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<br /> <br />THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES:.~« - <br />That the MoRgegor wilt pay the indebtedness as hereinbe[ore provided: <br />'that the Mortgagor is- the owner of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful authortiy to sell snd~ • <br />F rnnvey the same an_d that thesame is free and clear of any Herr or encumbrance; and. that Mortgagor wilt warrant-and. tiefeitd tht+ • - <br />t title to said premises-against the Claims. of all perc++ns wh+xnsoever: <br />Ta payimmediately When due and payable-all general taxes,-special-faxes, sprctal asgesaments. water charges, sewer see-- - <br />ice charges, and other taxes and charges against said property, and alt taxes levied on the debt ser+r red hereby, and to furnish:the: <br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The 42or•gagar agrees That there sl+al[ he added in - <br />each monkhly payment required hereunder or antler the •idr-nce• of debt secured hrrehy an amount estimated by the Mortgagee <br />to he suiTaerrt ti: etiab}e the-Mortgagee fn i>ay. as thex bearnne due, sit taxes, at.sessmenf_c, t+ixl similar charges-upgn'thcpr+am- <br />ises subject thereto; shy deft~ienrr Ex•tausr , f t e :nv:Hictenry aE such sridifionat payment-, shall he forthwith-deposited by-khe <br />Mortgagor w+th the 14stgagee ap drman i ! ~ the 4lortgagee Any dc=Fau!t +u:der ,his paragraph shall he deemed a defaulE in <br />Payment of taxes, assessments, nrimiiar rharg required hereunder. <br />'' 'Che .+.furtgagar agrees that 3tere shalt afro he added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required,here- <br />~1 under an an+aunt est;mat,•ri by the• 'tf .rtgager= to he ~utt~icivni to enat+le the 4fortgngr=e to pav, as it becomes .re, the insurance <br />~~(L Frercuum an aaY insu ra tee pahet rtehvered to lire ~lnrigagrr. Any deRciruc.• hacausa : f the insu9'irroncc of sue;-ddditionai pay- <br />C~'1 meth halt i+~ farthvvith deposited by the MortgaKor x~ikh the Vart.gagre= upon dcmann by tfxe \Tortgager An}•-defnu}t under this <br />par g aplt shat. tie deemed a defaclt in the paym.-n[ of msu range premiums. if the pn}iry rv polines deposited are such aS trome= <br />owners or ail risk pmlicies. anri the deposits arc insutfieter==[ tr: pap the entire premium- the Mortgagee may apply the deposit to <br />pay l:mmiums on risks regnimd io rte incur vi t+S• this mntt;;ake <br />Payment made lay the 44 nr. ae r un=3 r he ah. - nragraphs may ai t! c n!~lttr rf the Mortgagee, he heid~hy it and <br />cummmgled with other ~ueh fund-: - it _ .. ~ 7- €nr ih_ a m-nt .,t ~+:rh t~m-, era -~ i1 w apptird,-such payments are herchy° <br />Flec+f;;rd as security for th.- unpaid halarcr n£ ih- m.:rt,:.~_~ indrbiednr•+.. <br />To ;:rotate, tie?i er -.- mi .mamta+n --. r il ~.. ri ~ 41 it f - -~ n ,the Life of tl c vtga;:r on°mal polities and <br />renevrai. t}ter~f, deliver i 3t ? r_i t- ?~n-s >Et - c •-- t ~ -t- -- - - - n=t lire ant? other +nsuranie <br />hazards, easualttes, and Ya mg,z riw a, the 41 _trtga;:• „t.++ requ re, to an amount x-qua+ .n ^the indebtedness secured h}• this <br />MorrK-age_ and in egmpanu=s acceptable so the lfurf.gagr•r, ..•,ih loss pavnhlr= c?sure :a tacar ni zmd m farm accrtrtahle to the ;tilortga- <br />gee- rn the event any policy es, nut renew<;! a: r ,:r t,.~f se ten d- :~; :~ ezpisattnr.. the 1lortcagme rnav pror-urr insurance on the <br />impravemencs, Fay the premium ther<-tar- .rod - t; _u n ~ ~ t i.t-a-,.. rrdtateli~ ti..c= and p2yahle with :nterect ai the rate sri <br />forth in said sou unb? ;+ax? and rhali !x ~-a~n=d h, tiu~ mart; ,no F~,jixure <.r. the cart <:f the Mortgagor to furnsh such r newels <br />as are herein reoutrt-d : r fauur.. to .a ~ ~u t an: a + -r ?i, a -'+ <,pti •.~f the 1 rt -a •nctttute a .:r-fault <br />under Che terms of thi.. mr.riKaKr. I h- a Sr. er ~ f u<.-: ; . i::. a-, .ha . ..r - .-rt . t rlrfa-t?t :,.,ns rtt. tr n SvrKnmc-,•+t :-" ,r un <br />earned premium. n <br />Any .uzas ten i rv th- 4i rizax .,. r t -,:.. + .e r ~ ~Ka:nst ;-:aa t -t,+: n- ~ v ±he 4f origa2ee <br />and applied toward the ..a mr n+ .f h deM ,. rubs-- .vrrd :., the ,ca on :-.f _ e V„rt~at;e±. -u.-h surr.v +-rt her ,vhn?ly o= in <br />tract --.tau be paid swot t , n 4-+: ss~ar ±„ h=- i I tt ..ucn -ic ~n •. o ld ~ na•u bud 3m- ~ : •4 ~ y I ~ f am <br />oEl;-r ;wrFrre or ub3e+'i ~atr~fact +r' :;= the 47 .r~.rr,.-e w+.ha. ui _ift~<t,.=c :he ?,r n : ,..,:, mur•;ta~r t ,he :ul! ~ m<.:,-[ ~~=r acct. here- <br />by before wch pa}•rnenl ever *.cx+k ;lace. <br />To prwnpt34 -epm r- restore .,r rebuild an} hu:d+ltn>;. ,~r unpruirmr-n;_; now-:~r h~rrat?<v „n the pr~mtses wio tch mag be- <br />came damaged nr destrav d~ a keep tiaai urem .-. -n poi=d runrit t,. ~ n; repot and free frr>rn am - hams - h- a- other lien ar <br />claim ci ?ten nut :•xprea?y ~ubord+natrd to the n + .trot, not +.> sari r r !x-rm t n~- :zn?awt ul ,ts, +n. taance to ex rot an <br />said pre petty our to trerm:f wa_,u •a+ sa+d, nu, ,o ,,.r ;+na- err ~-rci ~ < rh+~ r+•e cn+prrty tyre h, c-.nrc v~rd shall I~ecome <br />less v-aIvatzle- roc to ditnini>}+:,r :ml:a+r its :xlue by any sa•s cr *:m:ss:on to act to r. ern pli •.a tth ;ril ra~q uiremrnt-s o€ ;aw- with respect <br />to She mortgaged prime: 'S and the u±r ?herzuf. <br />That should the Fremr~ .,r am pan =hereof he taken or a;a:r,ax<-d ++.~ r< a", : „t anx pz:htrr :m Fr,.f ,r>-nt :.r . one:rrnatron <br />proeeedtng, ar under the right of .=m+nent dumarn, .:- rr+ env ether manner, the 4lortgage~ -nail tx• rnttilc i to all cumix'nsaito+ts, <br />awards, acrd any n;her lwyment c+r relief therefor. and sha42 tw en tilted, of its option. ter c:-=mnrrnee. aFf+rar in anri Fraeccute in iLc. <br />own name av}• actior, or prrxeed_+ng, ur to make any cumprumi-.r .?r WiLr!x=-i-oat :n ~cnna-ctses+ s: tt t+ suotz tz; k,,,;; <.r dar*tage :4ii sucix <br />cgmpenaa#ion: award:- danaagea„ right of 3etia:t and Fr-:r.c~is are 4ereby a.._sgneri to the 43orfKager- who rosy. after deducttnK <br />+'rer:eirom alk its expenses, release anY mgrteys sr: mceived }+} ix ar apply the samx+ a+n any indrbz •tlne>s sr*eureci hemhy-The Mari- <br />gaggr agree's fa execute such further axcignments ;if ang cumpen~trun- awarzls, damages, end right of action and f+raceeds ac dlt+! <br />Mgrtgagee may reQuire- <br />Thal in rase of failure to 1>irfornt any of the tmenan+_. h:-: ctn. the 4lartgagrc may da cn tite \fartgagur-s brhatf .•vrr..thinr, f <br />so govenattted; drat the Mat•tgagee may airs do any act rt me}- nr. rswry to ?;talc-ct the ;u-n thereof, that rhe• 4lnrtyagor +. +il - <br />repay ripen demand any moneys paid or disbursed hy- tt+e Martgagc•e fire any ai the above purF:xses, and such mars*ys tugettier x~tth ' <br />Stiterest thereon at She tale provided in said ngtC shall ix came en muvh addiUunal indehtc-rtness hereby K-cur Xi and may he in- <br />cluded in any decree forecitxing this martgaRr and tx- paid i,ut of the rente~. or pr.,cr~d, ct sale r.f card per+nisrs if not ott+etk-rw ~ - <br />pud; that ii shall not 6e aLligaktry upon €hr Mgrtgag>~ iu +nquere izsta, the ^: a;idiiy of arty lsen, r-ncumbrances. ur claim rn ad- <br />vsrrt~ng-moseys-as above auttwrirxd, but r+<+thing herein rantamed shall hr construed as requiring the hlorigagr-e to advance ang <br />mueCyc ~M any_ suit+ purpgse-zwr w .io any art hereurder; and that 4i.,rtgagee shad nc,t incur any pe rsunal tiabtlity tx•a.~ause ;,i any- <br />tirins,it may dq <ar omit to dq }rereunder. ' <br />In the event ai the c?efauli try .'+furfgagur in t}+r payment of any insiafJmeat, a, raqutraYi h}_ the man z• -r~urrcl he-re#;}- ::r <br />in the performanrx• of rice uL1iKaE+un to this more; age ar in rite note sea-ured t}terebv. the 4furtgagee .hall he r-ntuls-c1 i;+ der.;arr ihN <br />deft srxttrtst herrhy due and fwyab}e without nt;tii<, agai the .Lf ortgagee sh:+tl tie c-na.i tlrri at :t> .,pt:on. witlaaut n tire, .;niter Ity ttsrll <br />or 63' a receivrT Eo ba appointed 4tg• the court thereof, and without regard io the adegnaty of any seta city ferr the indebtednesu w. <br />eurer2 he{rhy, to enter vpgn -and fake po.§essinn of the mortgaged premises, and to collect and rr-cr-na• thF rent - resuei~ and profits <br />thereof; and-apply the settle-Tess rusts i,£ gl+eratinn and ax,llection, upon the indebteeness srrcu red by thin tnurtguge; >aid tents, <br />i:~s ~ ptrfib being herei+y assigned to the Mortgagee as furtF+er security far the payment of all indebudnes, s+rured hereby <br />Tt+w Mgrtgagee shall have the power to appoint any ages! or agents it may desire for :he purpaxa• rot n-?>ainng card t=rem~ <br />+taet, routing the-t+ptrae„ collet•tittft the tenter rev-enuas, and inrvme, and it may pay out of said mea+mr ail rzF.rna-ey uu sicced to rs•nt- <br />trrg acrd managlr+g the same ahd: of collecting the rentals iherefrr+m. 'Phe halanr:- remainuxK, if any. shall fx~ aFp?ird toward the <br />drscharte of the mprigpge ipdebtednosa- T=his assignment is ir. terminate and 1?eeome null and • o:d upon rr+leasi• of this mortgage. <br />1....._ <br />