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�.�a5i.� . �r/ �J��`r .-. -_ <br /> _.�,.�ir�--• ---� „� .� .. . '�._ .. .._ �` -�- <br /> � -i. <br /> F' �.. ���� <br /> _� :41. . ,:t.' .a::�scs •_ <br /> .-— . — - :{t��' � � -- .�.•-..�.r."�r- <br /> -i ..t:�Ii�Yrwt ' <br /> n oU_.. . �„� <br /> .. '_� .�aLtuoi <br /> ----- 92-- 1 U0676 <br /> qw Prap�ny Is a�M o►d��b•���atl hav�th�optlon,in Iq wl�and absolut�dl�cntion,w�pplq all ach P�ocMd�. <br /> dqK d�duetlnp th���irom�II cosq and�xpMe�s�ncun�d by it in conn�otlon with wch ProcNd�,upon any f�n�s�aund <br /> hereby and In such ord�r a I.�ndsr m�y dst�rmin�,or to�ppty�II�uah Proce!d�,db►tuch doducdon�.W th�re�tondon of tl� <br /> _ �:,,;�;��� Property upon wch condiUon�as Land�r may dst�rmin�.Any�ppllc�tlon of Prxwds W Ind�bt�dn�ss�ha��not�xt�nd or paWon� <br /> - —__� Ih�dw d�ts of any paymsna und�r th�Nob,or cun�ny d�hult Ih�nundK or honund�r.A�y un�ppll�d lunds s1w11 bw paid to <br /> ---- <br /> —__= Trwta. <br /> .�;��''::.• <br /> �___ ________�� 9. P�Aornwnca by L�ndN.Upon Ihe occur��nce of an Bvent of Default heroundar,or 11 any�ct b taken or lepal praa np <br /> �.,�.o�..;.;;,.� commmced whlch materially eHecfs Lender'�interest In the Property.Lender may fn its own dlocrelbn,but wlthout oblipntian to do • <br /> _ � �o,�nd without noUcs to or demand upon Trwtor and without r�leaeinp T�uitor trom Any obligation,do any ect whfoh Truator has <br /> ���:t_� apreed but faila to do and m4y al�o do a�y oth�r act it deema necesaary to protect the�ecurity hereol.Trustor shall,immedfaUty <br /> �LM�.�� upon dem�nd th�roior by Lender,pay to Lend�r all aoste and expenoea Incurred and suma e�pended by Lendor in connectlon wlth <br /> the exerclee by Lender of the forepoinp rl�hte,to�ethsr with intereat thereon et the daTault rate provided in the Nnte,whlah�hall bn <br /> .��:�� :�,:.�.F added to dw indobtednoss=ecured h�raby.Lendor shall not incur any Ilebility bw:auco of anylhinp i1 maY da or omit to do <br /> --�.,�.:r-•.�ra.: harwnder. <br /> ,�,,;, ->a� 9. Hwrdou�M�t�lau.TruaWr ahall keep 1he Properly in compllence with all applicabte lews,ordine�cea end regul�tians _ <br /> �1 relatlnp to Induatrial hygiene or environmsntel protecpon(collectl�ely referred to herein aa"Environmentel Lew�").Trusta shall <br /> ���'�+�;,, keep the Property(ree Irom a11 sub�tences deemed to be hazardoue or toxic under any Environmental Laws(collecGvely referrad to <br /> '-:_'. <br /> - hereln es"Haza�dous Materiels"►.Truetor hereby warrents and reDresents to Lender thet there are no Hazardous Materlala on or <br /> unde�lhe Properly.Trustor hereby a�reea to Indemniiy and hold hannlees Lende►."7 dlrectora,oflicera.amployees end apants,end <br /> ' �� any euccessors to Lender's Interest,lrom and e�afnst eny and all claime,demages,losses and liabililies arlsiny In connecdon wlth <br /> the presence,use,dlsposal or hanapo►t of any Hazardous Matenals on, under,Irom or about the Properly.THE FOREGOIN(i <br /> WARRANTIE3 AND REPRESENTATIONS.AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIQATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FORE(301NO INOEMNITY,SHALL <br /> ---� -� '�'"'�"��s� SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS GEEO OF TRU3T. - <br /> -�-�=��=`_� 10. Aqlynm�nt of Rtnb.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender the renta,isaues and proflb of�he Properry:provided that Truator � <br /> -,:,��r��_;•,. <br /> .��.,��.�;�1 shell,uMfl ihe occurrence ol en Event ol Oefault hereunder,have the riyht to Collect and retafn such renla,issues and prullta aB t ey <br /> �'�• become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an EveM of Default,Lender may,elther in person or by e9ent,wfth or wfthout <br /> _ '`"�'���;,'�� ��} brinpiny any action or proceedinp,or by a receiver appofnted by a court and without regard lo tiie edequacy of its sacurity,enter _ <br /> �'", <br /> �'S��`� j�`'�''± u on end take possassion ot the Property,or any part thereof.In ita own name or in the name of the Tn�stee,end do any acts which it <br /> �. �,,:� ;�45'�a-��„•. : P <br /> ��,M:�;;, � deema necoasary pr desirable to preserve the value,marketability or renlablllty o!the Property,or any part thereol or interQat thereln, <br /> . -R►'"" `�� fncrease the incdme lherefrom or proteat the security horeot and,with or�rithout taking posseasion of the Proparty,aue for or <br /> '�"" otherwlsa collect the rents,Issuea and�roflta thereol,Including those pasl due and unpald,and apply the same,leas cosls and <br /> — �'�����' expenses of operatlo�and collectfon including aRorneys'feea,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,ell in auch arder as Lender <br /> �., ���" �"'~=' ° . mey determine.The eMering upoo and takfnp pOSSession of the Property,the collection of such rents,issues and pro0ts and the <br /> applicatlon thereof as atoresald,ehall not cure or walve any defeult or notice of de(ault he►eunder or invalldate eny act done In <br /> _ . , .��-`. <br /> response to such detault or pu�suant to s��ch notice of delault and,notwlthstanding the continuance in possesslon ol the Property or <br /> - � '�..,��'�'��''' !he Coflectlor.,receipt end epp�icatlon oi rente, iaeuee or protits,and Trustee and Lander shall be enGlled to 6xercise every rlpht <br /> ,..,�,: . �����,�i � provided tor In any oi the Loan Ins1rurcenta or by lew upon occurrence of any Event ot pefauic,mciuqing wili�uut iirr�itailor�th8 rlgh! <br /> '�' " � �'��_:yl . W exarcise the power of sale.Further,Lender's rlphta and remedies under thls paragraph shall be cumul�tive wlth,and In no way a <br /> -Ya•,f.;�•.:d.,;;,5��,i;;ii�:•,.. Umltatlon on,l.ender's rigMs and remedles under any asslgnment of feases and renta recorded against the Prope►ly.Lender,Truatee <br /> = and the receiver shall be liable to account only lor those rents actually received. _ <br />--°--��•�:��r�-''•� '� � 11. Er�ab ot Odaufl.The followMg shell cnnsUtute an Event of Detault under thla Qeed ol Trust __ <br />--;.��;����.,�. , ; �' (a) Fallure to pay eny �nsWllment of principal or Mterest of any other sum secured hereby when dua: _ <br /> _:� � . (b) A breach of or detault under any provlsion contalned 1n the Note,tMs Deed of fruat,any ol the Loan Inatruments,a�any _ <br /> "°-- . p:,.� .� other Ilen or encumb►ance upon the Pruperry; -- <br /> _-��; <br /> r�_�y ,. •,,,+�� � (c) A wrft ot execullon or attachment or any afmllar procees shall be entered eyalnit Tru�tor which shall bocome a Ifea on <br /> Y-G�. ;��;,,-,,,,,,,,.,.�,,���`' the Properly or any poAion thereot or mteresl fhereln; _ <br /> =-- � � ••� (d) There shall be Illed by or agalnst Truator or Borrower an ncuon under any present or future federal,state or other <br /> �— .� � staWte,lew or►egulatfon relatfng to bankruptcy,msolvency or other relief tor debrors;or there ahall be appMnted any trustee. <br />'�—,y, ��„*o�'tZ:;�':?.,,. recelver or liqufdatar ol Truator or Borrower or ol all or any part ot the Property,or the rents,fssues or proflte thereof,or Truetor _ <br /> �� '�� L.;,:;,,;,� or porrower shall make any ge�eral asslgnment lor the beneld o(creddors, _ <br /> - ,"�F"'.,:.: .f�,.;., _. <br /> T'�„��,.�,�- . (e) The eale,transler, lease.asslgqment,conveyance or further encumbrance of a11 or any part of or any fntereat n e <br /> �.�., , � Property,efther volunterily or involunterfly,Without the express•Nnrien conaent of 4ender; provided that Trustor shell be <br />-_:��r:, . <br /> -,,,�±;:. � permitteC to exec�te a lease ot the Property that does not conteln an optlon to purchase end the term of which does notexceed - <br /> LL :,�„�,,...�... <br /> —._ ,. s�:., ::"• ' one year, _ <br /> _=_y ``�;,"••�.�'. � � � (� Abandonment o1 the Property;or <br /> •••.:�: ,� . .b �) II Truator 1e not en indlvidua�,the Iasuence,sale,lransfer,assiynmenL conveyance or encumbrance ol more lhen a total <br /> ;�.�z�'.. __. , . _ <br />��'n-a�� � � ' <br /> �--.�,;,�,�,,,,�:,���. �� perce��t of(if a corporatfon)its fssued and outstanding stock or(if a partnershlp)a totel of percent ol <br /> `" --- �=i:�.A; < peAnershlp Mterests during the period this Deed oi Trust remefns a Ilen on 1he Properry. <br /> v��;.�'e,�:�.��`� 12, p�m�dl�r,Aee�Nndon Upon ONault.In the event ol any Event of Default Lender mey,wlthout notice except as requlred by <br /> ='�.��' . � ' law, declare all indebtedneas secured hereby to be due and payeble and the same shall thereupon become due and payable <br /> „��.,,n' `�;��-�,;� �" wlthout any presentmen�demand,protest a notice o1 eny klnd.Thereafter Lender may: <br />-�.�,_, . , (a) Uemend thet Trustee exercl�e the POWER OF SALH granted hereln, and Trustee shall thereafter cause Truetor's <br /> Interast In the Property te be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,a0 in tho rr.anner prowded fn the�Jebreska Trusl Daeds <br />"��,��• '.. � AcN, <br /> _•;-..m�P • y, � (b) Exerclse any and a:l riflhts provided lor In any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence af any Event of <br /> Defau��and <br />;;�,� . (c) CommenCe an aCtwn to toreclose thls Dee d ol Trust as a mort ga ge.appo�nt a receiver,or speci(iCally enforce any of the _ <br /> .r�- covenanta hereof. <br />'�i No remedy herein conferred upon or reaerved to Trustee or Lender is�nlended to be excluarve of any othar remedy herefn,m the <br /> Loan Inatruments or by lew provided o�permfried,but each shall be cumulative,sha11 be in addltion tc every other remedy given <br /> :�.. ... <br /> .rr,: , hereunder,in the Loan Insirumenta or now or hereatter exfstlnq at lew or In equity or by statute,and may be exercised concurrently. <br /> ' IndepESndently or succesalvely. <br /> 13. TruNN. The Trustee mey resign at any t�me w�thout cause,and LPnder may at eny and wrth��t cauae appomt a <br /> successor or substftute Trustee.Trustee shall not be liable to any party,including w�thout limilativn lender,Borrowar,Trustor or any <br />.4� � purChaser of the Property.lor any losa or damage u�less duo to reckless or wilHul m�sconduct,antl shail not be required to takeany <br /> •�� aCtlon In ConneCtlon wfth the enlorcement ol th�s Deed o}T.ust unless mdemmiied,in wnting, tor all costs,compensetion or <br /> - .�tie�e.o�anv aalr+nf thw ProDBAv liUdICl81 O� <br /> 6xpenses whlch mey be essoC�3tea merewnn. in add�iiun.T�u6ioo�Tia�`v�C:..`..��i.�•-••----•—•- , -- - • • - <br /> . �. under the power ol sele granted herein�;postpone the sale ot a11 or any portion of Ihe Properry,as prowded by law:or sell the <br /> ` ' PrOperty a8 a whole.o►in separate percels or lots at Tr�stee's dlscretion. <br />_;�," 14. Fea�and Exp�n�„.In the event 7rustoe sells tlte Properry by exercise of power ol sale.Trustee ahall be entltled to apply <br /> • ' any 9ale proCeeds flrst to peyment ol all Coata and ezpensea of exerclsing power ot sale.�ncluding a�l Trustea's Iees.and Le�der's <br /> �' �� . �;, and Trustee's attorney's fees.actually InCUrred to extent permitted by applicable law.ln the event Borrower or Trustor exertisea any <br /> . � rfpht provided by law to cure an Ever�t ot Oelaull.Lender shell be ent�tlod to recover trom 7rustor all costs and expenses actually <br /> . • Incurred as e result of Tru4tor's delault,mcludinp wunout Ifmitatfon a11 Trustees and atlorney's the extent permiKed by <br /> � appllcable law. <br /> � 15. Futur� �dwncN.Upon requeat ol Borrower, Lender may,at �ts opUOn, make addrtwnal and luture edvonces and re- <br /> advences to Bor�ower.Such advances and readvar.ces,wfth Interest thereon,shall be secured by this Oeed of Trust.At no Ume ahall <br /> ' ' the prinClpel amount ol fhe lndebledness secured by thls Deed of Trust,ncl�l��ns edvenCed to protect Ihe socunly ol this � <br /> . - Deod of Trusf.exceed the ori�lnal princfpal amount state�l herefn.or S whichever�s grealer. � <br /> ,. r , <br /> , <br /> , _. -- .. .- �.r- - _- - - - - --- - <br />