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r <br />- __ <br />~. -- .. <br />8f--.116xI. Ei7'~7~.~IfOIISGAGili-,~(AVi16 Tnt CIwN) Huffman and Fetion & Walf, Walton. Ne. 6846] t <br />KNOT'! ALL MEN BY THESE`'PRESENTS: That Arnold C. Wenn <br />of Hall Corwty; awd Siatt of Nearaslca , in consideratiox aj the suit <br />'Teri Thousand and 00/I00----------------------°-----------___--- DOLLA: <br />iw;kawd paid, do ktreby SELL and'CONYEY unto FIVE POINTS BANK <br />of hall Cowxty, State of Nebraska the fotlowixg dtscribed prexcists sitxa <br />Hall Cosxty, axd Stott of Ne3ara ska , to-aril: <br />Lot-Six (6), Lot Sevin (7), Lot Eight ($), and Lot. Nine (9) <br />all in Bloek Two (2) in Pleasant Bill Addition to the City <br />of Grand Island, Hall County; Nebraska <br />r <br />i <br />The ixtewtiow beiwg to caxvty hereby ax absolrtc title iw jte si+wpk, iwclwdiwg alt tht rights of hanusttad axd do:ver.~ <br />TO HAYS AND TO HOLD the prexrists about dttcribtd, uith all the apprrtexaxces thertwwto beloxgiwg,~ <br />swta the mid wsxtgagee/sj awd to his, her or their heirs axd ussigws foreuer, p-ovrded always, axd-these presewts arej <br />spow the tzpress cowditiaw that ij tht said w~ortgagar(s), his her or their hors, ezecrtars, adxaiwistrafors or ars+gwsj <br />shall pap or rant to bt paid to the said +wortgagee/s j, hu, her or ihrir heirs, ererxtors, ads'wiwistratarr or assigwt, thej <br />t~'1'°t slaw of ~' 2fl, OQfl.00 payable as jollosrrs, to wit: <br />280 days <br />a. <br />~itls iwtdest ocrordrwg to the texor axd tjject of the xwrtgayorr tarittrw praxussory Ovate beariwq evew date aaith thsss <br />p-eserats awd shall pay dl tasu awd autssiwtwts levied rpaw said real estate, axd all other tares, levies awd assessw~ewis~ <br />lid span this wWrtgay~c ar the watt rc+kirk skis xwrtgage is giasx to sesxra, before the sa+we becoxras delix¢rext, made <br />hesp. tht briltiiwyr ow said preiwises iwss<red jar the ,crew of $ 2fl, i3fl0.00 lass, ij awy, payeable to Yha said; <br />~worfpaytt; there dress prestru: to be void, otherwise to be axd rtxcaix ix jwl# fosse, <br />IT tS FCIRTTlER AGREED fi} Tkat if the said wortyagar shag jail to pay swrh tails or procrrs swch iw- <br />Grr, the said wwttgagee wwy pay srh tares awd process sxch iwswrawce; axd tht stiwt so odtxiwced, wick iwterestf <br />ol. 15 per csw2, shoA bs repaid. by said wrortgayor, awd thi,t wrortgage shall staved as sstrrity jar tks sawrre.i <br />(~ T ~=t1MlE'~! ~ AID 'Y. either principal ar iwttrsst, u,Jtex tks salves becawats drt, yr a joijws to <br />tastply ~Y. e~rtewwrwts, shalt cares tht whole swxr of rNawey kertix setwred to beeotws drt awd~ <br />sdlrcA$lt~ ~ _ tpagee. <br />~'~~ 4th ~Y c+f ~stttie ~9 8X? <br />:-~: <br />~;....u _ <br />. ,~. ......_,... ~r_.... _._,__ ....... .. <br />