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1 a ~0- ~~ MORTGAGE <br />,~ <br />... .. <br />PHIS. MOR'f'GACrE is made this .... , lam ................. da of J~ ``.......: . <br />19. $U., between3he Mortgagor,.. TJa~.~ , P1r}ke~¢tati ;arul,Patricia A„P~tjcq_ rp}pr.~ka>~.~? <br />... <br />H1J.£@. : ~~~~and hIs i~~ mower ), and the'Mort~304 Weft Rh3='d S.... . <br />?~ ~+til~: Na ...... a co ran n or m and e~ ng . <br />under tho-laws of ......................................... . whose address is ............. ...eet <br />Grand It7attdr. ?~~ .. (herein"Lettde~"): <br />Wxette,-s, Borcower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of .Forty Seven Zfiousattd Semen'.. <br />H4u~dx'Qd :at?d. ~`7P/.I,QQ'--.------'-.".--"-. Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's-Dora' <br />dated; , , , Jtg-@, ],0,, x,9$0 , , , , , , _ , (herein "Note"), providing for monthly installments of principal-sand tntet~g. <br />with' the balance of-the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on ..... July..~^ .291p..:. ..: ; . . <br />ToSectntE to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereoo, the- <br />payment of alI-other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect.ths security`of this <br />Mortgage,- and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borcower herein contained, and (b)-the- repayment <br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof: (herein <br />"Future Advartces"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following desedbed.propetty <br />located in the County of........ ual l .............................. State of Nebraska: <br />Ivt Eight (8) , Block Otte (1) , in Wincblpkt's I><3ditiran to the City of <br />i'.h-artd Island. Hall oDtutty, Nebraska <br />which. has the address pf _ .. iI08, West Iauise„ , .......... ......... . ....... Grarxi Isiatri, , , , , , .. , <br />t5trean iCitY3 <br />. ~~$, 68801 .... _ .... (herein "Property address" ), <br />tsuu->wa rw capN <br />TgcE'7'NEa with ati the itoprovztncnts now ar iur~fter erected an Yhc prnpcrzy, and alt rascmcnts, rights, <br />ap~purtenanccs; tents, tuyahin, rninerai, ail and gas rights and profits, water, waicr rights, and water sto,;,k, and a?i <br />f4;~ilrer~-lWll,Qr-hereafter attacttcd t;o the prutxrzy, a!I of which., iaeluding rrplacements and additian_s thereo3, shah he <br />dtxmarl tv be and iemain a part of the prnpezzy covered iry this Mortgage; and ati of the frxegaing, together with said <br />property {or3helaasehok!-e3tate if this Mongagc is srn a leasehold). sse ircrs^in rs:f;:rcd ur as the "Prapcrty° <br />Scurow~t ctkvenant& that $onyw. r is lawfuity seised of zhe estate hereby conveyed and has thy: right to mortgage. <br />gnat and ranvey the, Ptope[ty, that zbc Propezty is unencumbered. and that Barrcrwcr wiiS warrant and defend <br />gteetr~y tbw-tide to tGs Pr$pcny aga;„t~tall-ci~sin3sand demands; subj.~t to any declarations, - aseamnts cx restrictions <br />lister in a sehedula of exccptirzns to eovcrage in any title insurauc.: pohct insuring i.endei a intr=rest {n the 6*et~pett}. <br />NlIF'F 3~ 80 <br />