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<br /> .,� ........ Na�/lY K `_ _ �"a _ .__—_ .
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<br /> TL)UE:fU[:h«'ll'N all the impro��enxnt�iu�w ur t�ereafter eratal�i�the y�ro�xn�,unJ:all c,►•�uiu.`�,�u O�tenorx:...rixl
<br /> , tixlurc. iw�k „r hrrcallrr a ;:irt i,i �hr pn�rE}�. �1! rrplacemMts atxl �liiuinn� chall stl:i+ h: :oscr:d by this S:vritp
<br /> In.urumrnt �II ��f�tk G+r.Kain�;i,r.frrr�tl tn m thi,��uri�y Inst�un�ent u�thc "Pruf�r�;,,"
<br /> BORFin1NER Ci)�'I:NANT'ti�lut k�,r�uwer i.I�ufull}• xi�al uf thr c.tat. hc�:h}•►��ttivc�i.1 wti;� 17:s tF►c ri�ht t���r,r�u wxl
<br /> r�an�ey� �hc Pro�xny aixl that Ilx Pru��ty i� uikikun�hrrcJ. e.rcrpt fiir cn:uutibrim:�ti uf ntiyml. Harroµsr warrrtus wxi will
<br /> J�.fei�l gct►crall}�Qk titic tu tfx F'n�xu�•uy�ii�.�t all claint.�tx!ckm:uul�, wh�tt: tu an� cikun��aixc<<�t Rti.�rJ.
<br /> _ 1'HIS SECURt�'1'INSi'Rl1A1kNT�r�mhinc.unif��nu��sn�;nsnts liir na�ivaoal uk;��:1 tuW�-unifa�ii cu�•.�wius a�id� lu�uW�l
<br /> variatiui��hy ju�iyJictian tn c��n�tiwtr a unit�►rni�.urity ii�u��u�».nt�ro�erinF rc.:at prn��,1��.
<br /> I�NIF(�RRt COVCNAN 1:ti. l3��rrnu�r a�xl t.�ixkr.•o�;iuuu�uut a�;rce a:G�finu..�
<br />_ 1. P�►meri uf Principsd s�r.d li�ten'st: {�rc{wyu�eut Aaci l.xtr l'hurac.•s. &rrna�tixc �hk.11 pn�mptly Euy wPu:n due the
<br />_ princi4ul oi;crl in�cre.l un�Fk�lcht ecidcrkcJ hy��he Notc and any prcpayn�enl a�kl I�,la rhpr�cs dua uixkr tlu Nc�te.
<br /> 2. F'wui� [or Twc�untl lucuruucc. Suhjc�t to applicat►Ic law�or t+►;�w�riltcn Mbiver t►y Lc�xi.••r. Bc�rmwcr slutll pay to
<br />- l.cixfer c�n thc d:►y moiuhly paynxnts are duc wu�r thc notc. until �hc hatc i.p�id in full.;�wm t"FunJs"► for.(a)ycarly taxcs
<br />= and asseacments which may attuin priority a�•er this 5ecurity inst�ument as u lic�i t�n thn Ptuperty;(b1 yrarly lwsehold payments
<br /> or gmu�ul rents on the Pmpeny, if any: tcl y�e:uly hazard ar pro�+eertv inu�raaro�n:inium�:(d)yearly fl�xxl in,wranco premiumc,
<br />= if any; (cl y�early mc�rtg;�e insurance premiums, if any: and (�an�• sums payut�le by Bc�rruwe�tu l.e�xier, in accordance with
<br /> the provicions af par.�rrph 8, in lieu of the payment of nu�rtga�e insuran�premiums. These itenu arz c;illed'Escrow Itenu."
<br /> Lender n�y, at any tin�e, c��llect �rui hold Funds in an :u�u�unt nat to excc�d tlm nraximum amcwnt u lender fnr n federally
<br /> rclt►tcd �Tx�ngagc loan ma�• requiic fur Borr��wcr'�escrow ar.cnunt undc:r thn fudt�ral 4ipl Fstate Scttlen�nt Pmcedures Act n�'
<br /> 1y73 as;uivaxl�vl froni time tu tink, 12 U.5.C. Scxtian 26t1t et seq. ('RESPA"?,unit:ss arxuher!aw thx applies to the Funds
<br /> seu a le.cser a�nount. If s��. Lender n�ay. �t any� tin�e. collcrt and hald F'unJs in ai� a�uou�►t not tn e�:ooal the le�ser anwuiu.
<br />_ L.ender may estinute the anxwnt of Fundc duc on the basis of current ds�iu wul n;�scu�blc estim,:tes of expecuiitw�es of futwY
<br />= Escrow Items or wherwise in xcordance with applicabla law.
<br />= The fiunds shall be hcld in an in�titutiun whase dcpc�sit� are insural by a fi;cicral agen;y, instrumt:ntality. or entity
<br />_ (inrluding Lendcr,if Lender ic auch;ui institution)or in:ury Fedtral Kume+Lo:n.Banf:. Lender shAll apply thc Funic£s to p:iy the
<br />_ Escrow• Items.I.eoder nuy nat charge Bc�rcow•er fur holding cu�applS�ing th�Funds,annually an:ilyaing the escrow acc.�ount,or
<br /> verifying the Esa:rnw Itcros, unless Lendcr pays Borcower interest on tha Fun:ls and applicable law pcmiits L.cixler to m�lce such
<br /> a charge. No«•e�•er, [.ender may require Bc►r►ow•er w pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tux reparting service
<br /> uscd by Lerxiec in camiection a•ith this toan, unle.s.� ay�{irable lau• pruvides otht�rv��se. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> applicable law require�interest to he paid,l.ender sluill i��t(x:requircxi tn pay Bonow•,e any interest or carnings un the Funds.
<br /> BorroN•er and I.ender may agrce in w•riting, hou•erEr, th;:,Y interest shRll�be paid on the Funds. I.x�xler shal! give to Borrower.
<br />_ without charge, att unoua{ accounting of thc Funds, stw�w?ng cralits un:i,debit� W the Funds and the purpose for wi►ich exh
<br />= debit to the Funds w�a,�macle.The Funds are p{edged��;cdJitional sec�uricy for all sumc uxured by this Security hutrumest.
<br /> [f the Fund�hetd hy Lcnslec exceed the:uixwuts p:niiNtcx!to 6e tield by applicabrr law,I.ender shaU aecount t�Borrow•er
<br /> ib.-c6:excess Fundc in accatds,-y.t with the requirements uC applicable law. [f the ana�nt of the Funds held b� Q�eixler�t�ny
<br /> �im:c�not safficient to pay ttu:Eu:ro�e Items w•hen due,L.a:nder may so notify Borrowez in writing,and,in such�:a�Borruwer
<br /> shaIi 4�3y to Lender the�mount necessary tu �ru�;e up the deficiwcy. 6,7rrower �U mal;e up the de6ciency in ca more thaa
<br /> tit•�,i�e uwrithlY pa}�men�s.at Lender's sole discr�tioa.
<br /> Upan psiyment in full of.�ll wnu sccure.d by this Sea+rity Instniment, Lendec �sal@ pncu�tly refund to Barrower aac
<br /> � ;::�,�s�iu�y i�c�wc�, ii, u�wa•Erai-agrapn�i, iender s�ii�.�ire or seli the F�roper:��,C.;,ndet, Drior to the xquisition or sn➢a
<br /> of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lendcr at tHe time of acyuisidon or sale as a cruiit against the wms sxured b}-
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3.Application at'P��•rnents.Unless applicable law provides otherwi.e,all payments received by L.ender under pustgraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be�pplied: first,to any prepayment chargec due unler the Note:second,to amounts payable under pangraph 2;
<br /> durd.to interest due; fourth,to principal due:and lact, to any late ctsarges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Charges; Lieas,Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessmetus� charges, fines and impositions�ttribumblc to the Property
<br /> which may attuin prioriry over this Security tcstrument, and IeauJwld paymenis or ground rents, �f any. Borrower shall pzy
<br /> these obligatiuos ei,the m�noer provided in p�cr,,graph 2,or if not paid in��u rnanner, Sorrower shaif�ay them on titne dircoti3
<br /> to the person owed payment. Bonower sh�ll pramptly fumish to Lender�Il notices of anwunu ta be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> If Bartower n�lces these payments directly.Borrower st�all prompily fumish to l.ender rereipts evideneing the paymerits.
<br /> Borrower s}�11 promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry aver this Securiry Irutrument unless Bonower: (a)agrees in
<br /> writi�g to the p�yment of tt►e obligation wcured tsy the lie�i in a manner acceptabte to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opir�eun operate to prever�t the
<br /> enforament of the lien:or(c)secures from�tze holder of the lien an agreement satisfxtory to Lend�r subordinating the lien to
<br /> this Security Ltstrume�tt.If Lender determines that any pan of the Property is subjeci to a lien wfiich rn�y att�i�a�riority o�•er
<br /> this S�urity Instrunsent.Lender may gi�•c Borrow•cr a notice ideruifying the lien. &�reuwer shall s•rtisfy the lien�r take w�e or
<br /> more of the actiwns sei forth abo�e wilhin 10 days of the giving of t�otice.
<br /> Form 30?A 9J9C
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