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.�. �� :�,. - �..�., �. n� �; ... , 'T ��_ ` _ __ _ -- <br /> , .: ,. <br /> , - „ <br /> . <br /> , .; k�� ' {�* ��r.s ---_— _�. <br /> f°i . `�:.'„t': ' � .. - n. �-- <br /> - .. rr<< _ . . <br /> „ ' _ '--- -_ -._. <br /> . ..._ <br /> .:-�..--- � - -.�_ '. ,�_-- - . --° - -� � _ - _ <br /> . ' � "-:�.��...... . � _ �. <br /> :� 1 <br /> � ' 4 <br /> r. ��..zn,iMU� <br /> __,+."�—___ <br /> -��L7:i�•.�G�1Wiil�ii� �•—_�_?`� <br /> '_��^-�'���� � 92- 1 u o 6'7'7 �.�.. --.-- <br /> g := �:�;�'� <br /> , �ttxr,,r4 f.v�x'r"':. <br /> '�'�'�"�-;'�l" � TO PR07ECT THE 8ECURITY OF TH18 TRU3T DEED,YRUS70R HERE6Y COVENAN78 AND AORHES A8 FOLLOWB: <br /> L,?�+�.,:�.w��, 4,rF: ��j►a, r. ---- <br /> ;,�:�. �. ....+'�;. . 1.PArM�NT OF Pi1�NCIPAL ANL1 INTEREST.Trusta ahall promptly pay when due the prmc�pal ot and inler�tst on Ihe inWbtednvw wb�nC�d by �_,� <br /> � z',"�3 th�frpt�.�nd All dh�r clwrpw and INt as providad m the Not�.pnd Ih�prmclpal ot ond�nt�e�l on any Fulur�AdvancM s�caW by thl�T►utl Do�d. <br /> ,.�_'J1�-.- ., � -- <br /> �:�, xr�`.�:� Z,WAppRMY pp T�T►.E.T►usla+e IawlW�y so�:sd and pn[sessed ot good and Indeleaa�ble UIIe and e�tots to Ihe Propsrty heraby convayed and _' <br /> ' er.:. <br /> �r �`���s�,;.::.` hu the rlpht l0 prAnt and conwy the PropYrty,lhe Properly 141ree and clear ol all INns an0 oncumWanc�s�xe�pt II�n�now o�ncord:M�d Tnnror MMI <br /> � ��.,r_�.�� ��,: wut�nt and dNsnd the lltle to the Propeily ayainst all clafms and d�mands. <br /> ,.n�,.:. <br /> -���r '�..t; � .j,_a��1�`{ � 3,�1111T�IANCE AND COMPLIANOE WITH I.AWB.Trustw chall keap the Propetty in qood repalr and condillon and ehdl not Commft watls a p�rmlt ______. <br /> `"� '`' r'� ° � Imp��nnent w Mterloratbn o11he Praperty and tha0 comply wdh the prons�om af any lease fl lhis Tru�l Oe�d Is on a leasehald.No improvament now _ <br /> , .�,., <br />_-- or hereafter erected upon the Property shall be altered.removed a demohshed wuhout the prfor wrfnen oonseM of Baneticlary.Truator shall compty wUh <br />��I � "' � d1 Iqwa,aNnancsa,rYgulallona,covenante,conditans and reatdcllons aBectmg the Property and not crommiL suHsr a permlt any act to bv don��n a _� <br /> �''�° ' ` '' �pon�he prpperty In violation ot any Iaw.ordinance,regulallon,tovenant,condillon a reslnction.Truata ehall complete or reetaA p►omPUy and In q0od <br />� �.. .. _.. , <br /> �.'�.-�.'�, .•• k �.r:.i.��-"--'__ <br />--�.�:y* ,.'�`�--.�'�` workmmlikemanne►eny�mPra'ementonlhePropeAywhfchmeybedemayedwdestroyedandpay,whendue,allclatm�talabo►p�rfam�dandm�qrfats ___ <br /> 'r'F�_�". �tr hxnifhed IherelA►and fa any aHeratlons thereof. - --- <br />"'"`�'��' '� •.i 4.IN�UpA[� Ita expense.wi8 matMaln wuh Insuras approved by Benehclary.Insurence with respect to Ih9 impovemenb and piraonal �;�,�'°s,,,_-�_ ._ - <br />�I � ,•! prnp�ty,cpntqltutlnp Ihe Roperty.apamst bss by lue.Ilghming,tanedo.and other perils and hazuds eovered by etarberd ext�nd�d cove�aqs Inda+NrNn4 �^_�___ ,_- <br /> �''• �r��; � ip an�moun16qw1 to et least one hundred percem(100%)ol lhe lull replecement velue thereof and insurance apalnst sueh olher Iwztuds and In weh <br />��r-� �..�`:,f'� <br />;��;_ , • .�;y j�i: " +rnpunle w IS euslomarlly carrled by owners and operators ol slmflar properties or as Beneflciary mpy requfre fa lu prdectlon.T�ualor wlll compty with �_ <br /> ;�••�=. .. , weh oth�r raqulremQnta as Benelicfary may Irom qme to tlme request la Ihe protectbn by inaurance of the InlerealQ o�tha reapeciNe paA M e.All inwranc� _ <br />�*• ��.�' . '��x•�C�.+�:. � pp��y malnlaln�d pW4uant to this Truat Deed ahall name Trustor and Baneticiary as IhBIr respeGdve intereslL may appBAr,end pravlde th�t _ . �-..--, - <br /> i:w�^ ';15J��,7,r. I �Y Y `� 'I � <br /> ��p��cance1la11on or modigcatlon wfthout a1 ieast t b days pr or wrinen notdication to Trustee and BeneGCia ma procure such insurarxe in aaadanca . , �,.,` ',;_ <br />,,;1i��• , `" „ • , wlth ths provlcfon�ol paragraph 8 hereot Ttustor ahall deMver l0 9eneficfary Ihe orginal pofcies of inaurance and renewels thereol or momo copfes of 'w�,��;�,� :�. <br /> q+ 1 ` .. �. • wch polloies end renewals theroot Fadure to lurhfth such insurance by Trustor,or renewals as required hereundor 8hall,at th�option of BonNiclary, ;•r,.��_'�,�� <br />�� 1, i_:�'xti:. .� <br /> h!,; ,, ^�:�:,ik�;�,. consptute a dNau4. <br /> � d831 -;�,'�;'. -. <br />�__,_� '• : , g,TAXEg,A89ESSMEN78 AND CHARCiEB.Trusta ahall pay all laxes,assessments and other charges,Including,wlthout limfte6on.llnes arW Impositlons ��,�,, <br />•>>? • " � � p�p����p�h�properly and leasehold peyments a g�ou�d rents,ff nny,beTore Ihe aame hetome delinquent.Trusta shall promptly lumlah to b�nNkiary . <br /> � .� ':.t f�. _ <br />�'.:- - al�np�ic�s p1 amaunts due under Ihis paragraph,and In lhe event Truator shall maka payment dlrectty,Trustor sholl promptly lurnleh to Beneflcfary recelpts <br /> I-: evidencing euch paymenta.Trustor ghall pay all taxea and assessmenls which may be levled upon BeneNciary'e inlerest Mra�n a upon Ihis TruN ONd __� <br />�;• . ,�' wlthout reperd to any law thal moy be onacted�mposing paymant of the whde or any pert Ihereof upon the Botwf�cfary• �'�- "r <br /> ��� . e*-+'r �-• 8.AODITIONAL LIENS AND PROTECTION OF BHNEFlCIARY'8 SECURITY.Trustor sha11 meke all menls of Interesl ond princf I and a mo�ts <br />�.._;:, ' PaY pa p Y �:'-- <br /> � <br /> � '�> �,_ ,;;�rk�. . ;,_.._ of any othet Charpea,lees and expenses contracted to be paid to any exlsting or sub�equent Ilanholder a banellalary,under any exf�tfnp a wbsaqu�nt �;� <br />� �� ,-� . mortqape ar truet deed bafan tiro Jdtu tiwy are detfnquort ar In ds}sult,and promptly paY and A�schar�n any sed ax othu Ilens.elaime a charqet whkh �.`..� �_____ <br /> � ' "�'• mey Jeopardite tho eecurlty gra�ted hereln.11 Tiustor fa11e to make any such payment or falls to perlwm any ot the covenants and agreemeMa eontalnad �o =�-- <br /> r��� ��"�r�`��� In thle Truat Deed,a 1he Note relerred to he�ein,or in any pnor a subsequent trust deed,or II any actlon or proeeeding�a commenced whieh mat�rfally �•,'�;."-- <br /> • aflect�Bsnef�iary e lnterest In the Property,Including,bul not Ifmfted lo,emieent domain proceedings,proceedfngs fnvWving a d�cedant,notice o1 sale ���'-�'••-� <br /> ,, ��� _ by 7�ustee.�o��e a�delaull DL Trostee,mortgage foreclasure actlon,a d Trustor lefla to pay Truata's debts generally as they become du�,then Beneficiary. <br /> �t�:°-- <br /> , p�Bsnetfdory's optlan and unlhout notk:e to or deman0 upon Trusla and wdhout releasing Truetor from any abligallan hereundH,may meke such appearances, ��=_- <br /> �r r . ' .,;,� d�cbur�e�uGh�ums end take such acUon as Is nece8sary to protecl Benef�clary's interest,incluWng,but nd limlted to,diaburaement ot reasoneb�e attansy'a ��, <br /> :';,,,', feers,peymant,purchase,comest or compromise ol any encumbrance,cherge a lien,entry upon the Proporly lo meke repaUS,a daclaratlon ot dafaud <br /> ' " ' �� ' under thfa Trust Oeed.In the event lhat Truator ehall Ia11 to procure insurance or to pay laxas.assessmenla.or any other chugaa or to make any paymanta �--:" <br /> to e�y exlsting a subsaquenl Ifenhotdera a exislmg or subsequent benehcianes.Benefklary may procure such Insurance a�d make such payment,but �y=_,:_'�- <br /> �� � shsU np►b�obNpalad to da ao.Any amounla disbureed by Benehcfary pursuant lo Ihis Paragraph 8 shell beCOme addlllonnl Indebledne�s of Trusta eecured � -"'� _— <br /> � by thlY Truat DeeO.8uch amourna shall be payeble upon not�ce Irom Benehcfary to Trustor reque6tlng payment thereof,and shall hear IMereat from the �� <br /> • date ol diebursement at the rale peyable kom lime to Ume on outstanding pnncipal unde►Ihe Note unless paym�nt of Interest at auCh rate would be contrary . �`�'' <br /> y (o appNeable law.In whlch event such amounts ehall bear mtereat al the highest rate permlea�ble undar applicab�e law Nothing contalaad m Ihls Pari�ptaph '' ���� <br />` - 8 shall raqulre Benellc�ery to i�wr any expense or Iake any action horeunda�. �. ��� <br /> Y � I NMHNT OF RENTS.Beneht�ary ehall have Ihe nghl,power and aulhonly dunng the contmuance 0�th�e Truat Oaed 10 cdlecl IIW�6oW,Iscuea �n�=�'.� <br /> y; 1 .. 7.ASS G _ <br /> _- __.�i.z::. <br /> snd poNta o1 the Property and of any parsonal property located lhereon wflh or v�nlhout lakmg possesewn of Ihe proparly aH�cted harWy.and Truator �.,�_�T�,��_._ <br /> h6reby absolutely and uncond�UOnatly ass�gna all such rents.Issuea and prohls to Be�eticfary.BeneHclery,however,he►eby coneonts to the Trustu'� j <br /> ,. � C011actlon end retenuon of such raMe,issuea anu prolns as lhey accrue and hecome payable ao bng as Trustor�a not,at such tWne,ln delault withne�'p�c► ��� .��,•° <br /> •• to paymonl ot any mdebtedness secured hereby.or m Ihe perlormance ot any agre6ment hereunder.Upon any auch default.BeneNclery may at a y . ,,._...,_s _ <br /> metl b a court,wdhout noUCe and wdhout regard ta Ihe adequacy of eny aecuriq for Ihe Indebtadn�se `•"`-���• �� <br /> elther In porson,by agent,or by a rece�ver to be aqpa y --�-:�-;;- <br />:S,' ' hereby secured.(a)enler upon and lake poesess�on of Ihe Properly or a�y pa�t Ihereof,and in Ils own�eme sue lor or otherwfse Co119Ct BUCh renla,Issusa � �«Ss�_ <br /> end prolfta,fncluding Ihose past due and unpaid,e�d apply t�e same,loss cosls and expenses of operauon end collecUOn.InCluding reaaonabl6 aftorney'8 N��e.*�r�";..Q., <br /> �_. • - � ° IYes.upon any fndebledness secured hereby,and m such order as Benehaary may determme.(b1 pedorrn such octs o1 repak or prolectlon ae may be ��= <br /> � <br />� ' ��.;,� nYCessary or proper lo conserve Ihe velue of Ihe Properry;(C)Iease Ihe same or any parl thereot lor su�h rentnl,term,and upon sueh eondltlons as ita ,- ;:o.,i«er�. <br /> � iud9ment may dittate,or term�nate or ad�ust the terms and cond�l�ons al ex�sung leases.Unless Truslor and Benef�c�ary t�ereof epree otherw�se m wrltl�g, ' �.�: `� <br /> ��C;'l'Y�_ ., . <br /> _ ;'r�; a e�y pppllcatlpn of rents.�ssues a prol�ts to any�ndebtedness secured hereby shau not eztend or postpone the due date of the fnstellmeM paymeets as �uu• �, ` , <br />' �� � provided�0 8a�d prom�bsory note or change the amount of such mstallments The entermg upon and takmg possessian of Ihe Properry,the collectlon �• <br /> ° ot such rents,�ssuea and prolits,and Ihe application Ihereof es atorosa�d.shau not warve or cure any delault a notice of defeuN hereunder o►Inva�idete <br /> ° . any ael done pursuent lo such notice Tn�stor nlso nssigns to Benohc�ary,as lurther setunly tor Ihe performenCe of Ihe o6l�gations setured hGr@by,all <br /> p►epA�d reols entl all mon�es wfi�h may havu beHn or may herealter bu depos�led wdh�a�tl Trustor by any lessea of Ihe Properly,to SeCUre 1he payment �_ , <br /> � of any rent or dameges,or upon delault m Ihu per/u�mnnro of any ol Ihe p�ows�ons hereof.Trustor agrees ro delrver such rents and deposds to Beneficlary <br /> Delwery of wniten notico o�Banel�c�ary's exerC�Se of th�t����hts yramud any lenant aCCUpymg sa�d premisea ehell be sulhcfent to require eAltl <br /> � • IYnanl la p++Y�eM lo Ihe Banehaary unUl fuither wt�c6 . <br /> I. 8.CONOHMNATION.II t�tlo 1a anY part u�Ihet Prope�ly s��ail u�a taken in condumnaGUn nght ot 9mment domam or s�mdar aC110n.Or ; <br /> Ieh911 b9 s01d under threal u�cOnde�nnu�ion.al1 awards.�f.amages an d procee ds ar e h er e by a s s�g n e d a n d s h a l l b e p a�tl t o 9 e n e l i ci ar y w h o sh all 8 p pl y 1 <br /> •� Such ewards.damegas and praaeds to the su�n�acwed by lhis Triisl Ueetl.wrth the axeass.d any.paid to Trustor It Trustor reterves any notiCe or <br /> " ' � other Informetlon regard�ng such aclions or prcceedings.Tiuslor�hall�rve prompt wri�len not�ce Iherfof f0 Benelic�0ry Ben9hC�ery shdll be en�rtled,el <br /> � Ra Cormnente.&ppear m and prosecule m ds own nama any such action or proceedings and ehan be entflled lo make any compromise or eeqlement 1. <br /> p <br /> , In eonnetlion wdh any such acUOn or proceeA�ngs ; <br /> --. . ' '—_ <br /> ..�.r�o.....e.•..�..r..�.�n. �maLn i <br /> — - 9.FUTURE AOVANCHS.UpO���BquwSl ot 1 rus�or.Orneiicmry at ornv��vmr��i.����• N����:�:«�:'•�70����.•..�. �.-... .- ..__._.. _, _ . . <br /> " luture advances to Trustor Such luwre adv.irn�5 �uiR���drn+s�thB�NOn_Shau bP secured by this TruslOeed whe�n evidenCed by promisso�y nates slating <br /> that sa�d�otes are secured hereby.prov�a��d Ihat al nu t�me shau Ihe secu�ed pr�nc�p��l�nd�utwe anvances. nnt mclud�ng sums adve�ced to proteet � <br /> •• Iho secunry,exceed Iwo hundr�K1 percenl�200^��I ul lhe o��yina�pnnc�pal amuunts S��r.weA hureby , <br /> 10-REMHOIES NOT ustee•.+�ut liune��nd e ach ol bd ent�tled Io enlort�p.iym�ant dnd pyrlorm�nCe ot d�y��dabtedneSS <br /> or obl�gaUOns sttcurad har�by and to oxn�ase au��)hts a�W u��wers unde�tnis Trust De�d or unde�any oth�r agrtWmont exe�cut8tl��connecdon her�w�lh <br /> „ Or eny law4 now or h��rdu4or in�on e. �utwdhst.�nUmy su�ne ur.UI nf thi�such mdpbte�dne5s and obhgations securpd hereby may now or hereaher be <br /> othervr�se SRCUred.whe�her hy mortyay�� trust AeM1.p�edq�•.��en asa�ymnNnt or olnerw�se Nedher Iha�cceptanC9 uf th�,Ttust Deed�or dS en�0•t@m@n� <br /> ' WhQlh6f by COUtI dt1�0�or pUrSU,�n�lu Ihe puJVNr UI ti.tle i��ulher puw�•�5 h�rr��m�onl.une�d sh.11l p��1�Ud�CQ Ur in�lny m01in�3f dffB[t T�U91pd S O�B@Il@I�CiAly�4 <br /> npht l0 rQahiB upan or enfurce a��y otha�secnnty nu.v ur hr�e�tta�held by i ru5lr,u w Brnr4c�.uy-d bemy��yirau Ihat�rustdU dnd BQ�CfiCi�r�,and wch <br /> ' � <br /> i <br /> , � <br />