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Project xo, 90-6o?y <br />April 29, 1980 <br />Page 2 <br />$~~'© <br />LEGAL ~TsSCRIPTIQN <br />A treat of land 2n part of the b'W} of thr, NW} of section 3$, TION, <br />R9W of the 6th P,H.. Halt County. Nebrssita, Easing roots particularly <br />descrllxd as follows: Commanetng at the Northwest Horner of said <br />Section 35s thence South for 274.00 feet along the Westerly line <br />of the NW} of said Section 35 to the true point of tseglnnings thence <br />s89~36'45"E for 393.00 feet on a tine 274,00 feet fro;a and ~,rallel <br />with the Northerly 11ne of the NW} of satd Section Sys thence South <br />for 360.00 feet; thence N89'36'4~"W far 393.00 feet to a point on <br />the- Westerly 11ne of the NW} of said 5ectlon Sys thence North for <br />360.00 feet slant the Westerly ltne of the NW} of said Section 35. <br />to the point of taeg2nnlnR. {The Wenter2y 21ne of the NW} of said <br />Section 3j assumed North-South to direction.} Containing 3,25 Aores <br />leas road r2ght-of-May. <br />