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$~r 16s~ <br />KNOW ALL MEN BYTliESEPRESEIVTS:That Richard E. Moser and Karen J. Moser, each in his-and' <br />her own right and as spouse of each other <br />- - Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideotion of the wm of <br />Twenty-one Thousand and No/100------------------ ---------------------------~~~~ <br />loaned io stiid tortgagor by Ths Eauinbk Bniiding and loan Association of fraud [slsnd, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 210 shorn of sttsdc-of- <br />said- ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23, 712 , da hereby grant, cnnvey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the-follosvirts. <br />described nil estate, situated in !!all Caumy, Nebraska: <br />LOT SEVEN (7) IN BLOCK NINE (9) IN ASHTON PLACE, AN <br />ADDITIaY TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />Subject to a prior mortgage to the mortgagee herein, in the <br />principal amount of y 26,000.00, dated September 10, 1973. <br />together with atl the tenetrrettts, ttereditamrnts and appurtenances theseunta hetotrgmg, rnduding attached floor wverirtgs, all window screen, <br />window shades, bends, storm windows, awnings, heating, au arnditianing,and pturnbing acrd watereauiptrrentnnd au:essarxs thertto, Pumps, stoves, <br />reirigesators, and other fmtues and equiptnem r;aw ar herca8rr arta:lted io or used in connection with card real estate. <br />And whereas rite said trtorzgagor has agrced and does hereby agree that *.ht maRCagar shalt and wilt pay all taxes atd assessments levied or <br />aaes$d upon said pretrtises and upon this tnortgagr and the band scavrtxi thereby btlare the _smt stsali 6e vaa:>r delfngtunt; is furnish approved <br />iru,¢antt rrptvn the btiildmgs an said pmmise~: sitrated ~n the sum of S 2 ~, QQQ, QQ payablr to said :1S.SOCIATlON and to deriver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for sad insurance: and nac to tvmmit or permit any vraste en ar about std prtrtaises: <br />In cane of default in the pexfoxntartct of any of the terms and conditions of this rtttrrt}~ge or itte taoad setitred hereby, the mortgagee stall, <br />m demand, bt entitled to immedsa[e pxstss~~n uF leer mortgaged premia~s and the nwrtgagar he¢by assigns, transfers and sets over to •he <br />rnart6a6ee all the rrntr, revenues and intxsme za be tlecived from rha ttaarteaged pztmises dwirg such trmt as the rnartgage indebtedness shall rernin <br />tpapafsl; and the rnorigagee shall have the pawn to agpoint any agent ar agents it may desire fat the purpose of repairing said premises and renting <br />the same and taiketing the rents, revenues and srtoome, and it may pay nut of said intm,tr ai! expenses of repaving anrd" prersiises and ne«ssary <br />+mmomaiorts and expenses intvtxtd in renting and tttanaging the came and oC caikcting rtrtals thercftom; the balance retttainitrg, if any, to be <br />applied toward the discharge of said titortgage mdebtedtttsP' these rights of the rax,rtgagee may tx rxercised at any tithe during the existentx of such <br />defaol[, arespectre of any teertparary waiver of the s#rne. <br />These !'resents, ttuwevez, are upon the tcvrditicn, Tbar sf t2te xaxti Mot[pgar abate repay sold #aan on or before the r;aturity of said shares by <br />payrmri[; pay rt,ontttiy ta said ,{ySe1C;.{7'tt}N c=i the sum specafxd rn th« itcind srcuzed htset:y as tntorest and princtpat on said loan, on or before <br />Lhe Twentieth day oC each and entry atxmfh_:ant;t sail? loan is fully paid; pay set taxes and assessrrxnts Ieyred against said premrses alai on this Mortgage <br />and the Bund secuitd thereby, before tktinG;rencY, turntsh apprvrcd insuxanrx rtpon t}tc buildings thereon an tell sum of ~ 21 a QQQ. QQ payable <br />to said ASSOClATIO!d; atpay to sad A~SLiClATIL~V txpcm dcrnsnd alt rw,t,ty by st pard for such taxes, assesenients need visurance with interest at <br />the max;yumt kgil rate thtreDn from Bair of paytntnt alt of which Atarrgagrar hereby agrees to pay; permit na vraste an said prenrtses; keep sad tumpl_v <br />ttrith al! the ag,cesaents ar,d mndiiiozts c>f ttae P.ur-d far 5 21a00o. Q~I :ttu day g:.crt lay the +}ortgagor to said ASSt~[:IATIOY, and zampiy <br />with aU the requiiernenu of itte Coartittitwn and f!y-l.:rws if sad >a~;Sf}(,:IA7lQV; t+stn itrt»e presertts slant! becaxrx null and void, utfterwise they <br />sin0 remain in tail farce am! Wray bz Easex,hneti at the asptam cf tftt sail r1SSSOCt.{Tlt3?. after Cailmt Cor ttuee rttonths to snake any of said <br />ptaytmrxs or 6e three months tai arrears in rnakirtg said iiwntltty pay[rttnts, or na keep and comply- wvttx the agreerrients and mndit&tns of said Band: <br />artd ~tW6t?r agrees tD have a receiver appointed fattbwitri eta such farecn~sa,re pnxxedmgs. <br />If there is any ctuttge in owr,ersttip of ti,e real es[au martgapod. beam, 2>y salt ar oi.htrwise,. zheu zhe entire rrn,aining indebtedness hereby <br />aararte3 shall, at the option of The kquitahk !lur7ding and [..Dart Assocutiesn of Grand island, Nebraska, btcamr unviediately due and payable without <br />furthw zi„ tint, oral il,e att,ount rerinining due under sand trend, and any other holed far any addttit,nal advarsues made thereunder, shall, Froth the <br />dMe of ettucte of said apiian, bear irtitrest at she rnaimum legal nett, and s-his rnu: tgage Wray then be fartclased to satisfy the amount due un said <br />iwred.aed:gy other band fix additiortti afvantx:s, together with afl sutra paid by said 7"tu l-ytritabk $ttilding and loan Association of grand Island, <br />Nebtstka far iasurarue, to>ts ud ~g=~+:,ants, xnd aMirutingexiertsiou ckwrges, with interest thereon, frrsm dale of wyrrieot at the rttaxirnum <br />3aie. <br />As provided in-the fktnd secuztd ttcn:Aw., while ibis rAOrtgagt retrains in tlte,:t the r:xrrtgagee may hereafter advuice additutoa7 aunts to the <br />mairrt of said Eland, then assigns ,at sttcGrssors in interest, wtticlt tuna snail tat within the .~-alley of this mortgage the sateen as the funds originally <br />aeotted-thpeby, the: meat zistauoi of pcincaipat debt rt.:,a ao extYtd at any tttrat the original arnDUnt of tktis nwrtgage. <br />il3ti 10th . daa of June ±. t}_, t y BO <br />Karen J. user __._~~ <br />STt-71ir31r NEBkASK.A, <br />ss. Qn ttris 10th da>• of June Iv60 , kxfore tnx, <br />°lv ol:. tIALlo <br />Richard- E. poser and Karen J. MOSer, tilt u:tdtrsif,ncd,a Notary Public utand fa: said County, ptrkttialtycanto <br />each in his and her own right -and as spouse of each other wt,a are {tersanatly known to <br />.roc 4D~be rha itk:uical pttstan S whDSr name $ are aff',xtd to the above uWfuineni Ss.?zwrt{tagor S and tr~.~~- a,-vttaliy <br />adcriDVVkdgtd Iht said:itt~rtraxot to bt their vtunnzaty yet and deed. / ~ , <br />t / <br />K"PI'NL~r't nay hand and.Natar,iat SP-d the daze aforesaid. ti_ -yam ~.- "~ `\~ <br />My Ciamttsisstt~a ts}+irts r~~ff.Fr ~ rr :' <br />rwtrzy xi ~~~ r ( ' -.~ r--- ~ - Nntan !'utnc~ - <br />E~~~-G' ' 7` f ~-a,.~~ i ',y ERA;. !v,~SAr~Y•Sianof Ha~ p~ r~tlu~ <br />j - IA,ttES~ ve. BtSQN ~ <br />ir:- ` uy firr:*.. Fee "rru, ld, 181 <br />