<br />-.- - .. .- - ~ .. .. ~:. L-
<br />_ FORN S'Je6~A -'
<br />Should the title-af this-leasehold at~any time during its lift become severed from the title to the abt[itiig
<br />land, Wen 36s lease~shail become ipso facto null and void My sale or conveyam:e of such abutting lam shall
<br />carry wW ft'said`leaseltold estate and We purchaser or grantee shall become bound by We terms hereof az
<br />frrlly as tfie origirrai -I,euee. ' T}ie Lessee is also to notify the Lessor °# any tramsfer of We' title of the abutting
<br />property owned by the Lessee.
<br />As a consideration for this fease We Lessee is to pay in advance to the Lessor One Dollar per annum; to
<br />pay all tares and assessments levied upon the leased premises during the continuance of this lease, not includ-
<br />ing tares or assessments levied against the leased premises as a component part oif~a 400 f~ ngh of
<br />Lessor in the state as a whole; to plow and maintain upon We outer boundary
<br />way, or az near Wereto az practicable, a fireguard at least six feet wide; to keep the leased premises free from
<br />combustible material; to plant no trees or shrubbery, and to erect no strucfiues therein; to put nothing upon
<br />We leased premises which might obstruct or interfere with the view; to close safely and securele, imm~~'
<br />ately after using, any gate, opening or bars in the fences of the Lessor which We Lessee omY or bars which
<br />or during the term hereof may acqurre, We right to use, and not to use any such gate, opening
<br />the Lessee may not have acquired the right to use. Lessor reserves the right to take temporary or pena[a-
<br />nent possession of all or any portion of the leased premises whenever their use may become mecessary or ex-
<br />pedient, in the judgment of the Lessor, for railroad purposes, including the location of public or private ware-
<br />houses, elevators, or other industries wiW We design to facilitate and promote traffic, or for, or in connection
<br />with,. drilling for. or ~ninimg of oil, gas, rnal or other minerals of whatsoever nature upon or underlying- the
<br />surface of We leased premises by the Lessor or by others with its permission.
<br />In addition to the foregoing covenants and agreements, the Lessee agrees to cut and remove, or spray wiW
<br />weed-killing chemicals; all weeds om the leased premses. I€ the-weeds are-mot controlled az above specified,
<br />amd any governmental agency takes action to eradicate the same and bills the Lessor for the cost t~e~~ssee
<br />egrets So either pay the bill so rendered or reimburse the Lessor in the amount thereof, if paid by
<br />- Thjs lease is subjeM to all outstanding superior rights, including Wose in favor of telegraph and telephone
<br />companies and for public highway purposes. This lease is made without covemant of tide or to give possesswon
<br />oc for quiet emjoymemt. If •by reason of a line change. or otherwise, We title of the Lessor shall cease .before
<br />the expiration of the terrrr above provided az to the whole or any part of We leased premises, or if We leasing
<br />of the ahove.deseribed premises is held to be, or should become, inconsistent vriW We_1aw of the land, or-if the
<br />.v$ble`oi any'part of tltie leased premises is required by or taken by action of any governmental aut}tority or
<br />body for any street or highway a< other public use, this lease and all rights, privileges and obligations hereby
<br />granted or imposed shall forWwiW.cease amt. terminate, in whole or in part az the case may be, but without
<br />prejudice to any nght of eiWer or boW parties hereto, in the situation last mentioned, to make claim against
<br />such governmental auWority or body. The Lessee shall have the right to cancel this lease at any time upor.
<br />3f1 days written. notice:
<br />'This lease is made subjeM to the right of the Lessor to grant such licenses and easements unto third persons
<br />as it in its;-sole;discretti°4 S~ d~ t° be neoeisary°oo°venient or appropriate.
<br />- Lessor .reserves to itself We exclusive right to permit the location of advertising signs of any kind what-
<br />soeser- oa't5"~~'~SaiMi~~ix'emis~s
<br />tO bC~vme uuli and void nvdm We failure of Lessee to keep any of the conditions hereof and
<br />gg.p,#Se`asii$ited'vrithout the written consent of the Lessor. The Lessee will surrender peaceable posses-
<br />: si~'oF..atid ~~'•~t the .expiration or termination of this lease. ~ hereto for, and
<br />- 14,rs~rgdCrst-Od tbai all oovemants and agreements herein redted are made by the p.rti
<br />s~a8 be bgp~iir~„+i~ory.tbratsr)vps and. their heirs, executors, administrators. successors and assigns.
<br />~ ~ _ ° ~jr
<br />.e..+~.Q.w~ .-: .._ 19.1 --~
<br />~DAtCd ~- ~_ rrat-~ > . _ -.... --.day of.. __ _ h'd" --~-~~--''''~~ __ '
<br />~~, ,s UNION P~C1F1C~lAILK[n-t~ CO ~ ~,
<br />.-
<br />' ~~~ Director -Real Esta[e
<br />ltteit: ~ -
<br />}
<br />' `~ {Seal )
<br />assistant Secretary. „~ f
<br />- ~ ~ .,
<br />_. ,.
<br />The. foregoing lease is accepted upon the terms therein stated on this..____.-....~'...'---°--._...._ ..._.-._._.day
<br />s ~ ~:
<br />-- .
<br />_. _~-.~. ~,._ ~ ..? _ .- is . ~is ....f~~ s _
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<br />p~
<br />*~ ~~;"~ - "~+~ ~. ~Ja . F. Wiseman) Lessee.
<br />
<br />
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<br />