80--~Gf,~ MORTGAGE
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made thia~___ __211d- _. _ ___ day of _ _lllne_ _ . 19 fiQ_ , by and between
<br />David T. Schinke and Roberta J. Schinke husband and wife, each in his and her own
<br />r__ i_oht and as souse ~f_the_Qthe~----.-----
<br />of Nat f _County, Nebraska, sa mortgagor _.~,__, and Grand Island Tnrst Campeny of Grand Island, a corporetion
<br />nrganired and existing under the taws of Nebraska with iGs principal aHice and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee:
<br />4vITNESSETH: That said tortgagor_. S - ,for and in conafderation of the sum of _.~~_
<br />**t*****+*vt*+•kvr*vrvY!'.R#'i'+ .•p. f.«,..T.,:,.
<br />-_ TWn Ih011SdAd--TeA-.d0.7-1.d.CS--dAd__OQ/_1.j1Q_--------_.~ ~fAlB0~T1~ - ~`, I.
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do .~ by these presents mortgage end warrant unW satd:atoms,-its. ,and assigns,
<br />forever, ail the fotbwfngdescribed reel .state, situated in the County of _- - _ _- lla.l_l.. _..- _ ,-
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot Two Hundred Seventy Three (273j 'n West Lawn, an Addition to the City
<br />of Grand island, Hall County, t3ebraska.
<br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, iightfoft. and pittmbitvg equipment and fixtures, includmg screens, awaiags, storm windows and
<br />door, and window shades .~r blind:, used on or in coaneciroa with said property, whether the same are new located on said property or hereafi:r
<br />placed theaeaa.
<br />TO HAVE ARID TO HOLD THE SAME, together with el} and singular the tenements, hereditarrxnts and appurtenances thereunto be-
<br />longing, or is anywise apperteinirtq, forever, and wr-.rant the tit}e to the same. Said morgagor S. hereby covenant .. __- _ with said
<br />tnuttgagtr riot the y- 3rd. at the delivery rereof, the lawful owner S.. nt the prxmiaea above .ameyed sad described,
<br />and_. _are ~~ of a good uad mdafeasible estate of inheri[ant-e therein. flee and clear al alt eneumivranc «, _xrki Chat._ t. he~.will
<br />warrant std defeat} the tide tfreava fatnve: against the claims and demands of ail persons whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDED ALw AYS, and this ;^°trtuttent is executed and delivrrtd w seeun* t.4r payment o! the sum of ... _..._ -_.__-____
<br />__.SIMO_TTj1flu5arid. TP~.~IIlL3rS_.3Rd__~l,.~Q__**rr;rre+•*+r,r#r•*.**.. Dollars tS .- 2xD-~.Q_LtD-------. _...__.___~ I.
<br />Mitt interest thereon, t:~gether with such charges and advantrs as [nay be due ttnd payable to said mortgagee under the terms amt mtditinns
<br />of the pmmssaory gi,`ae +d even date berrrr tch an8 sec-umi ivrreivy, executrni fiy saio mortgagor _-$ _ to .ard mortgagee, payalrie as expressed
<br />ie said mte, aotf m secure the performarvice of aL' the terms and conditions contained thered. The terms of eau! now are hereby incorporated
<br />irasaio by this referst7cr-.
<br />It is rho inteatioa and sgroamsnt of the parties itareto chat riti_c mortgage shat; also secure anv tutus advances made w said mortgagors,
<br />by said • and any aa$ all udebt>,drv.ss .n additr<YU w the avtwvmt strove stated whit}, said mortgagors, ar arty of [tram. nw}• .we to
<br />said rarxtgague, Ivawevea evideacvd, whether ny note, bark account car other a>_,e. ~f"his xreartgage shalt camera in full force end effect hetw~n
<br />the partfea hereuv and tixtr heirs, persoard rtytte-enutrvns, successors and assigns, until al amcrunrs sra-ur2d hereurwer, utcluding fuwre
<br />advarwes, are Paid tq ftfi wttC rate-asst.
<br />The svartgagor.S.... #tareby asst(lrt w sad ntortgagae ail rwt~ and ;ammo ansutg ai any anti nit tunes from win! property .+nG
<br />hereby suii'wrize sand naart&r+sae ar its ageui, ai ;ts apace, apse. default, to ?aka charge of said prapezty aqd collect sit nut+ acrd vnconv*,
<br />thradrara and apply the same to the payment of intesast, prncfpai, iasuranre premiums, taxes, assxsman4. repaus- c,r improvement:.
<br />necessary w k~P said pert,. va teaaaiattle condition, ar w othez charges ar paymeais provsded ioz hen.ut or .^ the Hate beech}~ sea:ured. 'I'hv,
<br />waft aatdghmeat shall tontiarie m facto uaU} the unpaid tralaarx of seed note rs #-uily peed. The tvtinng of passe-awn hrseunder shat: m no m;arrnrr
<br />peaxan4 ar raa:d said mozLRrtg`e in-the rvlleraaoa of acid a;tms by £asecloaure ar athcsr.~ise.
<br />The atilure of the m~tg~aa w a~i:ea env of v s cigars ~nnder aFV any u~ ~sall srctt kre a:,n.~e=^.;~i as a m~aiv~ cf t~ : ~trt !n ~-react :.rr
<br />sable at aqy lalq' time. and w insist upon sad eafut're sL"!tt ."'=passer. with a!i the turns arxd prcvuwna of Hard t:~te and of this nxt:.yny;r.
<br />If said morFpQvr S shat} cause to be pan't` w sand mesYgagre tax en[ua amuuat ;'.re tt hereuttdrr, and under rho tvrrna and pruv:stuns
<br />of said elate hereby aecumd, including Itnatre advar>cer:, acrd an-y exwaswas ar renewaFs t.barec,f in aecurdanc:e wtth the tern°..s and provolone
<br />ifraraaf, std if said tnottdsy}ur _-.~. sfutll cmtpfy with alt tine provta~cas of sax} rota and o€ thee mortgate„ than tha:n.:• presents shall the vow.
<br />otherwise to ratorin is tall foax ands`Sfe~c;, and said tao2gagde shaft Iva enla:od to thv paxsesswn of au n£ ewid praprrty. and Wrap. at its tgattnn.
<br />drrLre the whoLt of said rote sad ell indabi~dnras rclvrtraraaxl titerehv to tk ;uugatliately tiw: and pa}-able. and map #tnxx~e<vae this War: CKa#;r
<br />ra tetra any oihea tarsal attics io ttraaeet its riyyht. Apprai+emant wa.vrd.
<br />This mortKrr}„e shed kw biodtng upon ara,1 alutil ervo-rre ao the Ivanefit crf the firers, rsecumra, ndtnuvzstrauvrs. su.cesHrro and nss~~u cat the
<br />resjveCGive paf4i~ hereto..
<br />IN 14`I7':tiiESti Lt'I:i•:IihAiF, 4Su=.,y-rtgru .i ha'FE Ivi-- ~ ~ tt~3.1^..- `v °t.~r!,? - thef3tvy
<br />~y~y~~ / .ear f
<br />~ ~ ,
<br />ra x Y Schinke
<br />_ . ~r
<br />;c~berta .?. `ctlittkr~ -
<br />