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<br /> T(�ET1tE:R WIl'tl:�ll thc impru�•emenic ix,w•on c�reafter enrtal on the prt�xny. ui�! all�:►.entcnt., :►p[wncn:►nres, arxl
<br /> : Fi�►tun. �x�w• �,r hrrc�lkr a �wt uf' tl� pr.�x�a}. All r��lattiitknts and ;«WitirnL� �h.ill •rlu+ hr �y�tierc�! hy thu Sczurity =
<br /> lnstrunknt. A!1��f the f�►rcF��inF is refrrr�d w ii�this Sr.uri�� hut�unx�u;4,lhe "P���y�.r��." -
<br /> ' HORkOW[:R COVENANTS th;+t&irrouer ic I�wfully seiseci of thc catatc t►:nb�•r.u»cye.i�uwl ha.�Qk right tu`racu :uxi
<br /> � r�u��•e�� tbr Pn�rlv wxf that the Pr��ecty is w�encumbercd, ereeM Por e�xumhr�ke� ��f ntioN. Ro�r��wc� w�rtWUs iuxl wiU
<br /> `� S�:to��:1 g��krallv the�iilc tu thc Propert�•�•ri�ut all rlaims and dem�xla,�uhjcct tu:u�y c�x�un�t+r�uxc.uS R�v►rJ. -
<br /> 7'H!S 5GCl�RA'CY INS'�'RUMENT rombine,unifurm�rve�unts fi�r naliwtial uK�uiJ ixurunili�m�rutiu,,uu,w•ith liuutal
<br /> = vuiation.c;,}•juris,liclu►n t+�r:tivaitute�unifom�s�x.u�ity iiutruntent ca�erin�;rr:�l pru�rrty.
<br />_.� UNIFORI�S COYENANTS. Borrow�er�nd l.cixlrr m��enanl:uul u�ree�u fullaw.: _
<br /> i. Pai��teW o.'Pi�:acf�tl w73 iUL2T2SY: i'rz�-.aym::ai aud latr Clsat�e:. &�rn�uer �hall priim�tl�� pay Khen due thc
<br />- principal uf and intemst cu►the dcDt eti•idenccc!b}�thc Nota and unp pre�ymen�:uxi lale rhvgcs duc wuler the Nate. -
<br /> 2. Ftinds ior Ta�►es apo lasurauce. Subject to appliuible lau•ur tu a wriUCti wa��cr by [.rixler. Burruwe�shall pay to -
<br /> Lerxter on the day monthly payments are due ander the Notc.until thc Ncuc is paid in ful l,a�um 1'Fwuls')fiir:lal y�carly ta�ze� _
<br /> �xl asses.anen4c which mz��attain ptiority o�er this Security Iristrununt as a lien on thc Propcny;lb))'wrly Ieasehnld payments
<br /> or t;r�.lun�1 nnts on the Property,if any;(c)yearly h�ard ur prapeny inwr.uur proinium�:tdl yurly fl�xxl inwnuur premiu�u,
<br />--� if any; Ie) yearly monFage insurance prenuumc, it any;a�xi (fl any sun�c pa)�able b�• &�rn�w�er ta l.e�xler, in aarordanee with -
<br /> - the pravisiona af.�;z°,�raph R, in lieu of the p•ryment of mortgage insurancc pmmiun�...These i�ems arc calluf "G.urow ltems." '
<br /> Lender rnay, at an�• �;.�ne, collect and hald Fu�xls in an anu�unt not to exeeccl thc mauinwm amewnt a lende� for � faferally
<br /> = related nwngage„i.,1�cua}•ct�Guire for Bonower's escrow arcount under thc fedcr�l Rc:►1 F.tato Settlrnxot Pnxaiure.llct of
<br />--i 1974 as;uiuixled fcu�n tirae:;r rin�, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 e:seq. ('RESPA"►, unless anc�thcr lau•that,•►pplies to the Fwxls -
<br /> sets a lesser amount.if so, :rea;�r may, at sny time. collect arxi hold Fuads in an a�nount �x►t to excood the lesser amoeint.
<br />--' Lcnder mav estimase the am.auiu of Funds due on the basis of current daia a�d reasoiublc estin�atcs af cxpcnditures af futurc
<br /> - Escrow Items or o:hrlwise in accordarur with applicable law.
<br /> � The Funds :hall be held in �n institution whose deposits am insurocl by a falera! agency, instrumentaliry, or entity
<br /> _ (iucluding Lender,if Lendcr i.�:uch an instiwtion)or in;uiy Federal Nome Loan Banl;.l.cnder st�all appty thc Funds to pay the
<br /> -- EsrroW Items. L.ender may c�,u charge Bormwer for hold'uig and applying the Fund�.annually an�lyzing the escrow account. or
<br /> verifying tlie Escrow Ite.:�;,�;:�t�ss l.ender pays Borrow•e: rcwccest un the Funds:u�d applic:ible law permits Lender ta malce such
<br /> �charge. How•eve�. Lecxw:rn�y require Borr.a•er to pay a one-time c�arge for an independent ma!cstate tax rcnoning service
<br />�a usod by l.ender im m�nection with this }a.an. ut�less applica6le law prnvides otherwise. Unless an agreement is rtude or
<br /> applicable law requires interest ta be paid. L�:nder shall ruu be tequired to pay Borrow�er any interest or camings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrou•er and Lender may sgc��r in writing, however, that interest sliall be paid on the Funds. l.ender shall give to Borrower,
<br />— without charge, an annual ac�.�.�unting of the Funds, snowing crediu and debits w the Funds and the purpose fur which each
<br /> debit to the Funds was�nade. The Funds��+I.�.tged�s additional security for�ll sums securod by this Security Incwmen�.
<br /> li ihe Funds held by Lender exceed ths amounts permitted to t�[k;�by applicable law, Lender shall account to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Funi[s in accc►niance with d:e reauirements oF appli�bSe iaw. If the amcwnt of the Funds held by l.endu at any
<br /> time is not sufficirnt to pay tha Escrow Items when due,�nder may so notifv Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower
<br /> shall pay to Lender the am.�uiat necessary to make up¢�a•�.:afuiency. Bonower st�ll a�ake up the deficiency in acr more tlt�n
<br /> twelve monthly payments,ai Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> ___ Ti�nes ��swne 2� fi�ll r+f�1) c��mc crn�srrl hv fhic SPCUntv Incen�ment, Iender shall�n�nmily refund to Borrowu �V
<br /> Funds held by Lera3er. i�,uo.ier�ardgrapi���.Lender sfwlt a�uire o�•seli d�e Fropecty. i.et�zr,priar to thz acquisition or salc --
<br /> of'�he Property, shall app{y an;.�unds hel�by Lender ac�ie time oi aaquisition or salo as a cralit�gaii�st the sunu secured by
<br /> this Security Tnsttument.
<br /> 3.Applicasion of Paymeots.Unless sipplicable law provides aherwise.all payments receivod by Lcnder under paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be appliad: first,to any prepa;�m:nt charges due under the Note: second, to amounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> third.to iRter�sc ciue:fourtfi,to principal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Cl�ar�ex;Lieas.Bae�mwer st�all pay all taxes.ass�sa+eats.charges. fines and impasitions atpilwtable to the Property
<br /> wfli�:e may zt��n priority o�zec this Security Instrumer.z. �leasehold paymenu or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> t}use obligatias.x;.in the rnanner prov�ded in para8raph 2.c�'sf not psid +n that mannzr.Bormwu st�l!pay them on time directly
<br /> to the person o�zd payment. Borrower shatl promptly fumish to Le�r all noiices of anwunts to be paid under this par.4graph.
<br /> If�orrower atxi;t;tiuse p�yments direrdy.Burrower shall promptly fumish w l.ender receipts evidencing the paymenu.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge ar.}�iias whic�t�s priority over this Securiry Instrumeni unless Borrower:(a)agte�s in
<br /> v�rr;ting to the payment of the obligation se:.:red by the[ie�in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b)coiuests in good faith the lien
<br /> by, or defe�cLc againu enfor.xment of't's�+`�iea in, legat proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prcvent the
<br /> enforcement dC�lien, or(c)secures fro�� t'�e holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> this 5ecuri.ry Inurument. If Lender deterer.:h�ihat any pazt of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> this Security Instrument, I.end:r may give�^mwer a notice identifying the lien. Bonower stall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> more of the xtions set forth�ve within t0�:.s�f the�.ving of notice.
<br /> fam 3028 9J90
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