<br />80..~~~ MORTGAGE
<br />THIS'- TNDDNTf7RE. eo•d. this __~:~._-~._-- -- day of ~__ ~ 19 ~_._. by end ` betwatr
<br />Robert L Mars, an unmarried persan,
<br />Ha 17 i ~~~--
<br />o[ County, Nebneka, w mottgngor~, and Grand Ialat[d Trust Company of Grand Ielard,-a tweporetion
<br />organized and existing ands the lava of Nebneka with its principal office sad p4oe of buaigpas.,e¢,Grarrd Island .,Nebraska as-_mortgagee;
<br />WITN ESSETH: That said mortgagor ___'_ ,for and in coosidention of the sum of [F ~ - ~
<br />*it*,r* f)oWnrti 6r~969 1Q--- ~ 1.
<br />_. ~.
<br />the receipt of which ie hereby acknowledged, do es by these presemte mortgage and wartaat unto said mortgagee,i`te' ei"/ share -and assigns,
<br />forever, all the following described real estate, sitwted in the County of ___ __Ha.Ll.______-
<br />aod State of Nebraska. to-wit:
<br />Lot Seven (i) in Block Eleven (11) in Gilberts Second Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Tgether with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windows stn:
<br />dsaes, and window shades of blinds. used o0 or in coanectioa with said property, w~ltether the same are now located an said property or herwfter
<br />pketed tfserem. f t
<br />7'0 HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with ell sad singuLr the tenements, hereditamen[s and appurtenances thereunto be-
<br />kwging. rM is anywise appertaiuing, faeever, and warrant the title m the same. Said morgagor -.----hereby covenant s~--with said
<br />mortgagee that _~__. he ..-_---_ 15 __ ~_ , at the delivery hereof. the !natal nwmr.___ of the premises atx~~e conveyed and described.
<br />and- i-g .seised of a gaud and indefeasible elute of inheritance ihen~, free and clear of all encumbrances, and thac_he__ will
<br />warrant and ddeod the title thereto forever against the rLims and demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />PROV IDED ALWAYS, sad this la.r^~~+ is exeated sad delivered to scare the payment of the sum of __. m.._._. _..__..~_
<br />Six Thousand Nine Huf~dred Sixtv_Nine dollars and 10!700 **~~,~,~_6 9. 69.1Q____.___l.
<br />mith intmast therwa_ toge[Iter with Bach charges sad advaaaes as may 6e due and payable ko said mattgagee under the terms and xnditions
<br />of the peamiaeary ass at cuss date herewith sat secured hereby, esecutad by said mortgagor _.-__. to said rrwrtgagee, payable a» esprawsed
<br />io said mfe, sad to setaue the petinemaeae of all the terms and conditions conteiaad therein. The terms of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />hwde by this ref~eenc,
<br />- It is tJ,eimr+at,ioa and apeamest of the partir harew that this mortgage shall also scare say futtrre advarrcos made to acid mortgagor--
<br />by acid mortp~ee, and any and a2i indebtedoeu in addition to the amount above stated whirl, said mortgagors, ar any of them. may owe to
<br />acid uurtgagat, Mwever eviderroed. whet]rm by note. brrolt amrunt or a[hvwise. This mortgage shall reuwin ;n full [once and effect between
<br />t-s parties hgeto and their baits. peryotrai repraaeautivea, successors and assigns. until sit amwrnts sacttrrd hereunder, including future
<br />advanaa, are paid is fuL' with intervxt..
<br />Thr mortgagor- hereby assign ~_. to said mortgagee all rents and income arcing at any aaf all times from said property and
<br />Lsraby aathoriae said mortgagee a ire agent- at its opiimr, upon detault, to take chugs of said property and collect all rents and income
<br />thsreGa~ sad apply the cams to the payment o! iatesast, prirrrrpal, insaraace pa»a+ ~^-, texas. asseasmertts. repairs or improvercents
<br />aaawrry w kaap said property in tenaauble condition, or to other charges ac pay-mrrnta prorded far herein or in the note hereby s~curesi_ This
<br />pert ar+r~meat shaD coatleae itr force anti! the unpaid balanoe of said note is fully paid. The taking of poa_cesaiaa hereunder shall in no manner
<br />-- - rineant ea rerardaaid araeSppe ~ the m0aetion of mid sr.-ma by forartas,~re err crrdartriia.
<br />_ The tsdsrt~ of the mottgagae a amt any of its rights trerauader at say Lima shall na be construed as a waiter aF its right to assert; the
<br />same a<a~ !star time, mad w insist upon sad antorm stria t»mpliance with aI! the terms sad provisions of said rrote a:ai of [his mortgage.
<br />If acid aaort~rgor shall certee to be paid w said mortgagee the entire amratnt. due it hereunder. oaf under the terms and provisions
<br />d aeiidap(a lrrebq asoand, iesd,rdorg firWR advances, erw any extenaiwis ctr renewal. thereof in sacr:nfaace wi:-h the :.arms an:l provisions
<br />tkaraof. and d said mwippot .___.._ shajj cgmply with all thaproviaiam of said opts and of thrs mortgage, thew those presents ahrA be void:
<br />atirr#irbr~itinAtY faroaaod efiast, slid said awrs~sgae.alrait be antitlad to CM ppsaewsion of all of avid property, sari may, at tts ap[.mn.
<br />dedan tla adrde as Mid m4 aNd ail iade6lnlosaa rrprewmtad thexrby W 6e immediately due sad pay able. and may lareciase this martgaga
<br />or taYa say other legal action W pratstt its. right:. Ap fxaiwment waived.
<br />1'hir aWrtgags ahaR he upon amt shall anus .to the beaefW of the hairs, axecttton, administrators. successors amt assigns of the
<br />tarpart+va parties hereto.
<br />IIi_ W7Tt%.P.~ N'fiEItEOF, wilt Mueltagta..._..._, ha ._S___. ;unvunto set _.___. ll.l.a.._.. . _ hand _ _.._. the day alai your first above
<br />rrritaam.
<br />fy L h~dt"S
<br />