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r <br />_ ,_ <br />53-A-REAL ESTATE MGRTGAGE-With Tax Glause (Revlaed 1982) Hultman and fetton 8 Wolt Walton. Ne. 68461 i <br />.. ....,........, .°, i .. <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT James W. Taylor and Dorothy H. Farrall Taylor, <br />husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, each in their own right <br />and as spouse of the outer (Mortgagor } <br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the attm of <br />Thirty Two Thousand Five Hundred and no/100 ----------------------------------~LLARS <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL end CONVEY unto Commercial National Bank &•Ti-ust Co, <br />{Mortgagee ) <br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska [hrs following de~czihed premises <br />situated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska to-wftc Lot Thirty One ('. <br />Block Six (6), Unit Two Continental Gardens, An Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />In the event the title to said zeal estate is transferred, or contracted a be trans- <br />ferred from the undersaid for any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire prin- <br />cipal stmt and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at the election o€ <br />the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as <br />above stated in one instance shalt not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the <br />same in the event of any subsequent transfer. <br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title- in fee simple inctuding all the rights vt homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises ataove des-,ribed, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the <br />said mortgagee and xo its heirs and assignv, forever, pmvided always, and these presents are upon the expires <br />condition that if the aforesaid mortgagor their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be <br />paid to the said mortgagee its heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the sum of Thlrtp Two Thousand <br />Five Hundred and no/100 ------------------------------------- Dotlsrs, payable ~lotxit: 3 <br />~O~ttriratl~Olxxxxxxxxxxaoytntxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~nUC]9nc { <br />:7cxxxxxxxxY79iIK761[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt:::`•X79c { <br />J7r~fllitducR9pnacxxxxxxxtpgo6ixsocxxxxxrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlg9c i <br />~,.xxxxxxxxx7{a.cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~c79t ~ <br />~gtiroxaHtfpfxxxxxxxxxxl~t>r~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;ca9cx <br />with interest thereon ~ixraxxxx~pt~r~c rarabte YiBWfili all according to the tenoz and ef[ect of I <br />ate;yainpromiasaryrsateo~x or notes of -:aid James W, Taylor and Dorothy H, Farrall Taylor dad <br />6J£sjS4 or as such note oz notes may be frog time to time modified, renewed, oz extended i~ <br />-tritl.nC utd shall ail uses sad assessments Irwed u <br />~ifl~.t~ntCl~DlC' pay pon said real aatatt, and ail other tAYCS, I <br />lev!es and axaeasments levied uiran this nx,rtgage or the note which this mortgage is green fo secure, befate the same lacv~amea <br />delinquent, and keep the kruifdity;s .=n seal premrsen insured for the sum of 5 32 , SGO, GO lass, if any. payable to j <br />tfre said mortgagee, then these presents to be .x,id, otherwise da be sad ternnin is full lors~e. <br />IT IS Ft?RTHER AGREED {I} `T'hat if the . id nsartga gor shall fall to pay such taxes or Iz~re :.aeh insuraxtco, the ~ <br />said mnrtgagee may ray such tax:x and praatre smch irswra~trx,; and thx sues xa advaacxKi, with interest at lEr,J ,ter tent <br />shaft be paid by said axortgagur. amt thin mortgage shalt stand an netiurity for the same, (21 That a lailurr to pay any of said <br />mwtay, either principal or intetegt when the same hec2unee due, ar a failure ro ctmtply with any of the fnregoing agreements, <br />x1taU rouge the whole sum of marry herein s,°~"u red to lace >me due and svllectibte at nnce at the en,tion ar# the mortgaR*~~ f <br />s Sipted itsig 5tlt day of Jane 19 8O <br />~ ~~~ t <br />•-'~ ..-~in pregenceaf a- #~ '' '.. .. <br />J s ~,3, Taylo <br />Ekaratfry H, `FArrall Taylor <br />'Yi'ATF, fIF_°- ---lift„-~eka --- - _ county af_ r•.al]_ <br />$efam me, a notary PuMie qualified far said c~nty. personalty crane .: actre3 :-+, i'aylar and ix~rothy H. <br />Farrall-.Taylor <br />- kaorrs ?`a roe to be ttrE idattica3 pernrtu or per'a`a~ who asgtred the fore8oinr irtsttumemt and acknowlcdgeci iht. nxr=cation E <br />-- tharao( to be, hig.:tger or their vrlualary act sad deed. <br />~1~+ State .l%,e.. a ty..,~.. <br />{Afitasrarud~~ ~. <br />j 1f~ ~ j <br />MY+.taamt .R~~~. 19~r1-. ~[?'~.~./ ~~ '.._ bntary Public, <br />9TAT8 OF_.._..._.__ _.._._.._... <br />C~uwtp -._.. _ __ ._._ - __.._._. <br />.._..._..,..,. _.. dtty ct... ...._..... <br />sad rrwewrdul in 13sok._._..._.._... <br />~._........_.........._ _ 17 <br />i~ <br />_........._,.,._. f9_..,__., at....__......_.._ <br />Enteral nn aumarical index and ford fat tor~,td <br />in the Regiator of Deeds tJfftt of said C'aunty the <br />_.....dclock arrd_. senates <br />_,_._....._ vf...,.._ .......... .......... _at page.. <br />_ Itag. ui Tltawia <br />fly, deputy <br />