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fJNto Cnvet+xtvt's. Bo awes and Lender covens t?t and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Principal and (Merest. Borrower shaft promptly gay when due the principal of :+nd interest an the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and tart charges as pmvtded in the Note, and the principai of and irtieres[ <br />on env Future Advances secured by this Lk~ed of mist. <br />~, Fonds for Taxes and insaniace. Subject to apglical+le law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installmerts of principai and interest arc fsayab}e under the Note, emtil the Mott is paid in fulh <br />a sum (,hereto "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yea€lu taxes and assasstnenfs u;hich may attain priority over this <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, pies one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus one-twetRh of yearly premium installments for nuutgage insurance, if any. art as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bells and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />Ths Funds shag he held in an institution the deoncits or accotmts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency {including t.cndtr if Lender is such an iristitutioni. Lender shall appl}'the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments. <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analYZing said-account <br />or verifyit+g and camplfing said assessments and bells, tmlesc Lender pays Borrower interest nn the Funds-and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and i.ender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Deed of "foist that interest nn the Funds shalt be paid to Burrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid. L.rnder shall not be required k? »ay Borrower airy interest or earnin~*s on the Funds. I~nder <br />shall give to Borrower, wiifwut charge, an annttat accauming of [he Funds xhewing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purptzse far which each debit [o the Funds was made. The Funds am pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust. <br />If the amoutii of tbt Fonds held by Lender, tagctiter with the. future mon[hty installments of Fundy ^ayable prior ro <br />the due dates of taxes. assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, chat) excecA the amount rcquiru. ,., pay card taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums sod gtt+und rents us they fail due. ouch z~ress shalE bc, at Barrnwer's upttan, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Harrower an monthly installments of Funds. if the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shat! not t>r stvilclent to pat' taxes, asu-ssmenrs. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fat! dtic. <br />Barrnwacr shalt pay to Condor any amount necessary u+ makeup the deficiency within 30 days from zhe date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of al! sums securaal by tnis [hell of Tout. Lender ehall promptly refund to Borrower any Fiords <br />held by Lender. 1€ tinder paragraph t g hercBf the Property Ic s<td ar the Propene Is atherwtst acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shaft apply, no la[er than immediately prior to ;hc sale a+t the Prat:erty or its acginsiucr, by Lender, any Funds held by <br />Lender at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured ~t+y this f lied ai Trust. <br />3. AppBeatinn of Payttrents. Unless apgircabir law ; rctvidrs ;+therwise, a!1 naymeats received by Lender undo"r the <br />l'ote and paragraphs t and 3 he:rnf shad LM appited hu Lender firs= an payment of antcums payable [n t-ender by Borrower <br />urtde.r paragraph '_ nereuf, then to interest payable en the \ote, then in :he pnnclpal ut the Note. and then to interest and <br />nrirtcipai an any Future Advatx:es. <br />i. Chafes: Lieu. Harrower shall pay art tours. asseumennta and sx!tcr aharres. fines .sod Impautians auributablc to <br />the Property which may attain a priority river than Deed of Trust, and le.•zsehatc4 »syments ar craund rents, if any, in the <br />manner pn»•ided tinder paragraph 2 hereof nr. if no? paid in such ntnnner. he Borrower making payment. wtlen dzic, directly <br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lertdor ail ounce, of amaants dnc under this paragraph, and in the <br />event 8arrawer shall make payment dirtctt}'°. Barrauer shall promptly turmsh tf, t.ender recce»is evia'.rncine Stich payments. <br />Barrowei snail promptly discharge any lien w~iiich nos p?tontc~ :~~ .'r this Deed at mist: prau'Idrd. tfi:it Borrower shalt not he <br />reyuired to discharge soy such lien so long as Barn±u'cr shall ..e ee :n ~arnsn, te+ [etc payment . f the atrttgcautn secured h}- <br />snob liaa to a mantxr accegrablt to Lender. rr snail in gocxf faithr_a+ntest sisch ben hy. ar defend rntercatnellt of sorb lien m. <br />legal practeduigs which operate to arevzrt the _nrr±rcrment .Y! sne Oren or foriciture of ;hr Pnipert}~ a,r any cart ;hemof. <br />f Huard (wwranee- Borrou~cr shah t,eep she :mpreja~ement+ n a,w rsr hzrra[ter rrL.ted nn the Property ensured <br />against loss by fire. hazard? included within. ;nc term ~~cytendr.; ~avzragc= ~. :x a soon +•ther itatards as i.endrr *.nay rryuire <br />and in such atmwnts and tot such peruxts a. (-roller ins} rcyu,rc: prciataic~l. thet i_eut4:r shalt eat ~ryucre N1st !hc amount of <br />such caveiage exceed the! amount aN o>,eragc iruu,rcd t;' pay the 3•un3 -,imat ha t 1.: Dcatr <. -i n.lst <br />The insuratct cattier pri=rz,fing the meuranse <hatl tx .hr•,rn by Ha rruwrr suhl .t t,+ :?~ r 1 el F• i ender. prevfdcel. <br />tint such approval shall not t+t unrtax>teably wethhctd. All premiums m insurance patlc~rs >.lrait hr p:ud sn the manner <br />provided under paragraph '_ heml or, if oat paid .n Such manner, t,; tiarr<rwer nraktng papmerit, when due. directly is the <br />insunnet carrier. <br />Ail insurance lwlicies and reneavais thttttt shalt !x Sn rotor aiccptahte c., t emicr .Sod :hall utcliide a standard martgagr <br />clause in :aver nF and in form -rtreptaMr to 1 ender f caller ,hail base the.::ght tv 'sot t?±c poticle, and rrnc'.u a,s heron'.. <br />and Berroutr shalt promptly furniati to Lsndct .,! rereu;Si na?t+ar, ar,S a-i s-~e,p.+ p Ia1 p~emautn, !r. the event of Ins+. <br />Borrower shall gn't prompt notit:c tt* the insurance carnet an.i t.etidrt. l cn.ter ntay snsr,c piak,f y E.,s, ,i not made prempth <br />by Borrower- <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otncrwise spice in :. rn:rg. n?aurankc »rv. y:d> .hst: !,c a,*n;icd t„ :a,:, ration or repast fit <br />the Property damaged, prusrded ,;ich ry' e r tH.,, . r r t ., r - t1 as sa1S - . t.i - -1 .~ +tt ~ - D c t „t 7 rt:st ,. <br />trot t}rereb}' imps=tea. if ~sch r>:3taiatron.,r repair : ~..nannaai,a tea„d .. , ,: t.1y aaa• th~. 't,rYlr a.t ; rl„t wa:,ld <br />be impaeryvl., ttx insurance prcxeads shall t+c aPPi~ r ~ 1- se.m ~-- tiF a~ R+, Lhed c•t I rent..S,t7+ ti;r .e,c. if an;. paid <br />to Borrower. It file Pn+gert} a ubandoncd ba Ba, r_u~a, ..c ff iia.t„wrr i.,it..;, rrzpa.siv ta+ f ender oohs .t3 da}. tron+ the <br />dos ~rx zs aaati~l bb t?~r u? Lin + r ha_. tn~ ursn ~ r .cr .- to x t- 1 e m t, r in,ura t es;etiis, Lender <br />i5 autltw'.~: to s:Jt;~'[ at3d apply lttr irs,u_;aaa tn,:"-x+-L~ at ? c-r.z~r"5 -+l tu- trier „> .e,t. r.,tr,;1 or rep t -1 she Pro}nrty <br />ur m the stuns stcureG ray rills Died of Trent. <br />L;niess Lender sod k'lorsuwer atherwrte 5grrt an ~widing. ;nty +u:;t :+p~tcat>e:, ct :+ -~=ells tt, pt,ilc, pat ,nail nc?t e?tent <br />or poaipa~ the dot daft of the manihly insutkinwnt, retLired =.. ;n par'agragnz I .:nd~~~ beta°at nr ,hange~ the amount a,t <br />such znszallrntnt€ If tuxkr paragraph lg irete+at the frogcrta Ss „cyuued h-r 7 za~Sler..:;i nght, rlttt .,od niteiest o! Borrower <br />in and tst any instu'anix policies sod :n anti to the pra>vccds thereat resuinri t; lrvni dasna ee i.r it`:E Pra»rri} prior to rite a,,ie <br />csr aeyuistuon shall pass to Louder to the evtent at the taro <c.:oied o; thrs [7eau nt i rust ,titma'xllatci3 , u+t to wen s,ric or <br />acquisitiaa <br />~. lrestrvatiaa sad NaiNtattace of Prvpert}: Leaxbaida: l'etnd+rminiuma; Planned L'nit Aevelnpmenis. Bar rawer <br />.h:Slf keep tlx: Prape n} ;at g xrl rirai, +s hat. t ,;ctrl •: ,.. r - ,~ 1 ::t f ne 1'rnpen} <br />and shall comply with the prautsiuns at ~ ,} lra.>t ;f thss f?~;d t l ru- . - ,,,th- .d ! tn; flee t 1 eft- i. -.•; a t:nit in .+ <br />coodnsrdnium or a planned uort =dr+ri.7pmem, Ba...wy: sh...l ,c~...r art .;~Hora,a,at.., ts....;- t3:c de~larat,,,l, <br />or c;evenants creating o; gauerrc,tg the carndom-niu ~ gi t nau - ,_ v e -,pit s. e ~-~- -; ~ - n LSm: t the <br />ccutdomioittm ar planrsed u, '? deuettSpmcnt.:+r<d .,test,,.,:.,, dckwnar::a fi a ~•.,,,1~.ncinn+r3t r rn.:,;ad .,n.t dc;c1 <br />rrdsi is exccuttd br ]•uirrxiwet and ~.ardce; 4tgether u't?h tills Recd of trust, the caiucnant, on+i agtta'rucnt, r„ w~h r,dct <br />shall be ittrortxzrared intr. attd shalt amend aa;ef supglentet:t tier .a!+enatu, a..,. agree rier.€s c,1 th s Der.; , . ; iu.l .,, '.f the rlaicr <br />wtrt a part h~reof~ <br />7, TmMCBnn nF L.erMer`s Security. if Be?r -art a is sc ^K -dt~rRi rc ? ..i z tr n rt a:na.t n t}u, <br />Dead oI Trost, x if ar.} salon a>r prot'.te:ling .a -:mn,e1:.. d . h ~h .r is• - 1. ~t 1 r - - r ~ s ~ i:e .n • Hatt. <br />ittcl-ruling. lull not fimittd to, >:nxinetnt uatnain, zu.o r:en}, a.a ur:vt~a?ru :t, ~r ~- r -n,cnteu.5 -~r rv aa.:isi.. :-at,t.,,,s, ,: <br />bankrupt"or dtt:edent, ilten Lender of (.collet 3 aaptza:,, upa.n no t; B cu•er, .*na) n;il.e > +'h a .Fx:s r +I,t. ,:, h <br />autfst artd take stein aetiots as is n>*sxssar' t.3 protect L>:ci...: :ntr:ri.t ~ncluding !,ot nett :intitc°c? r ~l s..u:. rant :,f <br />reasonable atttirnt}`'s foes and rutty upon zhe Pro;x:ri} to rn,tke rer..ti it t andat rcatuitrd '- '•;t t : Sena r .t, ., <br />~~ of ki_.g ~ ?tan ~~~sxi hy- t_1z;~ L]eE.>;i f1f Tnis Borrower +it~i ' Pay to _»[cnu t t. ragv:rt 7 - +„nt a „t.h <br />+naur~sce an cdect until stun time as the t~quiresrxnt ?:?r such 3nsuranae termSnatcS m aa~urdaato watt Bc,r.":,u r;•s „ud <br />t.eatdei'3 wtiMen agreement or a~li.~ablt law. Serrautr shalt f au the asncrant ai a!i rrtu lgaga° in3tirana6 y?M Ont,uuu .., :3,e <br />manlier prov-~ed under paragraph _' herctf. ,, <br />Auy amounts dial>ursed tsy I.etider putsuar €ti this pa agraph "' w,th tar s. °t:c e alt nc id 1 :, <br />indtbiirdness of Bon'awet secured try this 1~;d of Tru-.t z?mess Biirttrwer and I ender .tyre t ,:liar ta.;: 1 p;s~: ss ant h <br />gnx~.txnfis shall bt t'aSable upon nirti~ ft'ont Linder tot Borrower rr.lucstirtg papmar:tt thrrr;rf, ' a i+"t-i F 1r "ast , t - P,a <br />dolt tyf dist+ursem;.ni at the rate paytrblr from tints tc; rime or -t,za a..d,t g t t- ~t -11 unri r :c ti t ,+a}mrnt i 1 r ..1 <br />a1 wcfx rate, u~ayld bt ccatltary to appl?cable Ian. m uhf--?t -.rut •. - h ..n=+.,r -~. rail tic ..- . G.S~ .he trig' <br />pcrrtli~ utrdcr applicaldelaw, tiothmg roritaitsc`d is this rr'uagrapb shat= reyttky l crxfa. scut an} eype,ssa , , t kc <br />any m;ittm 4teretandtr. <br />g. tba t.en~r ma} maix or cause: to t*t neadt rose ns_3 a, got -?1 ,taix-t- : f;. f .ultrrtt I r i ~, <br />that Lt,•tder shnB g,. S: BarrrAxer nt,ti,;c prta?t to zrt*- 3uGh ,;rspi....-- , ,.?s. era -. n:s'•!a• ..,t=',c hS.. t tt•1 ~--:L:tcci ;. t , I,,.t, . -. <br />ee:rests.=. in zhe PrattCZ'ty. <br />