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<br />80... ~~~~~ ° MORTGAGE <br />THIS MORTGAGE is made thie.. 4th da of . ~ ~~~ ..... , <br />1~~.:,.betweentheMort$agor; THOMAS ~J. LEMKE ,AND MARY R. L MKE, husband end wife <br />......... ......................... <br />...:...................................(herein "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee, Houte Federst <br />Srviaga and Loan Aeeociation, a rbrporation organized and ezisting under the laws of The United Ststea of <br />Americarwhoeeaddresaia2213outhI.ocuet3treet,GrmdIslmd,Nebraska fherein"Lender"-. <br />Wttettees, Borrowtr is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of. FOURTY NINE THOUSAND AND, NO(I 00 <br />`,'-"-"°--'-'-"----°°---'---""--'. Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Horcower's note <br />June 4, 1980 ~ rovidin for monthl installments of rinci~.and interest, <br />dated_ .................. . ....... {herein "Nate"), p g y p <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if trot sooner paid, due and payable on .....: i.~ LY.. ~ r . ?00 _ , , , , , , , , . <br />To SECUae to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebt€dness evidenced by the Note, with interest thet€on, the <br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanxd in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />Mottgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borcower herein contained, and (b) the repayment <br />of any futurr advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein <br />"F~ttore Advances"), Borrower does ~~~ mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described propetty <br />located in the Cooaty of ............. . ............................. Stale of Nebraska: <br />LO7 TkiE1JTY-F 1 VE (25) i N BLOGiC TWO { 2) 1 N 13RENTk~OOD SECOND SURD I V 1 S (ON, I N THE <br />G1TY OF GRAND 15LAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASIC$ <br />3012 3rersttvaod Squara Grand Island <br />whichhcthe,addreasof .................._....--•-•--..,.,....,..., ............................, <br />=4ebras;ta 5880# tsveett tetra <br />_ . , . ~ . ........ (herein "Property Address") ; <br />€sta,.rn,zw eAa.: <br />~I`dirESlEA- ~i{4t all. the itapsav€xaerxta now x.,r hi;r~`aftCr er€cted on the property. and all casements, rights, <br />appurtetiaaces, tools, royalties, mineral, oil and gtrs rights and profits, water, water rights, and wafer stock, and all <br />fiatitr#s ttaw or hereatftu attached tp the erupt=tzy, all of which, including replacem€nts and additiuna thereto, shall he <br />deeIIle(llkl bG apti.terQaia a-tutu of [lte property cuv€r€d by ths:'olortgage; and all eaf the fnrr:going, zugether with said <br />property (or the-leaseht>id ester if-this hAo~?J~ is on a leasehold) arc. h,rrein referred ta> as the "Prop€ny". <br />Borraawe€coversutts that Bonow€,r is lawfaily seit:eil of the estate: h€rLby rcrnvayetl and hai th€ rig#tt w mortgage. <br />gtatti-atrd'wa~y thc.Er<rty, that t..,;. PropexYy is unrttctitniaercd, and that Stertower wilt warrant send rtefend <br />getttsryliy tik to the Property agptrxsz aA claims aut# Qemands, sabject eta any dulaxations, easements str restrictions <br />lhicel in. a ~hcdula tzf. eatceptkms, to covera~ in anY titlfi mstttanrx pulley insuring Lender's iatterest in the Prapcrty. <br />~,.,., t;: s fiS/?5n-#illlAdltlllltG IhdFMII 11tZIi1YYENt <br />