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8p'+~ ~t1Z~"Ji '6 <br />DEED OF-TRUST <br />BH:N~FI(9AIZY -.. <br />AVt'O PINANt'IAL. S~RYtt'ES <br />INT@IiNATtC)NAL, INt'. <br />c~R:~N I'()R(til: 1oJ~Oj294 112 ~?est 22ncl <br />.. «.». .,... ,«.r. ... a. h.«E .,..r ,..,,,.,. iatTdressi - <br />S-~a£ford '~a:z L Stafford L~.o°tores D <br />42'! 41est 'l1th Gru.>~d island P:E &~rJ? errand islants, .Nt;Brcnsl:A <br />AC;RF:ED RATE--OF ('IiARG}: ON PROMISSORY NOTE EXECUTED CONCI}RRENT[,Y HEREWITH: 2-'.-.~ Per rn klih~a~n -tha;-part of tltc:unpaid-3fak~nce nl <br />^tr Amount Pinanrcd nm tviceeding $I,pW: Ilh$: per month nn any part thereof eztceeding $1,000 but not c~cecding $5,000; P(s:~per manN nn ihe-remainder. <br />THIS DIED OF TRUST. Made this- ~3Td. daY of i'i~~ l9 Q~ ,between ~''-nr?"t_j~artd 'f1o? o-~^PSx- T1_ A{'af''n rrl <br />hereinafter catkd TRL'STOR-, whose address is ;'`~ F ?;eSt _1? _i?_,~~Y"T'C~ T~~'tn Cls 1~'F' __{~.~1 , and "Hari r - - - <br />CO~aXtt _-_ , hereinxiter called TRUSTEE, whose address is }?t? Sntsth 1'~+rs Si iM.,'n^+ - .r.Rdn~ _ <br />and .4'pC0 FINANCIAL SERVICES INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Nebraska cnrporatiun, hkreinafter called BENEPICWRY. whose ~ address is ~- <br />,212 ?alest 2nd Grand ?slard, '' ~FcC1 <br />W7TNL•.SSETH: That Trustor GRANTS, CONVEYS, SELLS AND IVARRANTS TO TRUSTF:F?, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE. the following described <br />property, situated in ?~~~ ___._- ('oimry, Nebraska: <br />IAT ?:`TA'G' () ~iiX;'r, ".rli;,'~" 'G'..~" C c£; ~ , `',T~SSL.=. •;nuyL-I;.,*, ,,> ~S1D):?.1u<": TG il-',E CIi? <br />toeethet with all twildinr.s and lmpravement now c,r haresfter rrra:trd thereon and aa{ screens, au~nlnes. „lade., ssc,nr, sash and bisrtds_ and hratine, heh tine, <br />plombirrE, Baa electric, venriiatirrg, re?ri}tcnnn@ and alrcondivnnmP eyutptnenl usd ,n conneclaon eherewnh, ati .>f whuh, tw rite Purpose o: ~:,is t7eed of <br />Trust, chili be deemed itttura and subect to the lien hereof, and dte htteditztnrrrrs and appurtenances pertaLntna to the praptrty abcwe dr> :oed, and aEl <br />streets, taaes_ alleys, Pa#W'es• w~Ys, uatus, wale[ courses, rights, ilbernrs and priciie;es, whatsoever tlrtrrunGt bekanetnc ate m anuwt_u~ appertainure and the <br /> and remainders, aH of witirh is referred to hereinafter as the "prrmtses" <br />TD NA V£ AND TO HOLD-the above-described premises., wtiih the appurtenances and tiz tn: es, unto the utd uenctt~rary, rt> succr~sun and actt~ns, ti+r, rcr, f++r <br />tht purposes and uas hemiR- set #'orth, free Pram all rights and henefitc under and by virtue of :lm' f{omrstead t~stmptton Laws of the State of Nebraska <br />which tvay be L`nacied, whirls said right and 1-rcefits tfee said T, ru5tor doe. aetebv asptr~si5 rricr:e and uarvr,. <br />Trtrpw also atidpes to Benet"ieiaty all rents, iss,tes and }atafttx o premisrs. rrsrrvtnc the r>,klt; n .Direct and use the vine, a's:h a unh„ut takmc <br />possmion of the premises, during tonlinuancti of dctault htrtundey, and durng ~.?n:truarxe ,>f such default authoriiirg Benefitar,' t„•rnur upon ,atd <br />ptemifw arrd;'or to rolls[[ aad tnfor::e iht sarlte xirhswt ;rgard to adequacy o! an> se vrr:.~ [c,r the mdebledness htcrhv se ,r_°d h,~ soy lau tu} mrart. ±nvludine <br />3ppOintlneot ei a tECeivxr in the. name of artu pat?v tleYto, anl? €a app} the same Itss sots and eyp.-nsa..rr upervtwnr <r,d _oitcs-nun. ntciudtng raa+tmub{t <br />attorney's fees, upon any indebtedcess xsure3 hereby, ;n such order as Arneficr t}~ ma} artermmc. <br />l^'UR THE P('ItPOSE OF SECURI N(i iii Perinm,ar,se .rt each x,~rermtnt „t trastov .,nl':alncd hereon. ~ZS Paymrn! , r {+nnuP:tl sum unit <br />r th <br />inleRa., as provided iu accordance wish the terms and provisrnns ..i a Protmssurti Nulr _ 1_.,sn A}•rrrment (htreynatirr ;t{erred t_r .,, "'pr,amt,aur; <br />_ }.u.a. <br />~xtt. <br />-______. ~ _- _, :<t~,tir' .i - i Hid a -t:.a (~ ', e <br />order of lknet ~'~ ~~ '' ~ "- _ <br />tciaty, in the prv~crpal suns cf S a=s and having fie da.r r,1 tti pnaf }zty [.rent due .,n~ - ~ .~ ' <br />-.t _< <br />nr aS ttitended, defeneai +u rzwheduie-d ~nS :er,euaF .,s racnan~e. tat Pay~meot of an} .+ddotsnnal advant es, u~,Ht :n [crest <br />i11N,ltnt~ 3s4 rNy IlCrgfl[t be maned by Uenefr.'iatg to Trusrtar m e tnaxinyum sum ut $',t!r.ti.llt! uu{rlu 1<1 Y-esrs !loin the dose of •i,n th-td „ <br />'ITr,irtt: (ii The paymwrt of any money ihat may br advanced by the Bertefnvey ;., 7rusta~r rut arty sawn „r s„ t?!n'd pet rtes, with tnterest ;hrrr„n, s; bete nc~ <br />atsonacs see ndYanced to Proreci Ure seairity at ire a+:.vrdance wtth the .,.rrnant> .>I rhos ik,ed ry l,ru,t. , . , Atl} rrnesaa:. 'riinanrlnE „r ;.^s+ratssun o. ,.old <br />pror0isruay Hate, m any other agree,rrenr to pay -wtlich ma} be whstitutrd titerrft+r. <br />A8 paYrueats made by Txuxter on the obiigatirn, sso-urn ha this Dked of Trust shah bk appltsd yn tfx I„1l,>w my: +atdrr <br />F1R.ST'. To Tlk payment of taxes oral assessments that nxay t,e levied and ea*esstd aeautst sou} premiv,?a. uzsiuance preuuums. sepa+a. and a!i o!her ch.,re.^ <br />sod exp~t#es ageed to be paid h5 the 7rustsu. <br />SEUONQ: 7a tha paytnen! of interact due an +`aid loan~ <br />?H,iRD: Ta the payt~t of prinupaL <br />Tf} i'R6TEt"i~ TH£ Sfi'.;L'RtTS- HEA£C1F fzlaiUR1S1 CiyVEtiANT$ 4'dll :1GR€hS~ i a t r„ keep v:,? premtskc encored - aloe, e„-. - r er,i ., - <br />rr <br />haaardrs atralty asd s-ont3aAgCnciet, up to tha 1-utt varlet .,i :5; trop[ t lrzn;s. tvr the pr„tcw'n n ~t I3rnri>`larY ,n s i h ,annrr. ,n ,u.h d t 1 ~J ,n..~,h <br />EnIDpa9lCi ss:BealZTCialy ma}' inarn tint to toot a~tuty, ai+„ 4n 4: fr--`e - _{~, f;•Jl~r-s< - ~.1 - 't- Hai 't b n ~,cl-r} ~- f,r s --1 <,.n ... ,.. <br />iodebrrsdneas, ,vhcrttet $ue ,~r nut "it .si the rrsruratx+n c,f saki crop.. *•rnaents 1„ vt_n, „T r, x: 1-. u,:c r +, a3] ~r.r arlrnrdlar.- ,~ k, t,Y ,,. <br />wino rosy' ttralte proot of iota u trot made promptly by I"ruaror, xnd ea•- n lnsutarx company .cnecrrnd t' nrz h ~_ auth oed aw d rk --t J k ~ r -. ru,r,r ~.,~ <br />t4td1 bats dSalszily to the BcoetKiary insikad oft •he Tn:StuE. ''y I., pay aiE :a;<ts and speslat as',ess rarxts , , any .:rod r,ls..l.erc {wc„ ... • <br />au[Mad tFi?sm acid pretniaes, at,d io dtlirziy oslbcti~ tci. r !r,=,=an r urscs: of ~. Ben"t u , the a w e Pt - ny I <br />t rt s f <br />aatesamraix. {3r} Fn the etiaaE of rktautt tr- Trusrsar ar,drr Paragtayr{ts { ~ aY -e ISenettetar} ~: tt pry' n inn a p ~e d +,. "t E h . <br />Prosdad fen in :onx ihtotu~stItlon the tuz y tiers Deed ci .ysst and ~ xv he rasi:nablk near rums and bets Ltte b' p ii r. <br />witAout detcnniating the >'aGdrz, thereof and 4c} Pay such liens and air .~.h Gtst,ursrnc,ta slta,t {k der; ri,i a pa.t of .n .r.drt ,ill - . r + - t - ,y, .:: <br />Trrtat art shall rte intusediate-Iy dtu ara! MY"s<hie M Ttuet.,r to ft<nctt-i:.ti-, idy {n 4:esy- he bu [camas ant thri { r n si i ~- it <br />~pctod ap .,atedition and tepai:, not to cannon r surfer an} wt ~ty t arzy u alt sus pr nr: t : ntr ry t - r' i . t r r ~. d „ . .;d <br />tta _pkmlit ~t} In enter at ail reasonable tlrne> Fay hE pufgs fk ' f nc}x.' t ell f Itr rll}t t I It) -_ i !, i i n 1 hil' flp Y <br />pt~gxly and m a S~ asS wctkmanake manner a y, f ~. mII,; 's i' .~.~, - ,:,1 ~- t# ,n, r } - t~- t f- <br />Peatocros0-attd platcrtgLs fnrai -hete3or t$) Tlras he will pay irom,pt?} ,hs >1•.3r-k dacas near d t t-al " t i - 1 ~ the. - _ ,. <br />:ar~pTiaac€ tr'Ith the 6errns of said Ikumukrry Note ~'ui t{ta i)a,d - T" us . { 3 N st rhr..itus ,mot { a?vn,.n, „ t : i Lt-dn ~-t - -{ -.~ -r <br />purtir?n thcrtof, may Fla esterided i1r rettewr-1, -nd an pvr!i:tn . - .he I.r_n a rr:r.m der.. r-kwd et •itl.,; s=- f. i ..r <br />tipkkyi~t: app nr aftea.`tugg ihe.{>ntvrpai IiabRits ° a any ~tsun t the print its -.- !hn i.~cd t l n.- - . i Thar 6, dr.c. i ~ h, ., , „ . , <br />Traz+~r .def~-rht riUe-apd poagan rbetwtsgp~;i tLn £zwt`ui ctzavr =xf any ari all prr;cru> u~ha „or,`v.. .. ,. ... ~ , , .. <br />1`f ti.MUTliALLV AGRF.F17 TMA7z <br />(1}~'1, Wsdd Trustor fiai( I.y nsa~e ufY PayRtraa e., a#c .,n} rc# as zercin p t~'d ,r t ns .z t r -e.. ip ' r ,1 , <br />1!esetiaary`s Interest in the Ptsm~es, then Berters:ary t Truster #>v yz;a t r'iygatian s:, r, n3 t~_ ,. <br />,rn"dlart tekassatg Ttvsior from any otditp:wn ltersuntlkr, may make v, d.. ttr^ +ant . acid t lay naj nu h- . .- t <br />ear &i§n. wftich ie-the jyrr~rrmf uf-eit3se: apPaars bu offset said proper >; and ht ',xr ' r3in~ a 9t p„x t s ~ 1 yt , <br />r59n <br />~~a~i tiC 141 ~KIN.'3lIYCd ~~$CnL'~ACtarY 9J lIIftec k: -rrv>kl tn+TS" dECf{' nC YS.i4.:s 1n CrifS AI{ I- Si. Yn- < i- , --1'. l F3 t -., t i.~ <br />akd-paY#Ne-by Trusta:t, [;lull bra, yrter~i at .h':. h.gtes, ra,. ;,~ I„fitted t Ins-. , .,i ~„<,,, t- ..,, .,~ ,< , <br />!,'.s Shtitdd tits Pxssnisea to yam. part thetst.t oe ukkn by xe:easm ct au} .:,;udcrutatx.;-:n r .. c.ut;rG., h:. n. ri.aa,+ . „ ....-.: t e -. .., .. ,_. , .~ . <br />atathtr PSytrreais tlN:rel'cu; aril dv app{S 4ye tarai. ziri the mdehtedss~x 5e,:us.=c' h~are`:,t .. <br />e3; &? •vicep{tom ryymatt .d az9y xum herkbY w+:`ucno st c zra u #at ,r tt r hr tl - i ~ - .. .. <br />yyuu <br />'faire 16 rrsht to re ire lusmPf Pararteni yr ltgo due z - , soots x sk -u ea4 - ii. i r - -a -, . i ,, <br />~y su h nusna ~{ dtdaudt and of o{s+."{San tv sd3tt .?'!x any a-.timid br:,nae ->f r€taI uy~.tt_,.i ,a„ {t Bev, tr= -r ._ ~ - -. <br />~,ar~rd ~,~. ,. ,-"s's :Ytxe~:~ [tie s;fir tTictcrr+ a' aia ~yt ,n, 4x i'si< rr..:rn : , ..srr.. ,,,, ., ,._ ,. .., , .-... .. ... <br />as SAr# tt1[,7 •~#Gr Na--iN#"rALa.MaNT t,pAM t.Aw <br />