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_ : ~ ;:, _, <br />52-A-p~EAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(WRh Tax Clause) f Re~lsed 1962} Y7re Huttmon Geosd supgy Hour, Linmin, HeSd <br />MEN BY TIiESE PRESENTS: That MARK J. GRIESMAN, a single person, <br />of ~~all County, and State of Nebraska , in ronsiderafiirir of the sum of <br />SE~TEEN THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED SIRTY FIVE AND 16/i00THS-------------------~--~pLLARs <br />;n hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto The First National Bank of Grand- Island,. - <br />of Grand Island, Hall County, State of Nebraska the following described_premises-eituated <br />in Hall County, and State of Nebraska . to-witg <br />Lot Two (2) Griesman Subdivision, an addition to the City o£ Grand Island,--Hall <br />County, Nebra>ka. In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or con- <br />tracted to be transferred from the underlaid for any reason or by any metfiod'=~.?haCSOever, <br />the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at. <br />the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of Eitle a8 abtiye <br />stated in one instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise he`same <br />in the event of any subsequent transfer. <br />The intentian being to ccrncec herehp rm ausotuie title in Ier simple. inctudin~ atf the righLS ai homestead and dower. <br />- TU HAVE :AND TU HULK the premises afx+ve described. ~vrth x;1 the sppurtenanrns kht~reunta ixalonging, unto the said <br />mortgagee{st cad to his, her or their heirs and a->~irtrrs forever, provided aiwmys, and ihcse presents are upon tiro express <br />-condition ihatsf the said mortgagor{s7, hr>, her cnr their heirs, ezerutr,n. administrators or assigns shall pac ar cause to Em <br />paid to the said martgageets}, hrs, her or their heirs. executors, administrators ar assign_w the principal sum cif $ <br />payable as fallow->, in wit: <br />One installment of $17,•165.16 plus interest maturing September 5, 1980 <br />7 wtth interest arcrerdint; to t2:e rrn~=r snot efl<,-t r} the m„rteagors w-ratan prcimi_. ory note bearinn even ciatc• w,t+r these presents i <br />and sha31 pay set taxes. srrd caves. mf: nt.- tevted upern wrd rea€ entvir~, and al# othe.r rase=. ls.-tee and asvrosmenta e~•vrr~d uttcm Lhia <br />mortg-age or the ;zne "wi;r.:h thrv srr:,*igag<. ss goa~a-n ir; ;ea.urr. tti [rre thr -,:t.rrr- br-.i•umex delissqu.•n;, arn3 ixt~p the k>uilding. an <br />said pre'Y7isn irsurcxi fur LhY awn at S 17,165.16 ivy, if any. payable iJ the said mortgagee, then ttteae presurt+• i <br />- l {;t }Ik -i~tinde U4hc's'w 3~ ,v .. - 3fia n:-T 3rli Yi3 iUii iii(ti. -' <br />2T iS 1`L=RThfER aGLFEF.-i~ Sri Thai iC iha said mvrtga gor xhs,IS fa31 to pay such taxes ar prrvure such irwurance, the <br />_- t:aid mortgage ma>° pay such razes anti procure such insurane e; and the sum sa advsnc ib, with mtcresx t:t 16.120 per , <br />'. i cen4 st+alt tx: repaid by said nxutgagor, and ilri>• martgage stsall stand a, u~curitti• tar the same. E?S 'T'hat .e tailure to pay any ' <br />i t+f said money, eittur principal ar interest, when the came b2x'wnes doe, ar a failure to carnpiy with any of the foregaing i <br />agrermentc, shalt cause the whale cum a[ money herein secured to t~YOnte due and c°exllectihie at oncr at itre aption of the , <br />martgattee. ' <br />3 Signed. tr=ig 5th day of June 180 ~~ <br />In prcrerrc~r• of .:?'.a"~~".A~"r f'~`~ ~'ij"%~'~/-'? '~A.. -.~ <br />_E /' t"ark J. Cnesman <br />1 STATE; OF _.. Nefilias~ca,....._._ -.._.. C<utnty of -Hall ,_= . ~? `; •,^ <br />i ~,?.. <br />__ D@'fi4E ~, .a notary pnblia rtuatifi~ed for vxiid c;tunty, personally t~~e .'!, :-." <br />Mark J, Griesman f , yn f <br />i knots to ua to be. tare-idertticat person ur persons who sy;ned th~far~oing tijs ~,~t rt arz~acknowlcKigexi the exocutian <br />theperi! tsb@ his, ?ter cr !heir ~rluntary a:°. arrd daces.'. ,.~ <br />vLrt.•tr~ raF hand and rrotanal seal an.... dune ~,- - .-. ~' ^-.. .,'l9 ~. ~i` ~ _- <br />-D47 atlomiacwsur e[pirea;. tF. __::!€•-..._ i7.~ '+a -- - _.:, `~ ~--" ftiatary S'ubfic. ' <br />t <br />{ -6fTARE.~4E..,-. .. - _.-__.._.. .. _. _ ................_...- ....._ Entered na nurrrrrxual index and Erred ft,r nsyird -~. _ <br />~. <br />~ountY rn Ehe €tegisicr of L)c~, itt ETffi~c- a[ void County tlra <br />.......... .........._dsy n€.. __...:. ... .._.-......-.,-._.. ...-. J.ft.... .. _, af.-. -_. -. o'elricl; nnd._.. rtix:u F«•s .. iri., <br />~. j imd ttcnrdeti in Boa3t-,_. .,.__...__,_ ... _ -. ..of-. ___. .-._ -. _.. _ vt i•at;,u . <br />~. ~ - 13as- r,f 4karLv - <br />2.{y . I YetSrrty <br />