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Project No, 80-60~g <br />Aprii 29, 1980 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />LEGAL nESCRIPTION <br />A tract of land Ln part of the NW} of the NW} of Seetton 35, T10N~ <br />R9W ~f the 6th P,M „ Hall County. Nebraska, being more particularly <br />described as folloxa: Commencing at the Northxeat corner at said <br />Seatlon 3St thence South for 2?4,00 feet along the Westerly line <br />of the NW} of said Section 35 to the true point of beginning; thence <br />S89.36'OS"E for 393.00 feet an a line ?_?4,00 feet from and parallel <br />xith the Northerly line of the t7W} of c:aid Section 35; thence South <br />for 360,00 feet; thence N$9.3li'05"W far 393,00 feet to a p..ant cn <br />the Westerly line of the NW} of said Section ~5; thence North for <br />360,00 feet along the Weateriy line of the NW of said Seotlon 35 <br />to Lhe point of beglnnlnpc, (The We aterly line of the NW; of said <br />Section 35 assumed North-South in dLYectlon,) Containing 3,25 Aarea <br />less rosd r1ghL-of-way, <br />