<br />'~~"'~"~~ MORTGAGE
<br />THi3 INDENTURE, made this jrrf _ dap of ,Iltne_ -- 19 $()__, by rnd 6ettreen
<br />Raymond's. Mayhew and Karen A. Mayhew, husband and wife, each in his anr~r`own riyhf.
<br />and as cnnuc of ha nthpr _
<br />of Nall Cotmty, Nebraalu, u inortgagor_~_., and Grand Iela~ Tmst Company of Grand Island, n-corporation
<br />organised and existing under the Las of Nebreaics with its principal office and pleas of business at Grand Island;--Nebrtidki,; asmortgetg~a:
<br />WITNESSETH: That aaidtoortgagor _S.. ,for and in consideration of the sum of ,. ,,,,..,, ~~'~!^~^""'""`
<br />Seventy Five Thousand dollars and OOj100 ******************~~~~'w~`p~ 0
<br />- 1/,° - ~ 1.
<br />the receipt of which is hereby aeknowladged, do ~ by these presents mortgage and warrant antacid nib
<br />~~„iuaeesabrt-and=assigns,
<br />forever, all the folbwing described reel estate, situated fn the County cf -_____ _~a-1L_
<br />andsttaatNetraalta,co-wit: Center One-Third (1/3} of Lot One (1) of Windolph's Sibdivision of a
<br />Part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter {WANE;) and a Part of the East Half of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (E~NW;;) of Section Fourteen {14}, Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine
<br />{9), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularity described. as follow
<br />Commencing at the Northeast (NE) corner of said Lot One {1), running thence West of the.
<br />North line of said Lot One (1), a distance of Eighty-Three and Seventy-One kundredths
<br />{83,71)feet to the actual point of beginning; thence running South parallel with the East
<br />line of said Lot One {i) a distance of Nine Hundred Seven and Five-Tenths (907.5} feet,
<br />running thence !Jest parallel with the North line of said Lot One (1), a distance of
<br />Eighty-Three and Seventy-One 4undredths (83.;1) feet, more or less, (said distance being
<br />the Center One-Third (1/3) of said Lot at this point); thence running North parrallel with
<br />the West line of said Lot One (1), a distance of Nine Hundred Seven and Five-Tenths (907.5}
<br />feet to the North line of said Lot One (1}, being Eighty-Three and Seventy-One Hundredths
<br />{83.71) feet East of the Northwest {NW) corner of said Lot One (i}; running East on the
<br />North line of said Lot One {1), a distance of Eighty-Three and Seventy-One Hundredths
<br />(83.71} feet to the point of beginning. Subject to real estate mortgage in favor of
<br />Flower-Evans Company and grantee assumes and agrees to pay.
<br />AND
<br />The East One-Third (1J3} of Lot One (1}, of Windolph's Subdivision of Part of the (OVER)
<br />Tags:ler with all heating, air conditioning, lighting. and plumbing equipment and fixtures, irtcludiag sct~nc, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used on or in c,aanection with said property, whether the same are now located on said property or hereaftr-
<br />plarnd thereon.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with a{1 and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto he-
<br />fongmg, or in anyrvfse appertaining, forever, and warrant the title to the sstne. Said morgagor _ S hereby mveoant ~- with said
<br />moRgagae Ghat -__ t)>e X-... _ _dL.f' _ , st the delivery hereof. the lawful owner5_. _ . of the premises above conveyed and described,
<br />ani__aL^e_.__ seized of a good sad indefeasible estate ofxnheritance therein, free and clear of ail encumbra:, rs. snd that _~ hem w°ill
<br />warrant and ddend the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />PR04IDED ALWAYS, and this instrument is executed sad delivered to secure the payment of the sum of __-- ___ _.
<br />SevRR1' -Five ThsSand _dpil.dl"S.~rid__ ,r*sr,-***,r******** c -- -l.
<br />.Y ff01-1.Od___------_-_-__ lbuar,f>;_Z,~,nnn_nn __
<br />rtiLi iatetaab thenoa, together with such Charges and advances as may be due attd payable w said mortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br />of the ptomiasary rate of even date herewith and secured bexehy, executed Sy said r:arrtgegor _ _S.. to said mortgagee. payable as expressed
<br />if srtidaops, sad to snare the Lr,+forrnaaoa of el! the terms and conditions eonisined iberein_ The terms of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />.lawn Dy tbrs-reiateace.
<br />It is Ur iattsatitw and ~t of the parties hereto that this rnartgage shall also secure any future advances mrde to said mortgagors-..
<br />iy-said ID°~, and soy and aft i~airtadneas in addition to the amount above stated whist. said mortgagors, or any of than, may awe to
<br />and mMgaEaa, Itawever evider,wd, whether by Dote, book ammunt or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in foil force and effect between
<br />ills parties hereto and their hairs, personal reprieaeatatives, successors and assigns, until eft smounts secured hemundez, including future
<br />advar,oer, are paid is fu'u' with interest.
<br />The mort;agot ~_ hereby aaggn --- ±o sad arrrtgagee a13 tents and iniroz~ arising at any and all limas from said praprrty and
<br />hereby authorise said mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and collect all rents and mcamr
<br />- titdreat and- aPPIY the name a the payment of iaterst, principal, insurance premitima. taxes, assesxawnis, rnpairs or improvements
<br />aeoaaaary to haeQ sardpropert.y is xeaatt;ablemtaiition, err to other zhargea or pa}'menu provided for hereip rx in the rests hereby secured. Thrs f
<br />sent aaaigamtoL shall continue in fratxe uwal tba unpaid t,alanneof said minis fully paiti. The taking of possession hereundrx shall m na manner
<br />- Hrsvuat at-rrard.aaid taortiape is tLe, rntiaetise of said soma by fazacloaure m~ atbarwise.
<br />The tailttre of the mortgagee to assert any of its rdgi,ts hexeaader u any Lima shall rmt ba canstrucd as a waiv,x of its right to asrrt. the
<br />name at say Liar time,_atid to insist upon sad enforce strict compliance with all the terms and provisions of said naLr sod x>t thi~ marigage.
<br />>i said mortpeor S chaff cause to be paid in said mortgagee the satire amount due it ttereundor, oral under t}w tarau and fuuvisiuns
<br />d said m[e 3Mra6y sacntad, iadudigg futare aotvarscee, and any exieasioae or rettewais thereof in accardanea wtth the trrau and proviaitms
<br />thataw, sad ifsaid rasrrigaaur ~ _ sirU cotnpfy with aII the provisions of said note and of this rmrtgage, ci,en these, pryenta shall t,e void.
<br />ra3rawir to nglp in fall'toep and efiaet, and said mortgagee shall be entitled w the possession of tU of said property. and may. at iu optn~n,
<br />d~elare tie wltoie of aafd atNe sad aft iada6tadneaa rejueser,tad thereby to be immediately due and pryabte, and may forucltrsi Chu- mur[gage
<br />err calm anp o{iar taint nctiion to protacl its.riE6t. Appzaisement waived.
<br />Tlia atori{yIe shall be hindio=upon sad efrli enure &o the benefit of the pairs, exis~utora, administrators. sucrreasurs araf assigns of iha
<br />reapectfve pariiee luxeto.
<br />IN WLTNESS W}tEAEOF, said ltariltsftar~.._ hayg. -hereunto ystt....,~~..j;~_. handsr__ tho daS and year first abut-„
<br />written. ' ~ / -
<br />~ . L`
<br />~iy~ .'.
<br />Karen .~~y'hEw
<br />.. - - .~^~xaaYz.:.xa.rv~~czs~x,~rtr~a
<br />L._._
<br />