<br />~a" ~~~'~ MORTGAGE
<br />THIS MORTGAGE is made this ............4 ~..... .... ,day qf... . J~ ....
<br />19 80` between the Mortgagor;. ?' J : ~}S~'?4tU~SSH~ar~td JII3~ y. S~IJaS, Titishat~ ate t~hS.zte,'
<br />,..
<br />Bank of C>srattd Island. Grand Islat'-d, oas~atd=the btorc~gee ..~ ~~~ ..
<br />~~1• • • ..., a wcporation organs apd exacting
<br />under-the Iaws of ...... ~'~~'? ........................ .whose address is ... 304;, Wfest~Rtti rd..... .
<br />Sia~eetr. S~i#td .~sli~.. ~~.. .....:..... , (herein `I:ende-").
<br />WxeR~s, Borrower is indtbted to Lender in the principal sum af. F4i'ty. Ski .~ .T.~G@,~. ?'~
<br />Zt~1~.y,Fiwt; and,Nc+f1U0----.------- ,Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Hormwer'snote
<br />dated...~7U~.:~_,.:7;98L.'........... (herein "Note"), providing for monthly installments ofp ri*~+pal'and interest,.
<br />with the 6alaace of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on .. Ji11y . ~ r , ?9i4 ...... ..... :. .
<br />To SECURE to Lrnder (a) the repayment 6f the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced ;n accordance herewith to protect the security of-this
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contaalaed, and (b) the repayment
<br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof. (herein
<br />"Future Advaaar"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described property
<br />logtad in the County of.......Hall ............................... State of Nebraska:
<br />All of Iot Nine (4) in Block 7Welve (12) in Ashton Place, an Addition to
<br />t2te City of (Yard Island. Hall County. Nebraska
<br />which hat the address of.... 25Q7, West First_ Street .............. . . Grand, Island
<br />tser«,} tray!
<br />... ~ 6.8801 _ .. _ .. (l~erean "Property Address" ):
<br />tstts uw rm eoe.7
<br />TaaE'rNEa with all the improvements now car heseafter erected en the property, sad sit ea<~;mc~nzs, right,,
<br />appurienaraetat, rents, royalties, trunGral, oil and gas rights and pro5rs, water, water raghtc, and water stuck, and at!
<br />fixtures tww or hereafter attachtxt to the property. a1I at wlai: h, including replrckamen+s and additions thereto, ghat!
<br />dt~m~ed tc? ttr and reruairt a-part of tl~ property ,wired h~ this '~<~.gagc; and alt of the faargcsing, tcsgettacr wuh laid
<br />property tot the leasehold estate if this hic~rtgage is can a iease)Katd) are htrcna referred t<; a.s' the "Pruxrty„
<br />Botrpw,~r cxavenantc that Brrrtov~-rias 3awfu13y +elsz:d csf tree estate taerrby convcti•.d anJ hsE the right zu mortgage,
<br />grant and ecutvey the Property, that the Props:rty is uneratumtaired. and that Horrtaccc: ccit! warrant snd defca~9
<br />~tterally the ilttC tt1 the P!rnperty 9gainsi aIt ctaitns and demands, ,objet t t,a saa, de: tarstitsns, .~asennnts „r resz+icunn,
<br />listed in a schedule of exccpti€+rss #o carve;age in any ti#tc insuran~r txatitt~ it}surang t cndc:r~. rtjtc-rat in ttse Prutr, n~~.
<br />NdlFF 3i i3 ft
<br />