., n;i ,,[ tztr+ 4inrt±tage at the i,me <br />of execution or after recnrdatitut hcrenf. <br />I7. Timw[er of tLe ]!ropcrh: Assumpiron. €t a#1 ,=r tiny part oC !hc Pr-...pettt~ „r ;nn mtctesi nc~tr::rt is ~.rSd or transferred <br />by lbrrowet without Lender's pekoe written ~ament, ecclvaling (a{ ±hr cteatinn itcu or en: umbr.mae ,tit+acdtna[C m <br />this Mortgage, tltj the creauen of a purchsse money kcr;rin- intrrect fo-r he use#c„id a}+t;t,ae:. c+, ic1 s transh•r by devise. <br />descent or by opcrauog of taw uix,n the leash ai a {atnt tenant or ` - <br />Lrrder ma}, at # cedar'; option, delete ni! the sum. +c<,: n.d M th+s Pfort#age to he <br />tmmcciiateiy duC and payable Lender >hs#1 3,axc '-a.,tscel ,:,.h npt,on n, as rlat ..te ;t itratr n3 .?+:: .e nr tear stet 1 ender <br />and the person to whom the Pritperiv is t.t Fx: sold nr [ranstct red reach agreement -., t.OUY Ei::,t ter ; tc,i,t .,1 •..:.h pet^,ar, <br />is sausfactot'v to Lzndcr and t1tat ahr irixest fuyabk on ttte stems cecure:# ha this S#.<,~dagc ,h..fl ha :u ;r,~a ru;o a, <br />ihaB rc-quest. if t..endGr has waived rhz pft n '.n a:ea3iratr ptnvided ir: ihi, n r.;gr:tph ! 7..r:.3 :' lic.rrou~:'. >u+4r+,ct: in <br />imeresY has executed a written assumption agreement accepted in uniting by t er,-,ic,- t-cna#c- •'oaii tcicase Bnrt„u r, from all <br />obligations under this Mortgage and itte time. <br />1( Lender exercises such optia•n m sea eler~te. l enter ,haB mail Bnrtov..~r nrtu« :~f :+. uric: atn,at „+ .,_ avdanae <br />paragraph #4 hereof. Such entice shat# pratetdr a pcrx~a# ctf n:+t ies+ than tB da., fn~vn the date t#,c !:.+tt.a• i+`m,+iied within <br />which Barreiwcr may pay the +ums dtriarcd xias: ii Bun;,u er teas xc pd} suJt ,:nn. ~ ,.,. ,: !hc.: apir.a„u. ;-„ •-aa: pcc;,,d. <br />Leader mayT wlfttout further twtice isr acmand an i3;~-rvaer. =evoke any remedies petntatted In paragraph i ` tta;rcof. <br />Nov-Uxtsotiat ~Otft:,1•AlGTS. Borrower and t_.nater furth4r cavetsant and aGrrc as fc,;?ttus. <br />IY. ArcetkrNiau; Remedies. Euept as pravitkd is paragraph t7 her«ti, uptra &arru»rr`x brcarb o! auy cavcuant ttr <br />altrcedoeut of iorruwn in th6 ~1orlgagr, ituladittg the covenants to pay »hen due nny sums srcurrd bi thia ~inrigar:e. <br />l.eairr priar. W aerekratian shalt mail twtire Iu Rorrawrr as pen. idrd in paragraph iJ hereof spttifyint;: Ill Ittr brrarh: <br />(2) life trctfpn nytdicd 4o ruM such brtacla (3f a date, not ksa than 31i days frmn the Aate the notice is nralled to, <br />-hy rrYith tnrrY Meech taw 5t toted: and (~) that Failure to cure such ttreach rm ar brfarr the date npcMitird iu ter notice <br />may rtsrsl[ iu-actalet'Nian of IM cunt. secured by this ?ttartgage. fareclasure by jndirisd pracrcdia#; and sale ai the Prupcrt;. <br />7'he Halite stt+alf ftutMr igfwm Borrower of the rittbt to reinstate after arcrirratiun and the riithl ra assert itt tttc farrrtosarr <br />ptocecdlrtR /Me >lwwxigracR of a default or any other ck frtnr ,cf Rut rawer to ac.rlrr.uiun and iutr.hrautr, it the bteuch <br />ipt nW eared on or befate the date specified iu the nuth'lr Iw•tnlrr at Lender's „piton rue} desires alt of Iltr wtua secured h~ <br />lh$ Mottitge to M imtnediaiety dt+r and payable wlihtm{ lnrlher tletnaod end mu; fuerclusc bf jutiiria# pruereding. t ruder <br />shall he rulMed to roBect is such prorrediag all expenses ai turecl+rstcrr, #aciudink, but oat limited tu, cools u( docun:enutr~ <br />rrideatr, tdtaaracls and tick rrpans. <br />14. Atlrr(iwefi Rit<hf fa lli'iR4talr. Na'tu nlektaF d,rtg l c^dera -,. ac{'`, .d,a•r, , ttte ;::Nlz ~c_,nr cat h} th, r. yt,•! t^., ~L. <br />ikxrnwer sluail have the r4j*llt to haae any' isrt?CCC+1m};a #,ct;un ?sk toads +., r;, n,++; tt h:+ Ri., z• ,_:.+, .,...,. <,, •,,:. _,. <br />